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  • #16
    I've been in anticipation for this, good to see it is going to happen.

    Dabram, I rather like boosting up to fr in 5 seconds in a bird terr or lanc, and I hate warp-ins because they are for the weak, if a team can't get into the flagroom, they don't much stand a chance of holding it either.


    • #17
      I suggest that the first public be non-pure, the second is pure, and so on. Just my opinion, and I suggest this mostly because we already know what happens in the first public when it's pure, It would be nice to see whether the first pub is always packed because it's pure or because it's first on the list.
      1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
      3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
      3:Best> see it coming
      3:Best> sad


      • #18
        Whatever the decision may be regarding the public arenas, please for the sake of the pubbies that don't browse the forums or, announce it in one of those zone bulletins you're forced to read once entering a new zone. I've seen a lot of pubbies becoming quite confused at the constant changes, and they have to know that you guys are doing tests here and that it may not be the end product.


        • #19
          I talked with Moot last night about some things I think would draw more people to public arenas and I'm working out the bugs in one of them this week. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to release the information about it yet or not, but I really suggest everyone plan to play the weekend events next weekend (March 3rd and 4th) to try it out.
          Ban Ikrit


          • #20
            Originally posted by Reaver View Post
            I suggest that the first public be non-pure, the second is pure, and so on. Just my opinion, and I suggest this mostly because we already know what happens in the first public when it's pure, It would be nice to see whether the first pub is always packed because it's pure or because it's first on the list.
            That's one of the reasons this idea was first proposed: to see if it actually is true that people prefer to go to the pure pubs, or if most people just wind up stuck there when entering the zone and don't bother to switch. Many claim that pure pubs are the most popular, as Bubbles did in this thread, but critics always cite the bias of the pure pubs being the entering players are more likely to be placed into. Even if this doesn't work (though I don't see why it wouldn't) it would at least settle that argument.


            • #21
              When I discussed/suggested/begged moot to do this I said I'd wanted the even pubs to be pure, with the first pub being normal the next being pure, and so on. It is nicer because the first pure wouldn't fill up as quickly, of course with more than one pure it isn't as big of an issue, but the levlovers love nubs and if everyone ditches 0 for the next pub down (which would be pure) then 0 would be open for every random rook who logs into the zone and ends up there to feed the rec whores.

              I know, we're trying to promote basing to the new players. But if they like the actual game/zone enough to stick with it even if they don't like being blasted by levs when they play for the first time, then they can always find out about pures later when they get to recognize the situation better.


              • #22
                An example of what not to do:
                Originally posted by Chao. View Post
                Originally posted by Chao.
                If you really want to promote basing, Moot, just disable priv. freqs in ALL pubs. That way even if they lt they can do it on a team.
                Repeated from other thread.

