If possible, could a command be added to Eventbot that allows users to see what events have been requested, and the # of people requesting each event?
I'm tired of requesting an event several times a day (trying to keep it < 1 per hour), even getting several friends to request the same event, to no avail. If the eventbot is supposed to help hosters pick events that the most people request, it'd be great to know where one stands. I'd also like to know that the same peron's request isn't taken 5 times in a row, or the same event hosted more than once or twice in a day/week.
If it's done entirely upon #'s of requests, then it would benefit those who request less popular or known events to have a list of already requested events to choose from. This would enable people who know that their event isn't going to be the most popular (and therefore won't get hosted) to vote on an event they like that has a good chance of getting hosted based upon previous requests.
This would inspire more confidence in the Eventbot, causing more people to become familiar with the system and have their voices count. Otherwise, the eventbot will still be a little used, and even less trusted "excuse" to why i can't simply ask a host to host an event. When I do ask, I've been told at least 3 times to use the eventbot. I'd rather people flat out tell me they don't like the event and won't host it than leave it up to supposed democracy when I can't even see the results of the voting.
I'm tired of requesting an event several times a day (trying to keep it < 1 per hour), even getting several friends to request the same event, to no avail. If the eventbot is supposed to help hosters pick events that the most people request, it'd be great to know where one stands. I'd also like to know that the same peron's request isn't taken 5 times in a row, or the same event hosted more than once or twice in a day/week.
If it's done entirely upon #'s of requests, then it would benefit those who request less popular or known events to have a list of already requested events to choose from. This would enable people who know that their event isn't going to be the most popular (and therefore won't get hosted) to vote on an event they like that has a good chance of getting hosted based upon previous requests.
This would inspire more confidence in the Eventbot, causing more people to become familiar with the system and have their voices count. Otherwise, the eventbot will still be a little used, and even less trusted "excuse" to why i can't simply ask a host to host an event. When I do ask, I've been told at least 3 times to use the eventbot. I'd rather people flat out tell me they don't like the event and won't host it than leave it up to supposed democracy when I can't even see the results of the voting.