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The Jav Nuisance

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  • The Jav Nuisance

    So...javs are pretty damn annoying when you're on a team attacking the base, and your teamates are carpet bombing the flag entrance indiscriminately. Reporting the culprits is a nuisance not only to the mods who have to answer the calls but to their team as well.

    How about imposing a usage limit on playing a javelin in the timed pub? somewhere between 500-1000 hours? Or better yet how about 2000 hours ?

  • #2
    Yet another thread about javs ... and pubs problems. I give this thread a day or 2 before people shoot his ideas down and explain why it won't work.

    Oh and just for the record, I have over 2k usage, yet I suck in jav, I'd still end up tking everyone. And I'm sure there are people under 500 hours that are amazing javs.

    Anyway, I'm just saying :P, you'll soon see why your idea REALLY wont work. I also bet someone will say, "make a bot that will change someones ship after 2 or 3 tks" That one always comes up too :P
    9:Basti> any1 want pw for squad BlowJob?
    9:Inaphyt> no basti i want you to give me the password to your room so you can give me a blowjob
    9:Basti> sure
    9:Basti> we can take a basing duel in my bed
    9:Inaphyt> hahahaha
    9:Basti> i'll score
    9:Basti> i'll ride my ship into ur cram
    9:Basti> and take the flag
    9:Inaphyt> ROFL
    9:Basti> and finally lay a mine there


    • #3
      I agree 100% with you and have made the same request too.

      With all the ships available to play what is the attraction to the Jav other than looking like a complete retard and killing your team...then to say sorry...or just jump freq. like I see so often.

      F'n hate newbs in Jav's
      May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


      • #4
        What about making a bot that changes your ship after you have 2 or 3 TKs?
        1: hed> does aquatiq go to your school
        1: oar> yeah
        1: hed> go talk to her and be like "baby, lemme get those digits"
        1: hed> and after dinner
        1: hed> "howbout you unban apt"

        7: flared> so me and my friends talked shit back to him
        7: flared> THEN we find out he's in the crips

        3: oar> do you like strawberry shortcake?
        3: Nimesh> my sis does
        3: oar>


        • #5
          .?go base


          • #6
            thats a really good idea...make a poll or something, and make staff do something if its unanimous, i personally hate seeing AZNHONEYDICK12~ in a jav ship saying "i try bomb them, but no work".
            4:BigKing> xD
            4:Best> i'm leaving chat
            4:BigKing> what did i do???
            4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
            4:BigKing> ???? why though
            4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
            4:BigKing> xD


            • #7
              Originally posted by JimboJimmy View Post
              Reporting the culprits is a nuisance not only to the mods who have to answer the calls but to their team as well.
              It's not really a nuisance, it's our job. Don't refrain from reporting TKers just because you think you might be annoying us (although if you report EVERY TK from your shark's mines, we might get a little miffed).
              USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
              ---A few minutes later---
              9:cool koen> you scorereseted
              9:Kim> UM
              9:Kim> i didn't
              9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
              9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
              9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
              9:pascone> lol?


              • #8
                A usage limit (of 36hours like elim) might not be such a bad idea...

                At least then it would get rid of the people who use the excuse "i dont know what im doing" to tk.
                Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                Kitty> true

                I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

       - The Offical Flabby Website


                • #9
                  nah it would give more irritation and problems then you gain anything out of it.

                  The consequence would be that you would have to explain every newb why they can't play javelin and you would be putting another limitation on one of the ships.
                  Also, someone who has 39 hours of usage for playing in DSB can play the javelin in Trench Wars but will be a total newb in it.
                  Furthermore, you would need another bot to check for the usage and to disallow people from playing the javelin, creating another bot dependency.

                  These are just a few problems I can think of now with this idea :P
                  Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                  Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
                  Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
                  Subspace Statistics Administrator
                  Former Mervbot plugin developer


                  • #10
                    Giving this a quick thought and in my eyes this would be a solution to the problem:

                    Have a better teamkill prevention system;

                    Let the bot ask the teamkilled player if it was a
                    1) intentional teamkill (without forgiving it)
                    2) intentional teamkill (but forgiving the teamkiller)
                    3) accidental teamkill (without forgiving it)
                    4) accidental teakill (but forgiving the teamkiller)

                    default would be 4 if the question isn't answered within a minute.

                    This way the bot can count up the intentional teamkills and the complains (those that aren't forgiven) and do something with the teamkiller if he reaches a certain number of intentional teamkills or complains.
                    For example; force into a different ship, 1 minute in spec, kick from the zone, alert staff, etcetera.

                    This way things would be automated and teamkillers will be punished automatically by votes (questionnaires) of the teamkilled players. No more staff dependency, quite unanimous (nobody specific is to blame that you got kicked) and no more evading punishment of intentional teamkills.

                    Ofcourse safety measures will be built in, for example that you can only blame (not forgiving him) 2 people per hour or something along those lines. This to prevent abusers (which you will always have) of the system.

                    What do you think about this? Any weaknesses? Why would(n't) this work?
                    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
                    Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
                    Subspace Statistics Administrator
                    Former Mervbot plugin developer


                    • #11
                      That's actually a pretty good idea, Maverick. The biggest problem with all of that would be abuse as you said, but there are ways around that (like having strict requirements for any action taken, like the offender must have X number of complaints with at least Y number of different accusers before being specced).
                      LUE 402 >>> j00
                      Ha ha HA. Not to scale.


                      • #12
                        my position is that tk'ing is a necessary evil. it's been a part of pubs since the inception of the zone. it's something a new player should learn to play with and around. besides, if tk'ing weren't meant to be a part of the game, why does the client even allow for it in the first place?
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • #13
                          I think it's too complicated mav.

                          Make the bot count teamkills per player, nomatter what action performed by the offended player. At set limits (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 etc etc) this would be reported to staff, and after another set limit (10 minutes perhaps) it will reset.

                          For severe cases let the instant report option still stand.

                          This will let us see who teamkills how fast, and how many who's reporting it.

                          If it's a single shark in a packed base game that mines like a retard, we could simply tell him to go easy on mining, and similar judgement calls.

                          Dealing with teamkilling should always be a judgement call, but giving staff as much info as possible regarding teamkilling helps us make sure that the decision is made as right and quickly as possible.
                          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                          • #14
                            pub is where people go to learn. if you set a useage limit for javs (36 hrs for example), then most people are going to wb for a while then jav as much as they can after they pass the limit, simply because they can. and they'll still have NO experience in it. i doubt we'll be seeing people in ?go javs that have under 36 hours.

                            whats the point of putting off the noob javs if they're going to be just as bad, or even worse when they reach the usage limit.


                            • #15
                              I do intentionally TK, and so do many other players.

                              When i say intentional i mean that i know with a bomb shot or mine it will probably kill someone on my own team, because they are stupid :P

                              There is a fine line between intentional tking that helps a team and intentional tking that hinders a team, and then there is just disruptive tking (tking terrier on purpose).

                              Personally I would get the bot to detect Teamkills on terrier and offer the report button, and ignore the other ships, as often they get tked though their own stupidity (myself included, the number of times i catch a tk is phenominal).

                              I would call it distuptive tking rather than intentional. not all tking is bad. if ships are going to try sit in the fr entrance after i mined it all, they are going to die when the enemry shark turns up and repels the mines.
                              Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                              Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                              Kitty> true

                              I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

                     - The Offical Flabby Website

