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  • Wow, all this talk of God...... without me! hehe
    Blueblaze believes in a literal 7 days with God's creation. This belief is just as far out there and twisted as other beliefs of ignorance; like the Jehovah Witnesses. But then again, my beliefs seem pretty twisted to many.

    If the 7 day creation is literal, where was the opportunity for Lucifer to fall?
    ...and how does one account for "The earth became formless & void"? (which was the result of Lucifer's fall)
    ...and what about this verse: 2Pt:3:8: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Wouldn't this mean that each day was not a literal 24 hour day, but a 1000 year day?

    The world is Billions of years old. Science is, for the most part, right. Dinosaurs were in the world that was... and were victims of the rebellion.


    • Originally posted by Ewan View Post
      Can you please explain to me, in your own words, how changes in the magnetic field of the earth can affect carbon dating?

      Also, I chuckled at "the earth spinning so fast things get thrown off". I don't think it works like that
      This is in response to this and the other 'flying dino' posts :P What I mean is, the earth is traveling slower today, then yesterday, and the day before and the day before, etc.. (even though day by day its a very small difference) I don't know specific numbers on the speed of the earth, but someone mentioned it spins at around 1000mph. If the earth is getting slower day by day, that means, yesterday the earth was traveling faster. And a year ago the earth was traveling even faster. Now, if you go back 7,000 years, the earth was traveling faster, but not that much faster. If you go back a million years, or even a billion years, by the current rate the earth is slowing down, the earth would have to be going very fast a long time ago. If the evolutionary theory was true, then the earth would be spinning so fast it would throw life off the earth, (which didn't happen since evolution didn't happen either).

      As time goes on, more and more problems with the evolutionary theory will be and are being revealed. Why do you think the universe was attributed to an age of around 100,000 years old in the beginnings of evolution, and now it is up to 15-16 billion years old. This is because the evidence doesn't fit for evolution, thus scientist have to make the age bigger, to help mush together things. Its easier to fit evidence into the evolutionary mold when you have a bigger mold to work with, thus less controversy in the time periods. The theory of evolution is collapsing on itself, as new discoveries are disrupting the theory, such as objects in space are increasing in speed, spinning backwards (opposite from the big-bang's direction of spin), and these objects in space that spin backwards towards the 'norm' for spinning, in some cases, spin faster then the objects spinning the normal way. Thus ruling out the object hitting another object to throw its spin off. Regardless, the evolutionary theory is a theory which tries to find evidence to support it, rather then using evidence to create a theory. This is backwards to what science is, evolution is -not- science, its a religion that many scientist try to find evidence for, rather then letting the evidence create the theory.

      The Bible makes for good theology, so its important to take things literally and in context of the Bible. As for Lucifer's fall, I believe it happened after the 7th day, but before the Fall of man. I don't believe God would say that all creation is good, when Lucifer is sinning against God. That would be completely ridiculous for God to say that creation is good (when the angels are part of the created beings) if Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels in heaven were rebelling against God. So at this point, Lucifer was Lucifer, not Satan, and he was at this time the highest angel in heaven. After the 7 days of creation, Lucifer then sinned and rebelled against God. It is possible that Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden for as much as 100 years before they sinned and the fall of man began. Its not like everything had to be rushed along, as Adam and Eve were slated to live forever, until they sinned of course.

      As far as the literal 7 day creation, first off your taking a verse out of context and out of meaning to fit the evolutionary mold. Well, if Lucifer fell on the 8th+ day, then your "...and how does one account for "The earth became formless & void"? (which was the result of Lucifer's fall)" wouldn't be valid as Lucifer had not fallen during the creation. Now to address 2 Peter 3:8, you can't create doctrine without context. Anyone who wields the Scripture with any validity, knows that you must read the Bible in its context. You can make the Bible say anything you want it to say when you take things out of context. Now I'm not going to post the whole chapter, but to look at a better context we can look at 2 verses before the verse, and 2 verse after the verse, including the verse itself:

      6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
      7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
      9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

