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  • #31
    itt: fucktards press their luck.
    Originally posted by Tone
    It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
    Originally posted by the_paul
    Gargle battery acid fuckface
    Originally posted by Material Girl
    I tried downloading a soundcard


    • #32
      Originally posted by AceFlyer
      Not really, we have a similar rule against racial slurs in SWE. There goes your "no other zone" claim.
      Maybe he meant zones with more then 100 people. Claim Continued

      2:Lance> OMG
      2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
      2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

      Creator/Co-Creator of:

      ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

      New Maps are in production...


      • #33
        i'd like to think this zone can at least have SOME form of class... like it's really not that hard to not be racist. if it is, then you probably have problems, problems none of us should have to deal with
        violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

        [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
        [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


        • #34
          I agree. It is easy not to be racist. Although, some of the bans are dumb. I got warned for racism a couple years back for saying "It's a Mexican Stand-Off" in pub chat when I was in elim with 2 other guys on 9 deaths. It's a common term for 3 people in a "duel" or whatever from western movies. So, I do agree that sometimes the warn/ban is purposeless and such, but it really doesn't get to be a problem since you should be warned before being banned. Conclusion: Don't be racist in pub chats.

          1:Shaun> if my girlfriend had a dick
          1:Shaun> mmmm


          • #35
            I just think its funny when people get all uptight about some idiot being racist. The only reason they even say it is because it bothers you. Thats how its always been. I dont get bothered by it so there for it cannot effect me. Being banned for saying "n*gnore" is just a lil silly to me when a guy is allowed to run around under the name NGR which in my opinion is alot worse and implys a REAL racial slur.
            2 time TWLD runner up.

            If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


            • #36
              Originally posted by Kid Kaos View Post
              I dont get bothered by it so there for it cannot effect me
              you aren't black so no shit you arent going to feel offended. Why should apathy towards racism be counted as a whole. I think racism is a crutch for the weak, people like izor running around with ngr trying to act badass. Its ridiculous.

              and also, why do people whine when they get warned????

              Nolimitsoldier- how hard is it for your to say ";wattup night", two extra letters u useless fuck.

              Originally posted by Kid Kaos View Post
              Being banned for saying "n*gnore" is just a lil silly to me when a guy is allowed to run around under the name NGR which in my opinion is alot worse and implys a REAL racial slur.
              who cares. Why would you need to say n*gnore anyways. i dont see a real reason why you would need to say that at all, like zero reason.
              4:BigKing> xD
              4:Best> i'm leaving chat
              4:BigKing> what did i do???
              4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
              4:BigKing> ???? why though
              4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
              4:BigKing> xD


              • #37
                paradise, why do i say cya, same as see ya just more conveniant, same as rly, ic, fo sho, sup, all with a few more letters are the original word, i say them because its quicker and i hate having to type more then i need to. FFS paradise get with the program

                2:Lance> OMG
                2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                Creator/Co-Creator of:

                ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                New Maps are in production...


                • #38
                  Maybe, like the 'Birthday thread', we should have a whine thread? ....and we can start with this one.

                  Sheese, half you guys sound like pussies on the rag! Get over it... whatever it is.

                  Whiners, post here and only here. :crying:


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by NoLimitSoldier View Post
                    paradise, why do i say cya, same as see ya just more conveniant, same as rly, ic, fo sho, sup, all with a few more letters are the original word, i say them because its quicker and i hate having to type more then i need to. FFS paradise get with the program
                    if his name is nightcalibur, say nc. there. weasel ur way outta this one.
                    4:BigKing> xD
                    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                    4:BigKing> what did i do???
                    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                    4:BigKing> ???? why though
                    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                    4:BigKing> xD


                    • #40
                      Paradise is right. Want to play happy and have fun? Don't make race comments.
                      You are dumb enough not to handle this issue? get banned and stfu. What, does it burn in your asses to say racist comments?

                      For proper disclosure - I got warned once for being racist because someone called me "Yahud" which mean in Arab "Jew". So when he killed me I said Arabed.

                      He reported to get me a warn and then stupid conversation started with staff about what so racist about saying Arabed, Americaned, Israelied. So it is I guess... (saying the Area or County of the people who came from is Racist, be careful).
                      And then that idiot who became staff somehow, trancetunes, starts to shit PM me about the Israeli-Arab conflict and saying his ignorant shits.

                      Now I'm in the same squad as the guy who I had this issue with him, and we don't really have problems, cause people who care about this, like paradise said, are kids or adults who's brain still left behind.
                      Last edited by FarScape; 03-26-2008, 11:13 PM.


                      • #41
                        farscape ramble much?

                        Paradise, nc are u kidding me lol, that would be like calling toked tk, why not step out of your political correctness for a min. Niger is as much racist as nigardly neither describe someones skin tone. Calling him n i g isnt being the least racist. im not going around the arena yelling it to everyone. (although that day in EG was a rememberable one cough desktop cough) Even in eg they allow racism, and i hardly ever hear any of it in their zone. The only real reason most others say it is probably because it is a banned word. If it wasnt a banned word id guarenttee you, that you would hear it less often then you do now. Its almost like when the USA did the trading embargo with cuba, all of a sudden Cuban cigars become more popular then ever. Political correctness in todays time is complete bullshit. Whatever happened to sticks and stones. Im not advocating pulling a don imus. But if its not used in a harmful way it shouldnt be blacklisted. Do we not have ?obscene for shit like this? FUCKING USE IT THEN.

                        2:Lance> OMG
                        2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                        2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                        Creator/Co-Creator of:

                        ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                        New Maps are in production...


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by NoLimitSoldier View Post
                          Maybe he meant zones with more then 100 people.
                          Except he didn't say that.

                          In any case, Trench rules are Trench rules, the fact that EG, SVS, and DSB may or may not (I'm honestly not sure since I don't play SVS or DSB) have a rule against racism is irrelevant.


                          • #43
                            omgz!!! free royce!!! :chris:
                            RaCka> how can i get you here
                            death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                            RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                            death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Phiz View Post
                              Stfu nige
                              haha phiz, i remember that convo in your sig. staff ran a tight ship back then. the guy wasn't doing anything, specced me instead and told me to go answer it because there weren't any other zh's online. lolz

                              you know, all of a sudden the n-word in this thread really applies to this story...

                              slaves back then, i tell ya. :turned:
                              RaCka> how can i get you here
                              death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                              RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                              death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by NoLimitSoldier View Post
                                Paradise, nc are u kidding me lol, that would be like calling toked tk, .
                                actually no, nightcalibur = 2 words put into one, toked = 1 word, so nc isnt like tk :greedy: It's like people calling fieryfire FF, it works.
                                TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                                TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                                TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                                TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                                TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                                TWDT-J 2017 Champion

