Make the name Suicidle bob <ER>. Then do ?help HI I LOVE YOU
around 3-5 times. If that doesn't help, repeat the ?help stuff. This should ease your quitting.
Originally posted by Diakka Lets stop being lil bitches
Originally posted by ckpoon Try to team kill a staff, like pure_luck and yomama
Originally posted by Eeks Make the name Suicidle bob <ER>. Then do ?help HI I LOVE YOU
around 3-5 times. If that doesn't help, repeat the ?help stuff. This should ease your quitting.
Originally posted by BiG FlY Stick to what you know and thats a 2 dimensional space world with ships and dogfights.
1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes