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Here are some spider strats (without the courtesy of the author)

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  • Here are some spider strats (without the courtesy of the author)

    First of all, someone sprayed a shitload of cum all over Trench Wars related stuff because everything I see is sticky.

    Secondly, I came across this document called "Spider Strats" on my computress. I believe they were written by lunch3 circa Rejected Basers days (with lots of errors I didn't bother to sic). They were helpful to me then and perhaps they may be helpful to others now. Enjoy:

    Long Distance implies when the enemy is off or close to off screen. This attack style is best when attacking the enemy in mid, from behind, as they are attacking your team's cram. Get to this position by breaking through enemy lines from flag room, or (if situation arises where you are spawned back to life close to island at entrance of lower base) by entering mid-base from your spawn point.

    When initiating an attack use up to around 80% of your energy or 5-6 shots when firing. Fire bullets in two directions to increase likely-hood that they will hit multiple targets, and fire, predominantly, down the middle of the 'enemy cloud' or at the enemy terr. Retreat a little to recharge your energy. After such an attack enemy spids will usually come to attack you, if they don't, repeat ambush attack. If they do decide to attack you after your ambush, fire in bursts of 2-3 shots at incoming spids, conserve energy in between bursts to maintain an energy level of around 50%. You will need this energy for close combat if they reach you, which they probably will. If it is just one enemy try to hold your ground according to rules of engagement for close combat. If 2 or more spids are coming at you always retreat or stand ground... never advance towards them. Your attacks with bursts of 2-3 shots will hopefully slow or damage them enough to the point where you can take them in close combat even though you do not have full energy.

    This attack works well because it forces the enemy to engage on two fronts... your front and the 'cram' front. If another of your team-mates is in mid with you attack from seperate positions. After seeing which spids take the bait try to attack the weaker link. Also try to act as back-up for your team-mate if that team-mate is taking the bulk of the enemy spids, but let enemy spids pass you as they attack the friendly and after such point follow them to attack from behind. But in all situations always take out the spiders that are presently trying to kill you, and try to take them out quickly so you can help out on other fronts.

    Note: If only one spid is attacking you should not retreat forever, it doesn't help your team. Take your chances with that spider duel and be moderately quick. DO retreat though if need be if 2 or more spids are attacking you... that relieves pressure on your team-mates who will be more able to take out, or 'milk', the enemy terr.

    1) Focus on one enemy at a time (unless that target retreats so far away that your hit percentage is like 50%, ie medium range, and you have another enemy spid bearing down on you).
    2) In situations where you are certain to die soon, continue to fire on your original target, or another target that for sure has very little energy left. Basically if you are going to die take one of them with you.
    3) If a shark is among those attacking you, conserve all the energy you can, except for sure shots, and wait till one of the enemy spids is basically right next to you. Do not fire on shark until supporting spids are dead and always attack the spid that DOESN'T have the shark protecting them. In this situation always retreat, let these enemies waste time so that the rest of your team can have fun killing with ease. At any point when you have close to full energy fire one shot at a time at shark to try to get that shark to waste reps.

    Continue to do above strategy as you retreat, and definitely do the switch-aro when the spids have wasted all their energy in attacking and pounce back at them to attack and destroy with kamikaze style intent. They will be surprized to find out that they are now facing a fully charged spider. Your one shot attacks (against shark or spid) as you retreat usually tricks the enemy into believing that the reason you are only firing one shot at a time (at a low frequency) is because you have no energy, which in truth is not the case if you follow this strategy. As such they will use up most of their energy believing that killing you is one shot away. You should attack (in the end) with intent to kill when you use your judgemant and decide (by seeing how much and how fast they are firing) when they are low on energy. Just hope they aren't using the same strategy because they are too dumb to use any good strategy.

    Basic spider combat skills: conserve energy, fire only when pretty sure it will hit, and fire in bursts of 2 or 3 shots for absolutely sure shots. When evading it is best to oscilate ur position perpendicularly to ur general line of retreat. In harassing enemy fire 2-3 shoots then move sideways, when facing enemy, then fire again=makes u less of an easy target.

