Since returning a few days ago I noticed the zone has considerably shrunk since my last active period here.
So, in the spirit of nostalgia and just for fun. Post up any nostalgic videos you might have from TW, or any simply funny/amazing videos you may have made.
Credit goes to FozzY2K for this first one.
Turretwar2 Staff vs World!
Stolen from the YouTubes, there's a nice piece of TW from around 1:15 to 2:30 Some duelling, and some recognizable names in a TWTown game. Some other zones in there too.
SubSpace Continuum
This is a little close to my heart this one. I decided to head over to Paladen's site today and see what videos they still had hiding away in their media section. Paladen was probably the happiest time I had on TW.
Reminiscence And Remembrance
So, in the spirit of nostalgia and just for fun. Post up any nostalgic videos you might have from TW, or any simply funny/amazing videos you may have made.
Credit goes to FozzY2K for this first one.
Turretwar2 Staff vs World!
Stolen from the YouTubes, there's a nice piece of TW from around 1:15 to 2:30 Some duelling, and some recognizable names in a TWTown game. Some other zones in there too.
SubSpace Continuum
This is a little close to my heart this one. I decided to head over to Paladen's site today and see what videos they still had hiding away in their media section. Paladen was probably the happiest time I had on TW.
Reminiscence And Remembrance