I did this up in response to some of my concerns and some things i read in pl's sticky love post, (mmm sticky love) gross, anyways, i remember not too long ago when we would have 4 twbd arenas rocking all weekend long, and it saddens me that those days have left us behind.
Rarely on the week days do i even see twbd2 in action. so im asking that anyone who may have account at mmorpg.com could gradualy and tactfully keep this thread bumped for a few days.if you can help, i beg that you do it in a polite non spaming or desperate looking form. it should be noted that within the first 5mins of posting it, it had over 50 views.
wether your game is bd/jd/dd or all of the above, nobody is happy when you have to log on and wait a couple hours in the hopes of getting one or 2 games. like i said in the post, this is one of very few games that you can just load up in seconds, jump in and blast away for a while then head out. thats what i have always loved about it, its convenient(well that and the people).
thats all i have to say about that, and thanks in advance to those who help out, and if you cant post lets spread the link around as far and wide as we can, and perhaps pureluck can cover us all in more sticky love? muahaha
i crack me up
ps. i know i should have posted this in one of the sticky threads, and i apologize, but this way it will be noticed by everyone.
Rarely on the week days do i even see twbd2 in action. so im asking that anyone who may have account at mmorpg.com could gradualy and tactfully keep this thread bumped for a few days.if you can help, i beg that you do it in a polite non spaming or desperate looking form. it should be noted that within the first 5mins of posting it, it had over 50 views.
wether your game is bd/jd/dd or all of the above, nobody is happy when you have to log on and wait a couple hours in the hopes of getting one or 2 games. like i said in the post, this is one of very few games that you can just load up in seconds, jump in and blast away for a while then head out. thats what i have always loved about it, its convenient(well that and the people).
thats all i have to say about that, and thanks in advance to those who help out, and if you cant post lets spread the link around as far and wide as we can, and perhaps pureluck can cover us all in more sticky love? muahaha
i crack me up
ps. i know i should have posted this in one of the sticky threads, and i apologize, but this way it will be noticed by everyone.