See thats the problem Exalt - Sure pussies suck, but anyone with balls most likely has the balls to go play another game if they don't like the one they're playing. If they come to this one and everyones an asshat, and they don't see themselves going anywhere, why not play WoW or something? So as I said in my original post, it's up to the people ultimately. I'm not saying you have to wipe their tears away everytime you blow them up - just try to give your QS instincts a rest and not say EZ FUCKING NEWBOZGENHNEH every kill. The alternative being, we don't get enough new players and this game continues it's steady decline to death.
While we're being nostalgic, let me go back to the days of 99 where people actually came up with some halfway interesting and imaginative insults? I personally loved the Pallies vs. Diso times though, if you had to pick a favourite.
i really dont do the whole EZ OWNED NEWBIE BLAH BLAH thing
yeah it was fun on QS because it was more of an attention whore thing, but it made QS pretty famous, or infamous however you wanna call it, but at least it added some element of excitement to trenchwars, which was the whole goal of QS
there is no more excitement now, everyone hugs each other and says "thanks for playing this wonderful game of TWD, lets make out now and blow our brains out because of the bordom"
now im not saying be dicks to each other, but add some type of competitive flair into it... when I was a newbie and someone called me a newbie, i got pissed and hunted them in elim, or dueled them, or something like that, and tried to show them up... that was fun to me, even if it just fed my raging teen hormones a little too much... but i tell you what, i never quit the game for it
and everyone is being retarded when they say "they will just go play some other game blah blah"
no they wont, this game is fun, thats why people play it to begin with... its fun because of the gameplay not because it has spectacular graphics and blows everyone away with its prettiness, cuz it doesnt
everyone sticks to the game cause its fun, and the community is huge and awesome
kids quit this game back in 99 too knockers, but we always had more that stayed then left, because this game is FUN, bottem line, or no one would still play
and yes vets are quitting now because theyve played this game for like 8 years of their life, 8 fucking years (if not more, or maybe a few years less but same thing) how many other games last that long, where people spent years of their life playing everyday for years on end? why do you think people do it? cuz the game is FUN
so in the end, this game MIGHT die sometime, but guess what? someone will eventually get the source code or something, and remake the game, because this game is too fun to not be popular and active on the internet
RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive
Dice JR sounds like a good burger from Wendy's. Brb, going to Wendy's.
RaCka> how can i get you here
death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
Bottom line is this, and will always be this. It's the arrogance and laziness of the veterans in this game that will kill it. You want to do something about TW - go train a newbie and get him into the fucking game. If you can't do something as simple as that - you've got no right to bitch so shut the hell up.
Glad I got that off my chest
Thank you for saying that...this is what I tried to be for all the newb's out there but it was viewed as immature...i even mentioned several times in staff chat that we REALLY need to value the "newb" population a lot more...this isnt a vets game or staffers game...its for everyone...the "newbs" are just as important and thats what i tried to emphasize a lot..and i do infact believe that was the final straw for kim and i was axed for expressing my opinions to try and help TW.
anyway i totally agree with what you said as the bottom line here..its true we need to be outgoing and friendly to the new comers. we need to let them play in ?go base so they get better or just simply get a chance..we need to teach them how great the community can be..and once each person you take under your wing is adjusted they will pass it on..and the community will only grow. i know theres also more to be done..but this is one good step to take.
see you all in game!
edit: before anyone from staff says some bs about me running my mouth off, let it be known that i have seen MANY times in staff chat how great some staffers felt about banning players or warning before anyone says how my image was immature or not the image of staff--it is the elitist attitude in alot of staffers that needs to go. stop being staff zombies and be genuine, nice people to the public. not A FORCE, but A SERVICE. and i dont care what anyone says about this--i saw what i saw, and it was an overall force, not a service. alot of negativety and lack of tolerance in staff.
however there are good staff members and to all of you out there thank you..thank you for being good to the public, and thanks for supporting me when i needed help.
ANYWAY--my bottom line--start helping. you can help by just taking players "under your wing"...just start conversations with the public and let them know what a great community trenchwars has and can continue to make!
edit 2: remove pure pub.
Last edited by trancE tunes; 11-25-2007, 06:35 PM.
Yes, I totally agree. We as experienced players need to teach the newer players how to play the damn game. If we don't this game will fucking die. It's going to be hard because this game has a lot of egos, that wont even teach a newbie how to play, or infact pick them in wbduel/javduel/base.
TWLD Champion 2014
TWDTB Champion 2013
TWDTB Champion 2016
TWDTB Champion 2017
TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
just a note.. those old farm squads were usually led by YOUNG ppl not like vets who played a good 4-5 years.. those young ppl were like the age or 12 or something..
now that all those ppl got older.. they got better things to do and not sit on SS and play 24/7..
it's a matter of efforts these new players put into the game... if these "new" players actually care about this game.. make a squad of it's own, things would be just as b4... and we shouldn't just put the blame on the vets who are not recruiting them on squads etc to give them a chance
let me restate two facts.. the reason why SOO many ppl played this game b4 was:
1. our computers werent as hardcore b4..
2. we didnt have a lot of online games to select from other than like SC or infantry
think about it.. u show a gr.6 kid... this game.. and compare it to WC or something... which one will he pick? it's simple logic
this game is met to die slowly.. i dont see how we can revive it.. so just let it be
Just a suggestion:
i remember when i started.. when i enter pub.. it used to show the top 3 squads in points.. top 3 players in points on the pub map every score reset.. i think if we do that.. it can help ppl take the initiative to make squads and play 24/7 until they are in the top 3..
4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
4:Nimrook> No?
4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
4:Akuun> ROFL
4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
4:Nimrook> lol
3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball
I know what you mean Nim, it is eventually going to go. The community though? I don't think so. People frequent different types of forums just for the conversation and personailities even without a game involved. Continuum, the competitive game, will surely die, if it hasn't already. Though I see no reason why we can't keep twd and a half-assed twl, elims and etc running to the occasional 20 minutes.
After all, thats what this game is really great for. Kicking back and fucking around a bit right? I still think the farm teams could be a really great idea. Even if only some squads do it, it could help things out and I wish people would take the idea a little more seriously. That is, if people care about this game going anywhere but down.
7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*
7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it
1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now
Just a suggestion:
i remember when i started.. when i enter pub.. it used to show the top 3 squads in points.. top 3 players in points on the pub map every score reset.. i think if we do that.. it can help ppl take the initiative to make squads and play 24/7 until they are in the top 3..
good idea...maybe also bring back that site that would allow users to check the pub stats for every area and every player...sort by squad, points, etc...that site was kinda cool to check out when i was a pubber and it would make me play more to get to the top and stuff
Bottom line is this, and will always be this. It's the arrogance and laziness of the veterans in this game that will kill it.
I agree with you, mate. But I think the real deal is that the baby-boomer generation of TW (and subspace) get older and start graduating and getting jobs and started moving forward in life. I mean, I've done the whole mentoring thing and getting people started, but I've been playing this zone since, what, sophmore year of high school (8+ years ago). I simply don't have the time or interest to do stuff like play pub long enough to meet someone. It's not laziness... maybe boredom. Mining the base entrance just isn't that thrilling to me anymore.
So yeah, funny I'm typing this while at work and unable to play. But you bring up a good point. We gotta give the newer players a chance to step up and not get in their way when they take over.
TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
TelCat> hoes get paid :(
TelCat> i dont
and another thing. I really hate these "enhancements" to pub. All the bots and the warps and jav limits and etc. With no priv freqs except on the pub 3 with like 10 ppl. What made pub a cool place to meet new peeps was the fact that pub squads existed, where people played to have FUN and not worry about twd rankings or getting into twl - just look at those! I remember one of NS' recruiting methods was to play pub as a squad, then recruit people we thought were good. We had so many people come along for the ride! Shit like that doesn't exist anymore because everyone's trying to get to pub1 because thats where everyone else is.
TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
TelCat> hoes get paid :(
TelCat> i dont
I always tried and still try to be nice to new players. I pick people who say they've never played in base before, for example. But I'm a senior citizen in this game now. The people that I spent all these years being nice to need to take over. I just want to screw around in base now.
Spider Formerly EEK! A Spider! Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy
Just a suggestion:
i remember when i started.. when i enter pub.. it used to show the top 3 squads in points.. top 3 players in points on the pub map every score reset.. i think if we do that.. it can help ppl take the initiative to make squads and play 24/7 until they are in the top 3..
I was thinking the same thing. When I first started playing subspace I played in a zone called "A Small Warzone" and would play it non-stop to get into the top 5 in points. It also encouraged me to join a squad and help them win the squad points too (even though there was no type of league there at the time.) Stats for ?go base, javduel, and wbduel would be nice too. Put all the stats up on a website like Chaos/league zone does ( and you give both new and old players more of a reason to play.