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Whose name have you always wondered about? pt 2

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  • #61
    And genocidal doesn't have one for playing the boorish American?


    • #62
      one biased opinion requires another?

      I guess it's hard to not stoop to a level you disagree with
      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


      • #63
        Except genocidal keeps getting a free pass.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ignominy View Post

          Cryptic Wings = ?

          Cryptic Writings as an album by Megadeth, which is pretty darn amazing

          So I took the liberty of taking out the R and T in Writings
          2:ph> seriously, if i could suck my own dick i'd quit subspace


          • #65
            Originally posted by Troll King View Post
            Except genocidal keeps getting a free pass.
            Point out a time when he's been applauded for being a "boorish American" and I'll agree with you

            Just make sure it's not a situation where some Euro/Canadian has decided to go with the "lawl sirry Americans" mentality
            My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


            • #66
              hhaha funny thread, what about vitja??
              4:BigKing> xD
              4:Best> i'm leaving chat
              4:BigKing> what did i do???
              4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
              4:BigKing> ???? why though
              4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
              4:BigKing> xD


              • #67
                Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                Point out a time when he's been applauded for being a "boorish American" and I'll agree with you

                Just make sure it's not a situation where some Euro/Canadian has decided to go with the "lawl sirry Americans" mentality
                I didn't say he's getting applauded, I'm saying his comments go untouched by his countrymen while equally asinine comments directed against Americans get treated as if someone mooned the Washington Monument before pissing in the Reflecting Pool. With all the complaints about Euros and Canadians being anti-American, why doesn't he at least get criticism from other Americans for playing the stereotype of the boorish Yank? It goes both ways.

                He's been doing this for a while now, but these are some recent examples not including this thread:




                In each, he's the one starting it, not responding to someone else insulting America. In the second one, he even admits to doing this just to antagonize.

                I mean, when someone like Kolar goes on one of his swings, though he does it in a very heavy-handed manner, at the very least he's trying to discuss the issues instead of just trolling.


                • #68
                  So wait, American posters are supposed to chide Genocidal for his comments about America, even when Zerzera or Ratty or some other European go out of their way to down talk the same country- and get no repercussion on their end?

                  I'm all well and good for leaving "my country is better than yourz" mentalities at the bedside, but how can you complain of Geno getting a "free pass" and going by unharmed when the European posters are getting the same treatment? In the past when there has been an Anti-American vibe sprouted in a topic by some Euro on his high-horse, American posters usually follow through saying " fuck off" with other European posters going "lol". I haven't seen the type of response that you're talking about on their end, so why should you expect it from other American posters?

                  If Zer or any other poster that doesn't like America or think it's a country beneath them really want to show superiority, it would be to not be so willing to bite to comments like the ones he threw out in the topics you posted. It's easy to tell he's playing the ignorant fat hamburger American that snotty posters have been rambling about for ages in those topics, and yet and still you have people responding to him in kind.

                  As long as Euros keep biting to his remarks, he's going to keep throwing them out there. And why do Anti-American remarks get met with such offense? Because it's a dead horse that's been beaten on these forums for at least 3 years.

                  "lol Americans are violent and lazy and eat hamburgers all day long"

                  "lol Americans are war-mongers, nothing like (insert random, small country here)

                  I'll start chiding Gen for his remarks when I see some Euro's doing the same. It goes both ways.
                  My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                  • #69
                    You may have a point if Americans members of this forum weren't always playing up the "everyone's picking on us" angle. Even when it's a topic that's honestly discussing government policy, it's America being portrayed as the victim being picked on by "foreigners". Someone that's not American can't even express their view on topics about American laws without being painted as an oppressor trying to tell your country what to do. But with other countries, there isn't even an attempt at discussion, it's just straight for the quick zinger, as if it's okay when people "think it's funny". Even worse, genocidal's throwing it out there in topics that don't have anything to do with America or any particular country. The three threads I linked are examples of that.

                    It does go both ways. But it's the American perspective that plays itself as the innocent victim while ignoring the fact they're just as guilty.


                    • #70
                      The reason it seems like a few posters are playing the "Always picking on us" angle is because that's what was actually happening a few years ago when it was popular to hate on Bush. That mentality stuck with a few posters here and ever since, have had no problem randomly bringing up some American hate into a topic. Not getting any reprimand from non-American posters only increased their attitude and e-swagger, because they see it as "since no one is complaining, they must agree with me".

                      People can express their views on American laws without fear of verbal attacks, the thing that sets certain posters off is how they bring up the laws.

                      Originally posted by Noah
                      Even tho I think America has the dumbest view on firearms in the history of mankind, I don't think your point is valid.
                      Originally posted by Zerzera
                      Originally posted by Squeezer
                      These other nations have crazy people too, so why aren't there tens of thousands of shootings in Japan? Or Canada? Or even in Britain? Something needs to be done in this country in regards to gun violence, and this event is simply further evidence.
                      It's your culture. Live with it.
                      Originally posted by Spider
                      America's ideological obsession with firearms is totally baffling to me. I will never understand it. The things that I hear some Americans say regarding many things but foremost among them about firearms (with a totally straight face!) shock me. Totally irrational.
                      Originally posted by Zerzera
                      Rofl, like there will ever be a president elected in the US that makes sense like that.

                      'Okay folks, let's shoot up the bad guys! Democracy and freedom will prevail. In the name of democracy and freedom. We are against evil, and terrorists! We will fight and overcome the terrorists! And I believe in God, and he's with us!'

                      Oh, that sounds like something I understand!

                      Where were the Europeans chiding them for such comments? Those are the beginning of posts, even in a topic intent for discussion they start out with a negative tone. How can you expect good to come from a discussion that gets off on that footing?

                      It's also how they react to situations- America has had it's fair share of incidents over the years, and every single time I can almost guarentee (I'll look it up if you need me to) - there has been a European coming in just to gloat about how bad America is.

                      Case in point- The image Jensai decided to post in the VT shooting topic. Did he get any backlash from a European over it? That was a "straight for the zinger" post, as it's ok if other Euro's think it's funny.

                      American posters know that our country has it's share of fuck-ups but by a large margin, I'm sure you'll agree with me that our country gets singled out for it's idiots more than any other. I'm proud to live here and I have no problem if someone in Finland or Holland doesn't like my country, but I won't go out of my way to chide an American poster baiting condescending idiots when Europeans turn a blind eye to the unnecessary amount of Anti-American slander being dropped over and over in topics.
                      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                      • #71
                        Compare those examples to genocidal's and you'll see a marked difference. His aren't even an attempt at discussion. There may be a negative critical tone, but I don't feel the same outright malice that's in genocidal's.

                        Take two of those examples you listed: they pointed out how the importance of firearms to the American culture is something that other countries can't understand. They aren't saying that just to bash America, but expressing the same idea: we just don't get it. It is baffling to other cultures.

                        A lot of the "Yankee bashing" being cited comes in the form "I think your point of view is dumb" in threads that are actually talking about that particular point of view. Compare that to saying "wow there are more FAGGOTS on this forum than I had thought. Of course most of them are European where it's cool to metrosexual/gay" in a thread about badminton and tell me they are exactly the same.


                        • #72
                          His "boorish American" posts are never attempts at discussion, like I said before he makes those posts to bait said Europeans into "my country is better" circle jerks. If you wanted to compare outright malice coming from posters, it would be easy to just go through the post history of people like Zerzera, Ratty, Blood, Dabram or thesearcher- the reason I posted those examples (why I chose that thread), is because you had mentioned that non-American posters can't even discuss the laws of my country without getting attacked. Even though they might not hold the same amount of malice to you as in Gen's posts, there was enough there to me to deem them offensive, and poor attempts at truly trying to have a discussion.

                          There are better ways to approach a subject if you truly don't understand something than to say " You guys are dumb, your ideas are dumb, your culture is centered around violence, etc etc". Those posters went about the discussion that way because they knew that the only ones arguing against such posts would be Americans- simply because other Europeans either sit at the way side, or cheer them on.

                          If we want to go to topics where country-bashing isn't needed, maybe we should stroll over to Zeus's topic asking about vacation ideas-


                          3rd post in, and what did Dabram do? Go straight for the insult, not even trying to add anything to the discussion.

                          Nothing is going to change in regards to this country bashing if European posters keep jumping on Geno's posts. Unless there are other American posters you see acting like that, most of us really don't give a shit about how hot our country is- we don't go out of our way to flaunt it on the internet. I usually skip the posts of people that aren't worth my time or have proven to be idiots in the past, and it's led to alot less long-winded posts from me- judging by the amount of "World vs. America" flame topics, I'd say that alot of American posters are doing the same.

                          Here's the deal- you want less idiots talking about their country, I want less idiots talking about their country, but until both sides realize it's not worth the time- it's just going to continue. The best both sides can do is to not give in to temptation and erase the line dividing us into separate sides to begin with. Who's from where? Who cares. Let it slide.
                          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by paradise! View Post
                            what about vitja??
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                            Originally posted by the_paul
                            Gargle battery acid fuckface
                            Originally posted by Material Girl
                            I tried downloading a soundcard


                            • #74
                              The hypocrisy in this thread is pretty flagrant, albeit spurred by genocidal. Let's stop derailing this topic, as we are only feeding his ego by doing so. If you want to start a topic about how Europeans victimize Americans for no reason and how Americans are stupid fat yes-men, then go somewhere else. Some of us just want to know what Skepsis means.


                              • #75
                                Wasn't Vykromod the name of the ultimate badass enemy in the top-down shooter Tyrian? (i know it lacks a letter, but i'd give it a guess).
                                Now THERE was an addictive game B)
                                "... I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." -R. Frost