    The easiest place to stop the other team, b4 cram situation, is the tunnel. In this situation think it's best to have one spid in top with a shark, one mid, and 2 spids in lower also with supporting shark. As the enemy terr tries to enter tunnel the two lower spids should build up momentum going up while facing below. As you are moving backwards up the tunnel be conservative with shots and evade bullets, then fire like no tomorrow when the terr is close to you, where you can see the white's of their eyes. This way when their shark repels, the shots will probably hit the enemy terr nonetheless. The spid in middlle joins in while the top spid fires down the tube just as terr enters.

    Our terr in meantime should be in mid. If the enemy team is smart they will try to go up one of the side tubes. In this case the two lower spids try to follow them up side tubes. All other spids, and the lower spids after they die, should go into position to block them from entering mid base from side tubes at the top exits.

    One camping spider is good to have as backup and support.

    If after you die you are right next to island in front of lower base entrance, after warping back to life, it is usually better to thrust up tunnel, accumulate energy back, and fire on enemy from behind as they attack cram. Harder for them to defend two sides compared to one....if you are attacking from behind it is better to stay alive then to kill more people in kamikaze. This harasses the enemy longer and allows crammers to build up kill points. Best way to do this is camp from top tunnel and fire at cram. Once spiders try to kill u in such a situation try to by pass them by going throw exit they are not headed to, ie their are 4 exits here from tunnel, and at that point u can do kamikaze style of attacking for most damage b4 u die.

    As always try to use the sharks timing and only fire at enemy when ur sharks are repeling for u. Alsdo try to stay behind sharks.

    In flag battles it is best to use common sense and not attack in groups, if 3 spiders are attacking from same place the enemies bullets are sure to make their painful mark. Try to attack from another place, this will force the other team to disperse their fire. So if most of ur team is attacking from the top of actual flag, go under the flag to attack. Use ur judgement whether u should camp at particular place, if u r sure to die if u enter direct combat, or whether u should rush enemy terr and their supporting spiders, when their team is dispersed or close to anniliation.

    Usually the best place to trap enemy is in one of the two upper bubbles. In such a case fire at enemy of course, and move to absolute top or side of flagroom to recharge. Fire quickly with educated guessing for aiming.

    In all situations surround enemy if can...much more effective against sharks that can only repel one front of attack.

    If you have read all of this, thankyou, I know it's a long read. Please add strats and arguments against above strats.

  • #2
    Close Combat is when you are close enough to spider to have around a 90% hit percentage.

    In this type of situation it is best to fire one shot at time, put keep frequency of firing to a high rate. The reason I say only one shot is that I constantly see spids waste bullets because they are trigger happy. Two shots at time is probably best is you are able to stay focused on target. Quickness is the key....but only if every shoot you throw at enemy hits the enemy.

    First off you obviously aim by turning right and left. But in combat a thing to keep in mind is how many hits have incured on you and how many times you have hit the enemy. If you are performing badly compared to enemy spider, move backwards as you aim (in effect retreat to conserve energy), if you are doing good move forwards to maximize your hitting ratio. Maneuvering to avoid being hit is useless in this situation.

    1) 3-4 shots is more than enough to kill, but in close combat 2 hits will probably suffice considering that enemy spid is wasting his/her energy to shoot at you.
    2)There is a lag associated with combat, in some situations you have been hit by a bullet that doesn't kill you, but in same instant or just a little afterwards, if you fire another shot your ship might explode because of lag telling your computer that you should be dead. That is why you only fire one or two shoots at time, so that you don't fire any extra shots than are required.
    3)You want to conserve as much energy as possible so that you can continue combat after you kill your first opponent. If you are good in close combat, you should only waste 2/5th of your energy to vanguish your average enemy.
    4)Many spiders attack in kamikaze fashion, therefore it is usually best to avoid enemy shots as you close in to the enemy and allow them to waste energy needlessly in their reckless fighting style. When you are close enough to have a 90% hit percentage, this is when you fire in above fashion. You might want to fire one or two shots while closing in on enemy if it so happens that while maneuvering closer, the enemy is in your sights for a small time window during such maneuvers and you can exploit this.

    P.S. I thought this might piss some people off as these strategies may take years to learn on one's own but in the hope of promoting more basing, I post them here now. all your base is REJECTED!!


    • #3

