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A public apology.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by genocidal View Post
    I guess your whore of a mom shouldn't have done so much opium after some alcoholic knocked her up while she was passed out drunk.
    It was the whole Manchester United team.


    • #32
      London vs U.S
      Last edited by Cops; 09-12-2007, 03:11 PM.
      it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


      • #33
        Originally posted by End View Post
        This is going to turn into an argument pretty quickly.

        I live in London, i know people who were one train away from being on the wrong one, i still take the underground everyday and get on with my life with absolutely no fear of being a target. What happened to London purely happened because of our ties with America, not cause we are from the West. I care not for the attacks i get on with my life like almost all others, anyone who dwells on that is weak.
        I wouldn't give two shits if american's laughed at us being attacked cause i fucking despise them.
        You hate Americans because their government decided to start a war which was publically un-favored by the general population, well I guess American's can hate you right back for supporting their stupid war. If you want to judge people by their government's actions then you should start by hating yourself.
        it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


        • #34
          Originally posted by genocidal View Post
          To say nothing of the 15 or so comma splices in only about half a paragraph's worth of "thought," these are some of the most poorly crafted posts I've seen in a while. If you're going to try to offend or piss off Americans you could at least make it look like you have some authority by showing you graduated the 3rd grade and passed grammar (or maybe they teach that in high school in England and you haven't gotten there yet).

          If this is a thread for stereotyping ("cause i fucking despise them") then I'm going to say that all British people not only can't speak their own language properly, probably because of their snaggle teeth, but they also can't write coherent thoughts. I guess your whore of a mom shouldn't have done so much opium after some alcoholic knocked her up while she was passed out drunk.
          I know shitcocks like Money make it hard to take the moral high-ground but it's probably not a good idea to feed into his idiocy, obviously he has misconceptions of the world and I doubt insulting his country will make him change his views.
          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


          • #35
            Genocidal, as you wish it, I shall spend more than a moment of my time and actually write coherantly for you and your wonderful forum friends.

            Where to start, where to start. Distort, whilst the majority of the British population and indeed those who "chat" on a continuum, which also comes with a handy game you can actually play insead of talking or criticizing someone elses gramatical flaws! I was educated at one of the top schools in Britain and am now at the university of the year 2006-07, Nottingham. Whilst many may not believe it I am more of a "rarrar" than most.

            Noah, thank God (Is there really a God after the "dreadful and appauling" 9/11. Or the worse massacres that followed in 9/11s footsteps like the killing of the one hundred thousands. Did that even reach American news through your progaganda?) Back to my point, thank God I don't know you in game as I would have quit long ago, and im sure if I found a picture of you i would see four eyes and a spotty face smiling back at me.

            Money your British stereotype is all wrong. Gold Chains, Nikie shoes, a Greasy McDonalds in one hand, a phone blasting out music to the general public in another and of course the must have item of 2007 a knife in our too baggy jeans. I of course look nothing like that and would even go as far to say compared to you, rediculous baseball cap and draw-ruined face in tow, could be a model. Yes laddies and gentlemen I have entered the building.

            Cops not making fun of your for a simple typing error, of which i make many when I rush posts and don't check like others, you are right.Im arrogant and filled with hate, with never one American to prove me wrong. I listen to angry music I have angry thoughts, some centred around America. I hate your obesce nation, the flags you don't deserve to be waving into the wind, the arrogance you never earnt. I can't stand your country.

            After that I can't be bothered to check this post for errors, feel free to comment cause I don't give two shits.
            Makelele> whos camping
            Sumpson> mitch
            KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
            Lemar> mitch
            Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in


            • #36

              100,000 plus agree.
              Makelele> whos camping
              Sumpson> mitch
              KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
              Lemar> mitch
              Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in


              • #37
                The joke was intended to be mean or disrespectful, just a 'tasteless attempt at humour' and it is just words on a screen... It wasn't ignorant, but respectful, to post an apology.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by End View Post
                  Genocidal, as you wish it, I shall spend more than a moment of my time and actually write coherantly for you and your wonderful forum friends.

                  Where to start, where to start. Distort, whilst the majority of the British population and indeed those who "chat" on a continuum, which also comes with a handy game you can actually play insead of talking or criticizing someone elses gramatical flaws! I was educated at one of the top schools in Britain and am now at the university of the year 2006-07, Nottingham. Whilst many may not believe it I am more of a "rarrar" than most.

                  Noah, thank God (Is there really a God after the "dreadful and appauling" 9/11. Or the worse massacres that followed in 9/11s footsteps like the killing of the one hundred thousands. Did that even reach American news through your progaganda?) Back to my point, thank God I don't know you in game as I would have quit long ago, and im sure if I found a picture of you i would see four eyes and a spotty face smiling back at me.

                  Money your British stereotype is all wrong. Gold Chains, Nikie shoes, a Greasy McDonalds in one hand, a phone blasting out music to the general public in another and of course the must have item of 2007 a knife in our too baggy jeans. I of course look nothing like that and would even go as far to say compared to you, rediculous baseball cap and draw-ruined face in tow, could be a model. Yes laddies and gentlemen I have entered the building.

                  Cops not making fun of your for a simple typing error, of which i make many when I rush posts and don't check like others, you are right.Im arrogant and filled with hate, with never one American to prove me wrong. I listen to angry music I have angry thoughts, some centred around America. I hate your obesce nation, the flags you don't deserve to be waving into the wind, the arrogance you never earnt. I can't stand your country.

                  After that I can't be bothered to check this post for errors, feel free to comment cause I don't give two shits.

                  The funny this is that I'm not even American. Someone get Dr. Phil up in hur'
                  it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by End View Post
                    Genocidal, as you wish it, I shall spend more than a moment of my time and actually write coherantly for you and your wonderful forum friends.

                    Where to start, where to start.
                    You can start by spelling "coherently" correctly.
                    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                    Duel Pasta> great
                    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                    Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                    TWLB Champion Season 12
                    TWLJ Champion Season 11
                    TWLB All-Star Season 10
                    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                    • #40
                      That add wasn't even disrespectfull, was a sad attempt at a joke... of which I make many... but still, if you'd have to apologize for such a thing, I would have to start apologizing now and be finnished by december 2013...

                      I really don't get how education or intelligence or looks or whatever is so important to a lot of ppl... People cannot help how they are born, that's why handicapped ppl get a few advantages because it is sad enough for them that they got disadvantages at birth or at some point in their life...

                      It isn't about with what intelligence, what athletic capabilities or looks ( or other features) you start with... But about what you make out of your born pool of DNA... It's about being happy, what a lot of these guys dont get... I for one didn't do anything up to my potential, yet Im happy how I am at this point... I hold no grudges against anyone, I just despise ppl who steal or kill or even stereotype or are racist.... But in the long run I understand that some people just don't have the "Emotional Intelligence" to act right or behave at all.

                      And Now I feel like a Cockmongling queer to post something so obviously gay...
                      TWLM-J Champion Season 8 :wub:
                      TWLM-D Champion Season 9 <_<
                      TWLM-B Champion Season 10 :pirate2:
                      First person to win all different TWLM'ers :greedy:


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by End View Post
                        Genocidal, as you wish it, I shall spend more than a moment of my time and actually write coherantly for you and your wonderful forum friends.

                        Where to start, where to start. Distort, whilst the majority of the British population and indeed those who "chat" on a continuum, which also comes with a handy game you can actually play insead of talking or criticizing someone elses gramatical flaws! I was educated at one of the top schools in Britain and am now at the university of the year 2006-07, Nottingham. Whilst many may not believe it I am more of a "rarrar" than most.

                        Noah, thank God (Is there really a God after the "dreadful and appauling" 9/11. Or the worse massacres that followed in 9/11s footsteps like the killing of the one hundred thousands. Did that even reach American news through your progaganda?) Back to my point, thank God I don't know you in game as I would have quit long ago, and im sure if I found a picture of you i would see four eyes and a spotty face smiling back at me.
                        Hey, despite being spotty, I'm also more of a rarrar myself. We've got so much in common! My brains were trained at a top high school and I attend a top university. Cheerio!
                        Originally posted by End
                        Cops not making fun of your for a simple typing error, of which i make many when I rush posts and don't check like others, you are right.Im arrogant and filled with hate, with never one American to prove me wrong. I listen to angry music I have angry thoughts, some centred around America. I hate your obesce nation, the flags you don't deserve to be waving into the wind, the arrogance you never earnt. I can't stand your country.

                        After that I can't be bothered to check this post for errors, feel free to comment cause I don't give two shits.
                        Okay dude now I'm pretty sure you need help. Stop being so fucking emo.


                        • #42
                          Emo? You have no idea why Im like I am. Perhaps its cause my mother walks after 3 spinal operations, perhaps cause my cousin finally gave up drug dealing only to get runover shattering his leg, perhaps it was because i wasn't there for friends stabbed in clubs. I grew up in a shithole, i live in one of the roughest areas in England, no emos walk these streets. You either walk with a hoodup or a fast step. Laugh if you want but I bet you live in some posh little suburb, don't believe me ask someone else what nottingham lenton is like, or look at the statistics. Murder, rape,drugs, burgalry, guns were number 1 baby. Am i proud to live in this place? FUCK YES
                          Makelele> whos camping
                          Sumpson> mitch
                          KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
                          Lemar> mitch
                          Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in


                          • #43
                            Wow an internet gangstar. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just still saying that you're emo if you blame the US for your mom's operations and your brother's leg. Hell maybe it was just karma - blame Ghandi.


                            • #44
                              I really like that British guy from AC/DC the one that wears the school boy uniform and rocks out like mad on the guitar.


                              • #45
                                The way i see it, the people who are most sensitive on this thread (the die-hards protectors of the 9/11 attack) are also some of the most insensitive people towards the other casualties of this war. FAR MORE than 3 000 innocents died at the hands of American retaliation (Including attacks on Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11). And NO they WEREN'T all fucking insergeants.

                                Its right to protect the justice on the 9/11 attacks, but lets not be so discriminating about the whole issue. Im sure most of you guys have, at some point, made fun of Iraqis, afghanis, or otherwise others in the same situation.

                                HMS made a mistake, and it is wrong, but its not so intolerable that we can accept his apology for what he had said.

