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  • #46
    Originally posted by NoLimitSoldier View Post
    people refer to me as Htf.

    It all makes sense now

    Yojo?> And I keep arguing that when everyone else sees his stuff 3/10 of a second ahead of him, factoring in the 3/8 of a second it takes your brain to tell your hand to move, it's nothing to do with skill =/

    1:zidane> they dont wanna play vs. u dald
    1:B4sERmaN75_X> dald youve been blacklisted by pirates gg

    1:Ease> fucking stupid newbie sitting out of base for half an hour, then you finally come in and fire shots at 1000 mphl


    • #47
      Originally posted by paradise! View Post
      you aren't black so no shit you arent going to feel offended.
      In no way am I agreeing with kid but are you really naive enough to think only those of African descent are victims of racism?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Tyson
        There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
        Originally posted by HeavenSent
        Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
        Originally posted by Izor
        Women should never be working in the first place.


        • #49
          Originally posted by paradise! View Post
          first off, i know who ngr is, people wouldnt be suprised who it is.

          second,birthday party, grow the fuck up, your a dumb suburban white kid who is trying to act rebel by saying a near racist word. You are mentally retarded and i for one am glad it isnt allowed. Why do people feel the need to make risque racist names anyways. OHMYGAWSH I VEEL MAKE NIGER CUZ I <3 AFREEKA.
          I should "grow the fuck up" because I asked anyone who cared to answer if they thought the name "Niger" was obscene? It could not be for the reasons you list because they are a figment of your imagination.

          Seems like you're the person who needs to grow-up because you seem to have the wandering imagination of a child.


          • #50
            i always wanted to say this:

            IM BaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAACK!
            Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


            • #51
              People use racism as an excuse to freak out... We are all the same ffs, skin tone and other physical features are characterised through thousands of years of environmental influence.... If people in the U.S spent all day outside eventually their descendants would take on the physical features of american indians.
              Racial diversity should be celebrated. Not condemned, or made "taboo". Someone says "N**".. big fkn deal. It should be percieved the same as someone saying you are a "redneck conservative" or "liberal hippy".. no big deal. If someone gets upset over it then they most likely have self esteem issues and are looking for a scapegoat.
              Political correctness is death.


              • #52

                1:Wah!!>OH OH OH OH OH OH OOOHH
                1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
                1:soild <ZH>>EVERYHTINGS GONNA BE ARLIGFHT
                1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
                1:soild>they can say what they like
                1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
                1:soild>EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE ALRIGHT


                • #53
                  yall keep on saying that its easy not to be racist. you know why its easy? because 75% of the time they AREN'T being racist. I know this is a hard concept for some to follow, probably since they aren't around it very much, but please try.

                  No one wants to be able to say anything overtly racist, they aren't arguing that they should be able to say [warn/ban me if you must, but this is a discussion, not hate speech] "i hate N * G s " or "you dirty N * G * R"

                  seriously, who is asking to be able to say that? NO ONE

                  i won't speak for everyone, but i'd like to be able say the n word in a non racist context if i want. For, example this forum and discussion. i shouldn't have to say n word, yall know what i mean fffs

                  like 2 years ago i got banned for quoting the young jeezy song "trap or die"
                  in it he says i got diarrhea flow, so i shit on n* gAS" - i wasn't talking to anyone but myself, so who exactly was i being racist to? The black guy who wrote the song? the black people who say me type it? the <it doesnt matter the race/color> of the person? No one was offende, and Rudy, the stand up guy that he is, blew me off and banned me, calling me a racist. I didn't appreciate this at all, and i stopped playing for like 6 months because of it.

                  I'm not really arguing for a change to the system. From what i can gather, its in place b/c of a 1 or 2 racist fucks that ruined free speech for all of us. enough said. I just want everyone who likes to jump on this "yall are all racist" bandwagon to fall off and get trampled by the next guy jumping on.

                  TW's approach to racism is just a joke, and i just wanted to put that out there for others. I think anyone who's taken the time to read what i've said, and doesn't have a completely closed mind, would realize this. I know it's not going to change, and that's why i feel entitled to bitch about it.
                  .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                  .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                  • #54
                    tagmor is right ive never seen someone get a warning for saying cracker. Then again the tw racism rule doesnt apply to the white race.

                    2:Lance> OMG
                    2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                    2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                    Creator/Co-Creator of:

                    ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                    New Maps are in production...

