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IMPORTANT: Big TWD changes on the way!

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  • #46
    Let's just hope that the sibling registration doesn't become automated.



    • #47
      Originally posted by Spikester
      We got 2 computers at home and they're next to each other and we just get on the comp that's available. You mean we can't do this anymore because of this?
      Originally posted by Weaver
      Players will be able to add extra computers to their TWD account
      Read the whole post :P I told you my system is cooler than you think.
      Ban Ikrit


      • #48
        Originally posted by Ikrit
        Read the whole post :P I told you my system is cooler than you think.

        gj man!

        its good to see a good improvements on the system and bots. always walk forward with it!

        thank you and the staff for the effort. :wub:


        • #49
          Originally posted by Weaver
          Wax the siblings are an unavoidable loophole. However a lot of the players who cause the biggest problems in TWD are players who have been playing in TW for awhile and its relatively easy to find out about them from either our own databases or other players. The new system will completely eliminate the problem of people registering names everywhere they have access to a computer and the internet. I'm sure some players will still slip through the cracks, but I'd venture a guess that only a few percent of doublesquadders are registered as fake siblings.

          The alternative is to only allow one name per household and that is not something I'm willing to do.

          Edit: yeah wax, squad history will most likely be erased.

          "However a lot of the players who cause the biggest problems in TWD are players who have been playing in TW for awhile and its relatively easy to find out about them from either our own databases or other players. The new system will completely eliminate the problem of people registering names everywhere they have access to a computer and the internet."

          basically your saying that you guys will be hacked onto our computer, and have full access to our internet and anything else you guys want. Also how do we know that this wont send out virus's if you have access to our computers and internet access?


          • #50
            This is a good idea, I'll be glad to see the back of doublesquadders they are ruining twd, although losing squad history is a blow so to play on multiple computers we just have to log on to another computer and ask an op if that computer can be activated for my name aswell? Keep up the work weav and co.
            TWL-J Season 11 Champion
            TWL-J Season 21 Champion
            TWL-B Season 21 Champion
            TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
            TWDT-D 2017 Champion
            TWDT-J 2017 Champion


            • #51
              yeah too bad about squad history, it let u see players pasts, but its for the best, gj guys
              1:abbot> i think i played well
              1:brookus> abbot last time i checked YOU lost
              1:brookus> so im going to say that YOU sucked as well

              7:Sleuth> HOW DO YOU FUCKS SAY CRACKER
              7:Vue> WE SAY CRACKER
              7:Vue> U DIPSHIT

              7:Rampage Jackson> wtf are you guys drunk or 15?
              7:Vue> lol jackson when sleuth is online everyone becomes 15

              oar> i got rejected from Stray
              oar> and both of their caps are on my personal chat
              oar> but its ok


              • #52
                Originally posted by winipcfg
                Let's just hope that the sibling registration doesn't become automated.
                TWD Op's have had it done manually this far and that process wont change.
                Original Mambonian
                TWD Head Coordinator

                Its frustrating to write these lines after every post^
                I'd hope there would be another some automatic system that fills them itself after every post.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Spikester
                  me and havu switch comps all the time, will this thing effect our gameplay?
                  Yeah and since i'm your bro i need to be able to play on your and havus comps and vice versa.


                  • #54
                    Sorry bout that, didn't read the first post too carefully :fear:

                    SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?


                    • #55
                      waw it sure is good to have NO family hehe
                      Rudy> Maisoul has a history of making men out of girls. Something in his physiology.

                      Morgane> was that fun?
                      waxer> like the first time i had sex, i cried
                      Morgane> u really cried the first time u had sex?
                      waxer> LOl,no
                      waxer> im just like kthx, i never had sex


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by cLoTh
                        "However a lot of the players who cause the biggest problems in TWD are players who have been playing in TW for awhile and its relatively easy to find out about them from either our own databases or other players. The new system will completely eliminate the problem of people registering names everywhere they have access to a computer and the internet."

                        basically your saying that you guys will be hacked onto our computer, and have full access to our internet and anything else you guys want. Also how do we know that this wont send out virus's if you have access to our computers and internet access?
                        I hope you're kidding. If you aren't, then you are putting word into my mouth and I really don't appreciate it. What I said is exactly what I meant though, players who have been around a long time have a long history in TW and its relatively easy to find out about them. If you're just looking for an arguement, save it for a different forum.

                        On another note, I'm glad that the publics response to these changes has been so positive =)


                        • #57
                          Wow, this is such a nice idea. No more new namers ruining the theme "Oh, that squad sucks." without an actual skilled player in the game. Although, this will hurt peoples squad history, but hey, making a new one is always better! Good work on this new development guys, its nice to see some dudEZ have the time to increase the enjoyment of SSCU Trench Wars.

                          __________________________________________________ ______
                          I'ma PakDatAss nice and clean
                          Mr. Arrogant 2 entered arena

                          Paky Dude> asdfasdf
                          Paky Dude> sdfasdkl;fasdklfjkl
                          Paky Dude> asl'fjalsdkfjkldfj
                          Paky Dude> jfalsfjklasdjfklsdfj
                          Paky Dude> now gtfo

                          Mr. Arrogant 2 left arena


                          • #58
                            Keep the 12 hr rule out :< or at least reduce it do 5 hours and would be great to keep the squad history
                            1:Ease> i probably am gay
                            1:Ease> i just haven't realized it yet


                            • #59
                              what will happen with full charge greens and twjd/twlj base
                              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Jones
                                what will happen with full charge greens and twjd/twlj base
                                They will all be given to you.

                                I think this is the wrong thread buddy. This is talking about the twd player and squad systems, not the arenas.
                                How many babies does it take to paint a wall?
                                Depends on how hard you throw them.

                                (Goddess)>there is nothing funny about children dieing or getting killed ya fukkin idiot
                                (Goddess)>Do you use any other names?
                                (Goddess)>They are all on permanent ignore


                                How do you keep a baby from falling down a well?
                                Stick a javeling through its head. :death:

