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Epic basing skills

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  • Epic basing skills

    There was a notable occurance in ?go base lately that I thought deserved everyones attention. Lately Dr.Coiff and myself had been basing as an unofficial team during mostly (but not exclusively) late night (11pm-ish EST) basing sessions. Our insanely long winning streak came to an end tonight in a tight match because I dropped the ball and ran into a mine that caused most of my team to die and us to lose a flagroom battle.

    But like all good things that refuse to end, in a way, our streak didn't die. Usually we have WingZero on the team too, and he wasn't in at this time. So the Spider-Coiff-WingZero team is still undefeated in like 10+ games over the past couple weeks.

    Also, I wasn't captain of this team which had been common lately. And Coiff was the terr, not the jav.

    Anyway, basically what I'm saying is if you ever see me and Coiff and WingZero in base, IT'S ON BABY, IT'S ON!

    If you want to talk about how great I am, and how I've inspired you personally in game with my antics, lets talk about that! Or, if you think I am lame (boo!) we can chat about that! Or what are your favorite ?go base moments. I pretty much shared mine I guess. Or, who do you most like to team with?

    Also, my "team" usually is in need of a shark. We've had some good people shark for us but it's almost always a different person. Are you an awesome shark? Do you like winning? Join the team!

    Thanks for your time.

    Formerly EEK! A Spider!
    Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy

  • #2
    Dameon Angell, Shark Elite reporting in. Pm me when it starts.


    • #3
      Why am I not impressed at all? :/
      Regency> not in for dd lol
      Regency> would rather eat some cock ;<


      • #4
        Put me in spider on the opposing team i shall rip your meaningless ships to shreds


        • #5
          i logged in to play some base after a serious break last week, my keyboard supported 2 simultanious buttons only and mvped right in front of all these camping spiders. the only thing epic here is the lack of skill these days


          • #6
            I'm Epic
            I swear, If you DONT COME TO MY EVENT...., JabJabJab will go emo ?go twisted -Stargazer <ER>
            2:EpicLi <ZH>> not going
            2:milosh <ZH>> not going
            2:Yojo?> Not coming


            • #7
              Yeah, with the Invincible Dameon Angell holding the cram. Last night was just an exhibition. There is no hope, Trench Wars. We are gods.