      This is the KJV verison, so if you refuse to accept its translation, then you can look up it in your proper version, but lets look at the context. If you read v.3 it talks about post-Fall of Man, pre-Flood times. Then v.4 mentions the coming of a Savior, which it should be noted, the first promise of a Savior was given very soon after Adam and Eve's sin in Genesis 3:15, so it was something that was burned in the minds of these people, it wasn't uncommon to them. v5 and v6, we see the account of the flood, which in verse 5 also refers to people denying the great flood's existence, something evolutionist do deny. Regardless, picking up at verse 6, you notice the clear picture of the flood (hence in the context we are after the Creation). Then in verse 7 we jump to the Second coming of Christ. The fire is what will destroy the current heaven and earth (which we presently have) and then a new heaven and earth will be formed afterwards. Then verses 8-10 are now clearly talking about the return of Christ. In regards to verse 8, the author is saying that in the eyes of God one day as is a thousand, and a thousand as a day. Remember the statement goes both ways, which is talking about God's presence in time, not creation as that is completely out of the verse's context. These verses are assurance to the church that Christ is coming, but even though we may wait a thousand years, it is but a short time to Christ. God is not bound by time. As much of the church was persecuted at this time, Peter is writing probably to the various churches in Asia which he served in assuring them that Christ will return, even though your burdens on earth may be great, He has not forgotten you. Evidence is made known as Nero just stepped into office, leading the Roman empire to a heavy persecution of the Christian church for the next 200 or so years, until the Catholic church is manifested into Rome, but thats another lesson :P. Anyway, through a careful examination of the context of a verse, you can learn that this verse is not referring to the account of creation, but rather the second coming of Jesus Christ.

      Proofs of the literal 24 hour day periods of creation;
      Read chapter 1, and you'll see in verses 5,8,13 and 19 you'll see the phrase "evening and the morning were the _____ day" If those days were 1000 years long, or a million(s) years old (as some theistic evolutionist claim) then it would be a long time without sunlight, then another long time without nightfall. You claim that these were long days, as the sun's heat would kill off everything if there was no night, and the lack of the sun for many many years would finish off the job if anything did live. As well, I don't believe God would call creation good if animals were eating each other, and people were fighting and so forth either, as God called the creation good on the 7th literal day. If things were a million years old, or even a thousand years old, can you imagine what its like for every creature to live and never die, and keep breeding and so forth throughout that period of time? Talk about overpopulation. As well finally, the word day in the Hebrew from Genesis 1, is the same Hebrew word when in reference to other days in the Bible. Its the same day in Genesis 1, is the same day in the rest of the Old Testament, therefore, from all of this, we can conclude that God didn't lie or try and trick us, there really are literal days, and not some symbolic time period. In closing, God is not a deceptive being who tries to hide Himself and is tricking and laughing at the human race for their foolishness, contrary, God is a God who loves and cares for us, He is not willing that any of us should perish, but as John 3:16 says, that all men would have everlasting life. God is willing, and will reveal Himself in all His ways to us, but it comes with salvation through Jesus Christ, and it comes through obedience in His Word.
      Last edited by Blueblaze; 12-29-2006, 12:43 AM.
      May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


      • Originally posted by Dack Falu View Post

        The dinosaurs where obviously flung into space because the Earth was too fast.
        i laughed pretty hard at this
        Originally posted by Ward
        OK.. ur retarded case closed


        • Congratulations Blueblaze, you've went from one battle you had little chance of winning to another with even less chance for success, all in one thread.


          • God didn't create the Sun, Moon & Stars until the 4th day.
            How could there be a literal "evening & morning" prior?
            6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
            7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now,
            The word from which perished is used means complete, utter destruction... In the first flood no one survived... The whole earth became formless & empty.
            I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and. lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of teh LORD, and by his firece anger. For thus had the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will i not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have puposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.(Jer.4:23-28)
            ..And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:2)

            His Story repeats for a reason and the reason is because we're all taking part in a grand heavenly courtroom trial. Earth is the courtroom. God's children are on trial. As we live on this world, we give our testimony in heaven. The flood of Noah's era was merely are re-telling of that time leading to the rebellion. Noah's family surviving is analogous to Adam & Eve starting anew. As a result of the rebellion, the earth fell into an Ice Age. With Noah, after the flood, his bowl-like homeland became a frozen wilderness up on the Pamir mountains.

            The bottom chart with the dispensations was made by E.W. Bullinger, one of the greatest theologians of the modern era.


            • blueblaze, stfu and die in africa
              9:Everett> well with pascone in -f-, our squad standards just experienced a decrease of 150%


              • Fossils were planted by Satan in order to undermine the faith of true believers. Dinosaurs never existed.


                • Originally posted by HeavenSent View Post
                  God didn't create the Sun, Moon & Stars until the 4th day.
                  How could there be a literal "evening & morning" prior?

                  The word from which perished is used means complete, utter destruction... In the first flood no one survived... The whole earth became formless & empty.
                  I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and. lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of teh LORD, and by his firece anger. For thus had the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will i not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have puposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.(Jer.4:23-28)
                  ..And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:2)

                  His Story repeats for a reason and the reason is because we're all taking part in a grand heavenly courtroom trial. Earth is the courtroom. God's children are on trial. As we live on this world, we give our testimony in heaven. The flood of Noah's era was merely are re-telling of that time leading to the rebellion. Noah's family surviving is analogous to Adam & Eve starting anew. As a result of the rebellion, the earth fell into an Ice Age. With Noah, after the flood, his bowl-like homeland became a frozen wilderness up on the Pamir mountains.

                  The bottom chart with the dispensations was made by E.W. Bullinger, one of the greatest theologians of the modern era.

                  For starters there has only been one flood, so this mid-creation flood never existed. There was no first earth and heaven that was destroyed, but we live in it right now (even though its been changed greatly by Noah's flood.) Light and Darkness existed by the First day, which is enough to create an evening and a morning.

                  Originally posted by HeavenSent
                  His Story repeats for a reason and the reason is because we're all taking part in a grand heavenly courtroom trial. Earth is the courtroom. God's children are on trial. As we live on this world, we give our testimony in heaven.
                  Your cynical system of God is not Biblical, God didn't come to put Christians on trial. The judgement isn't for the believers, but rather for those who are unsaved. Earth is not a courtroom by any means, as God has great providential blessings while on earth. We participate in this sanctification while we are on earth, continually being made whole to the eternal glorification of the Father, this begins on earth. Your theory might have some truth to it, except for two problems, For starters, all seven days of creation were literally days, not representing thousands or millions of years. All the oldest manuscripts avaliable for the Genesis account use the same word for day, which is the same word for a 24 hour period of time in Hebrew. There is no room for this representative day. For your second problem, I need to understand more of what you believe, do you believe that 'day' 3-7 occured after Noah landed on the Ark? If you could textually describe what order and give a description of how you believe the creation and flood events took place.

                  Originally posted by HeavenSent
                  The bottom chart with the dispensations was made by E.W. Bullinger, one of the greatest theologians of the modern era.
                  Your word for labeling him one of the greatest is subjective. There are many theologians in my opinion who are great, who would disagree with a lot of his teaching, such as Annihilationism. I wouldn't trust an Anglican person for good theology though, as they have many skewed unbiblical beliefs.

                  I do believe in the dispensations of,

                  Innocence - Creation
                  Conscience - The Fall
                  Human Government - The Flood
                  Promise - Tower of Babel
                  Law - Exodus until the Savior comes
                  In between the period of the Law, and the next dispensation, the Law is fulfilled by the Savior
                  Church Age - Significantly marked by the dispersion of Israel as an opening (not the opening) event, and the regathering of Israel as an ending event.
                  In between this age and the next, the Rapture of the Church occurs.
                  7 Years of Tribulation
                  In between this dispensation and the next, Jesus Christ returns in His glory
                  Millennial Reign
                  Great White Throne is in between the previous dispensation, and the next
                  And finally, Eternity future is the final age, where Satan and those who rejected Christ are bound to an eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire, and those who dedicately call upon the Lord for salvation will live with Christ eternally.
                  May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


                  • Originally posted by Dack Falu View Post

                    The dinosaurs were obviously flung into space because the Earth was too fast.
                    Originally posted by Ward
                    OK.. ur retarded case closed


                    • Originally posted by Darkmoor View Post
                      Fossils were planted by Satan in order to undermine the faith of true believers. Dinosaurs never existed.
                      I don't believe that >>. I believe that there was a great flood where Noah had to build and ark. Anyway, during that flood, there was great water which rained, but also the Bible describes great water that broke up from the depths of the earth, meaning lots of ground water (which I believe there was significantly more back then than is today) came out and also contributed to the flooding. When you have so much ground water being rising to the top, there was great pressure in parts of the earth, where most of the oil we have today is from. Slain animals would also fossilize during this period of the flood, which is very possible, as its been known for plants and animals to fossilize relatively quickly, and not just over millions of years claimed by evolutionist. I do believe dinosaurs existed before the flood, which most were killed off by the flood, but Noah did take 2 of every kind of animal, including dinosaurs. He obviously took baby animals so that there would more room on the ark, as well before this time all men and animals ate herbs/plants so they were not meat eaters, so these dinosaurs weren't blood thirsty monsters as portrayed by some. Now after the ark landed, I do believe the dinosaurs that were taken on the Ark tried to survive and repopulated, but they were not able to for several reasons. For one, many dinosaurs have lungs far to small to breath enough oxygen therefore if you had a dinosaur today, it would sufficate. I believe before the flood there were hyperbolic conditions in the atmosphere, where the dinosaurs would be able to breath since the air was richer in oxygen. When exposed to the post-flood environment, some of the dinosaurs probably had much trouble adjusting to the new atmospheric conditions and eventually died out. As well, man began to eat meat at this time, and I believe many tribes at this time ate meat (both clean and unclean), including dinosaurs, since big ones would obviously have a lot of meat, so they make for a good hunt. Dinosaurs in the post flood times would be smaller, since the hyperbolic atmosphere before the the flood would allow dinosaurs to grow faster and live longer. Reptiles will continue to grow until they die, and I believe this is true of dinosaurs, so they would have the oppertunity to grow great in size before the flood, but because of the new atmospheric conditions, their growth would be limited. The Bible records dinosaurs (called dragons as the word dinosaur didn't even exist until the mid 1800s) in various parts of the Bible, so I do believe they existed. Today, most of these dinosaurs went extinct, but I believe there are some today, hence, lizards, komodo dragon, salamanders, and I believe in the existence of the Lockness monster as well being a type of water dinosaur which breads in the dense caves underneath the lakes of Lockness. I don't believe that their number is very great, but its also possible that other types of waterfaring dinosaurs live deep in the oceans, as we know very little about what type of life is at the bottom of the ocean, as well as many ocean caverns are completely unknown and undiscovered. Regardless, I believe dinosaurs did exist, and some still do exist today.
                      May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


                      • Originally posted by Blueblaze View Post
                        This is in response to this and the other 'flying dino' posts :P What I mean is, the earth is traveling slower today, then yesterday, and the day before and the day before, etc.. (even though day by day its a very small difference) I don't know specific numbers on the speed of the earth, but someone mentioned it spins at around 1000mph. If the earth is getting slower day by day, that means, yesterday the earth was traveling faster. And a year ago the earth was traveling even faster. Now, if you go back 7,000 years, the earth was traveling faster, but not that much faster. If you go back a million years, or even a billion years, by the current rate the earth is slowing down, the earth would have to be going very fast a long time ago. If the evolutionary theory was true, then the earth would be spinning so fast it would throw life off the earth, (which didn't happen since evolution didn't happen either).
                        Did you write that huge wall of text in the hope that I would not read it and assume you were answering my question which you quoted? Again, I'd like to hear, in your own words, how magnetic field changes have affected carbon dating.

                        Also, please stop using your "earth spinning so fast things get flung off" argument". It's just not how gravity/physics works.
                        USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                        ---A few minutes later---
                        9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                        9:Kim> UM
                        9:Kim> i didn't
                        9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                        9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                        9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                        9:pascone> lol?


                        • Originally posted by Blueblaze View Post
                          Bullshit goes here

                          NEVER have I seen this much bullshit in one paragraph. For your own good, I hope you're joking about this stuff. You're using the fucking INTERNET, you have access to information about this shit, yet you willingly ignore that and spin a tale worthy of a raving homeless man.


                          • Originally posted by Blueblaze View Post
                            I don't believe that >>. I believe that there was a great flood where Noah had to build and ark. Anyway, during that flood, there was great water which rained, but also the Bible describes great water that broke up from the depths of the earth, meaning lots of ground water (which I believe there was significantly more back then than is today) came out and also contributed to the flooding. When you have so much ground water being rising to the top, there was great pressure in parts of the earth, where most of the oil we have today is from. Slain animals would also fossilize during this period of the flood, which is very possible, as its been known for plants and animals to fossilize relatively quickly, and not just over millions of years claimed by evolutionist. I do believe dinosaurs existed before the flood, which most were killed off by the flood, but Noah did take 2 of every kind of animal, including dinosaurs. He obviously took baby animals so that there would more room on the ark, as well before this time all men and animals ate herbs/plants so they were not meat eaters, so these dinosaurs weren't blood thirsty monsters as portrayed by some. Now after the ark landed, I do believe the dinosaurs that were taken on the Ark tried to survive and repopulated, but they were not able to for several reasons. For one, many dinosaurs have lungs far to small to breath enough oxygen therefore if you had a dinosaur today, it would sufficate. I believe before the flood there were hyperbolic conditions in the atmosphere, where the dinosaurs would be able to breath since the air was richer in oxygen. When exposed to the post-flood environment, some of the dinosaurs probably had much trouble adjusting to the new atmospheric conditions and eventually died out. As well, man began to eat meat at this time, and I believe many tribes at this time ate meat (both clean and unclean), including dinosaurs, since big ones would obviously have a lot of meat, so they make for a good hunt. Dinosaurs in the post flood times would be smaller, since the hyperbolic atmosphere before the the flood would allow dinosaurs to grow faster and live longer. Reptiles will continue to grow until they die, and I believe this is true of dinosaurs, so they would have the oppertunity to grow great in size before the flood, but because of the new atmospheric conditions, their growth would be limited. The Bible records dinosaurs (called dragons as the word dinosaur didn't even exist until the mid 1800s) in various parts of the Bible, so I do believe they existed. Today, most of these dinosaurs went extinct, but I believe there are some today, hence, lizards, komodo dragon, salamanders, and I believe in the existence of the Lockness monster as well being a type of water dinosaur which breads in the dense caves underneath the lakes of Lockness. I don't believe that their number is very great, but its also possible that other types of waterfaring dinosaurs live deep in the oceans, as we know very little about what type of life is at the bottom of the ocean, as well as many ocean caverns are completely unknown and undiscovered. Regardless, I believe dinosaurs did exist, and some still do exist today.



                            • Originally posted by Ewan View Post
                              Did you write that huge wall of text in the hope that I would not read it and assume you were answering my question which you quoted? Again, I'd like to hear, in your own words, how magnetic field changes have affected carbon dating.

                              Also, please stop using your "earth spinning so fast things get flung off" argument". It's just not how gravity/physics works.
                              Oh, sorry Ewan, I get a lot of disputes with my beliefs :P. About that, its not anything proven, just reasonably speculated that the magnectic field of the earth's decline could have effect upon the carbon dating results, and its obviously not recognized by scientists as a possible condition that can effect the carbon dating, but it is a reasonable theory. Nothing disputes the claim the carbon dating can be effected by the earth's magneticism.

                              As for the spin of the earth, obviously, I must clarify it once more. If the earth is spinning at rediculous speeds, then we would have days and nights in a matter of minutes to seconds. This doesn't happen now obviously since the spin of the earth is slow enough. If you took the current rate the earth is slowing down, and calculated that rate per year, for a billion years, then the earth would be spinning at speeds that are inhabitable. I know that things won't just fly off the earth, the point I'm saying is though, that whenever you have the earth spinning at speeds like that, it would be impossible for anything to live through it.

                              FYI though, I don't copy any of this information from websites and such, I've studied heavily on the dispute of evolution and creation. You won't find my quoting off portions of some website and such. These are sincere beliefs that are not just thrown together unreasonably and unscientifically.
                              May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


                              • Originally posted by Blueblaze View Post
                                I wouldn't trust an Anglican person for good theology though, as they have many skewed unbiblical beliefs.
                                Hi kettle... i'm gonna go smoke some pot. :huh:

                                Originally posted by Subjugation View Post
                                The guy doesn't believe in science. Isn't that enough of a clue that he can't be reasoned with?

