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Please enter if you know me

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  • Please enter if you know me

    Well guys,
    I once wrote I was leaving Subspace and it didn't last for long,
    But this time I am and it's for good.

    I'm not gonna write the names of all the people I know cause that'll be a whole bunch of people but i love you all.

    Special <3 to the members of EvolVed whom I've known from the start and am hoping to still remain in contact with.

    It's kinda strange quitting this but I have to, I'm having problems with several school subjects and to be honest Subspace is to blame at least partially, and due to the fact i have to make a choice between Subspace and my girlfriend, Anna stays, Sorry.

    Well I still hope to visit the forum once in a while and talk to you guys but basically it's goodbye,

    So take care, and have a nice day,


    People please don't go "Newb" because I specifically stated that this thread is for people who know me, thank you and have a great life.

  • #2
    Good luck, Anton. We had some great fun, I'll be here when you have time again and return.
    I'd rather be SubSpacing.


    • #3
      Have fun in real life!
      - Acid Tank

      "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain


      • #4
        Gone again? Hope not.
        You ate some priest porridge


        • #5
          Take care Anton. Miss ya.
          Last edited by tahkis; 02-22-2003, 06:45 PM.
          megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
          L K> taught u what?
          megaman89> how to suck

          9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
          9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
          9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


          • #6


            • #7
              He'll be back, they always come back. Anyways..

              Gl with your school and you girlfriend, wish you the best of luck. later.
              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


              • #8



                • #9
                  Don't know you, but good luck in your future endeavors. Maybe you can still post on the boards
                  1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
                  1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
                  1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
                  1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


                  • #10
                    NOOOOOOOO! My friend don't go...Miss ya Anton....
                    (hell be back)harahr
                    Take care
                    Servers back to Finland!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Well, i've been havin trouble too O.O! I tried to quit but I came back the next day >chuckles<
                      Good luck anton

                      Good friend that u dont know, Xog


                      • #12
                        take care,

                        I sleep all night and I work all day..


                        • #13
                          I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


                          • #14
                            EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                            cool koen> :)
                            PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                            cool koen> not because of a bug
                            EvoLd> Lol
                            Treachery> meh
                            EvoLd> why then?
                            PubAceR> women in power dont last
                            EvoLd> LOl
                            toaster oven reviews


                            • #15
                              Good luck for the future dude...was nice to play with you in Evolved
                              FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn.

