Hello everyone, I am from the game Battlezone, you may have heard of it, you may have not..
~AA~, Angry Angels, has around 200 members in Bz,and 10 in SS; the only bad thing is, Bz is slowly dying. My members are looking for new games to move into, and the Founders chose SS.I just wanted to introduce myself, and my clan, soon more members will be registering for the forums, and posting frequently..
Within a 3 week time period, our webpage should be back up(rebuilding) and we should be signed up for the TWL-B.Hopefully, I will see alot of you around in TW and get the chance to play with you..
~AA~ is a clan(not a squad) based not on skill, even though skill is a plus, we are based on honor and integrity.
If you have any questions about ~AA~ you can ICQ me at 255123152.
~AA~, Angry Angels, has around 200 members in Bz,and 10 in SS; the only bad thing is, Bz is slowly dying. My members are looking for new games to move into, and the Founders chose SS.I just wanted to introduce myself, and my clan, soon more members will be registering for the forums, and posting frequently..
Within a 3 week time period, our webpage should be back up(rebuilding) and we should be signed up for the TWL-B.Hopefully, I will see alot of you around in TW and get the chance to play with you..
~AA~ is a clan(not a squad) based not on skill, even though skill is a plus, we are based on honor and integrity.
If you have any questions about ~AA~ you can ICQ me at 255123152.