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My Thread is new Respect Thread?

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  • My Thread is new Respect Thread?

    But How?
    Rabble Rabble Rabble

  • #2
    useless topic?

    1. “The ultimate goal of Trench Wars is the development and maintenance of an on-line community that fosters teamwork.”

    Ok this means the Pub focus needs to get on Basing, since there is a flag to concour it would be weird to have people work together on killing eachother in spawn as wb.

    2. “We acknowledge that we are, first and foremost, a gaming community that should represent the highest level of play for an online game. Teamwork is a primarily consideration for our community since we believe that there is nothing we can do as individuals that we cannot do better as a team.”

    Yes, you just said teamwork is important, however you add the word "competitive" this time, very good, that is what makes people play this game, not because of the good looks but because of the competitive gameplay.

    3. “To maintain the game play focus of this zone; Basing, and to promote it to newer players and establish it within the community (Publics), while not neglecting other aspects of Trench Wars, such as the dueling aspect of Trench Wars.”

    You make 2 points about wanting to have people work as a team on holding the flag, yet those who play dueling in pub should not be pushed into basing.
    Weird, you want everyone to base but not those who don't at the moment.

    4. “To maintain the competitiveness within the zone, by introducing new players to TWD and TWL respectively.”

    yes, TWD and TWL should get active.


    What should be done now is trying to reach these goals without changing the game enough to make people not like it anymore.

    People do not like to see their shipsettings changed, people do not like to adapt to a new map. Well atleast not many of them, those will leave, those who like it wont bring them back.

    Remember Dock> saying a change in pub settings or map should not be done.

    But does this matter for reaching the goals?

    no, ship settings neither a change of map is needed to achieve:

    teamwork with the focus on base
    competitive gameplay

    First we need to see the problem and why it needs change.

    why do people not work together enough to get the flag in pub?
    because there is not much of a reward for holding the flag - why get flag?
    the answer to this should be very clear and encourage people to get the flag and work together as a team for it.

    by completing this you will get - teamwork with focus on base and competitive gameplay.

    what is my solution?

    simply: a bot like the one in ?go base without shiprestrictions/speccing people

    You are thinking the levi will still ruin the basing? could be, perhaps people care enough for base levi does not make a problem anymore.
    Levi still is a problem, do we need to fuk up the levi players and change their ship to achieve basing while levi can happen?
    NO - limiting 1 levi per freq / levi is worth something-has base to kill, levi is wanted-people will play more to get most points so they can pick levi.

    A simple way of achieving teamwork and competitive gameplay without fuking up anyones game too much.
    Only the loyal count.


    • #3
      Wark, keep your stupid "but how?" posts consolidated in the one thread or you'll be smacked for spamming. They are not funny, and even less so when they have zero content to them and seen every time I hit new posts.


      • #4
        Formerly EEK! A Spider!
        Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


        • #5
          This is respect thread among all ss



          • #6
            Hey, this is a legit question, honestly. I made one thread and next thing I knew there were like 5 of them. I wanted to know how my thread became respect thread.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble

