This game sucks SO MUCH d**k, it's unbelievable. Cocks everywhere, it's a regular sausagefest. However, there's no anime, so none of you faggots would be interested.
This game sucks SO MUCH d**k, it's unbelievable. Cocks everywhere, it's a regular sausagefest. However, there's no anime, so none of you faggots would be interested.
i'd like to take this time to point out that your thread still hasn't reached 3 pages yet : ) ; ) : *
Originally posted by lindsay
I can see what you mean, but the way you state things is more retarded than the people you are actually talking about. Right now, you're acting like you're a regaular GaiaOnline user.
if i were really acting like a gaiafag this post would be littered in anime faces and japanese phrases used in the wrong context you gaijin baka doke doke >_________<
whoops too late!
Originally posted by lindsay
I know the average age and intelligence span isn't all too high on the GaiaOnline forums, but it does house a gigantic number of people. Like Reaver said, even if people just look at the thread, that's improvement for this game.
reaver is an idiot if he really thinks that people looking at a thread about the game is an improvement for the game. do you even begin to realize how flawed your logic is? that's like saying people looking at once of those commercials about starving african children who need food is helping them survive because you watched a few of them on television.
maybe in europe you don't understand what the word "improvement" means
it means to make better f y i
people looking at an advertisement and deciding to ignore it isn't making it better, it's making it worse because they decided to not play it, meaning that the potential they had to install the game is GONE
Originally posted by lindsay
About your 'suggestion': please link me to gaming sites that don't suck cock and are infested with cockmongling weeaboos
it wasn't a suggestion, it was a statement and a fact
this thread is still a fucking joke
1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
1:soild>they can say what they like
1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
2:Displaced> k washed my nuts, hope they stop itching now
2:Displaced> now its my fucking foot that is itching, FOR FUCKS SAKE
2:Eeks> there was this girl that had a crush on me
2:Eeks> and she had the biggest boobs i've ever seen live
2:Eeks> had back problems too i think
2:Eeks> it was kinda disturbing when her boobs were bigger than her head
1:DangerGirl> spider, give your cap to era
1:spider> Wooooohoo!
1:spider> .*passes the hat*
1:Erathia> <eats the hat>
It's a fine idea. Advertisement (in any form) is so much more effective than people think. That's all that needs to be said. Just keep on getting the word out there, and it'll help the zone/servers immensely. The subliminal effect it has (no I'm not talking about the 60's conspiracy subliminality jazz) is outstanding, and is bound to catch an eye or two.
So what if a couple of 12 year olds join the game? There's plenty of players I've seen go from 'whine whine whine, look at me, look at me' to 'I've shut up and played to catch people's attention.'
Good job Hak, its nice to see someone taking action to get new players!
There is however something wrong with the screenshots: No background stars, no explosions, no repels in sight. That sort of stuff adds to the wow factor, and makes the game feel newer and like it has more depth to it. Otherwise it looks really dated. I know you probably turned off stars because they are distracting in a duel or something, but for the purposes of selling the game, see if you can get some prettier screenshots?
LEM - news, reviews and articles of a techy nature
The problem with that forum you posted in is that every time the post gets bumped it just gets knocked off the first page in seconds. Maybe you should post it in the gaming discussion forum on that site instead.
i don't care how desperate you are for fresh blood, do you really think attracting 12 year old weeaboos who masturbate to naruto is going to help this situation?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA this post is not generic 4/4 ok .
wow it's nice someone had a screenshot of the old paladen crew.. haha
those days were fun..
9 TWL Titles - 5 TWLJ 3 TWLD 1 TWLB
4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
4:Nimrook> No?
4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
4:Akuun> ROFL
4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
4:Nimrook> lol
3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball