Found this stuff on would be good for tutorial
These are just some miscellanneous commands that you will find very useful. Write the imporant ones down, so you can access them in-game in case you forget them.
?usage displays the total amount of time you spent playing SubSpace =10 Join the frequency 10 team. You need full energy to do this. Some zones don't support this ; if it doesn't work, ask other people in the zone. They will tell you which frequency numbers are open for you to join (you can always try 0 and 1)
?sheep display sheep message and play sheep sound
?buy displays list of things which can be bought.
(?buy repel buys you one repeller)
?userid displays your unique userID
?getnews Download the news file from the zone you are currently in. The file is available under View>News located in the subspace startup screen. ?owner displays the name of the owner of the zone you are currently in ?ping displays your ping time to the server
?packetloss displays your current packetloss percentages
?arena displays list of public arenas
?time displays amount of time remaining in current game (only in timed games)
?crown displays how many kills you have left/need for a crown
?flags displays who is carrying flags
?team displays team-mates of player ticked in stat box
?find playername Find the player named playername. Displays whether the user is online or not, and displays the zone the player is in.
?score show score in a soccer game ?ignore name ignores person 'name', or ignores ticked player if name is not specified.
?log filename logs all messages to file (default file will be used if not specified). Type ?log again to stop logging.
?target=x sets your target bounty to X (ships with bounty equal to or higher than X will appear as a bright blue dot instead of a dark blue dot) ?status displays status of your ship and it's weaponry
?kill causes kill messages to be logged to message area
?savemap name.bmp saves a bitmap of current map to name.bmp (default name will be used if not specified)
?go arenaname go to the next public arena, or a private arena if 'arenaname' is specified. arena's with a # in front of the name are hidden ones. (they don't show up in the ?arena list)
?lines=x set number of message lines, or show the amount of lines if x is not specified
?obscene Toggles the obscenity filter on/off. Only works when you are not playing in offline mode. The default setting for this is on.
?namelen=x sets length of name portion in message area
?away message Sets/clears an away message
?music=x sets music volume (0 to 10)
?zone tell you which zone you are in
?spec display a list of people that are currently spectating you ?password=pw Change your SubSpace password to pw
Squad management
Squads add a huge element of teamplay to SubSpace. When you join a squad, you (usually) devote yourself to playing with your squadmates, helping each other out, and duel other squads. You can easily make friends this way, and practice some two-player combo's. Creating a squad is one, but maintaining one is something different. You'd be better off if you joined a squad first before creating one of your own. Squad captains that don't know how things work are very annoying for the rest of the squad. For some the commands below you need to be the squad creator in order for the commands to work.
?squadjoin=A:B Join an existing squad. A is the name of the squad, B is the password
?squadcreate=A:B Create a new squad. A is the name of the squad, B is the password
?squadleave Leave your current squad
?squaddissolve Completely get rid of current squad you own(delete the squad, and remove all members from it)
?squadpassword=pw Change squad password to pw
?squadlist Lists the people that are on your squad
?squadkick=playername Kick player called playername off of squad ?squadowner squadname Tells you who the owner is of the squad called squadname
?squad playername Tells you the name of the squad the player named playername is in.
?squadgrant playername Grants the ownership of your current squad to the player called playername.
Macros are really important in subspace, especially in team-oriented games. Often you will have little time to call for help, or to ask for someone who is at base. With macros, you can store your most used text lines and retrieve them with a simple key combination. There are alot of extra variables that can be used in macros to enhance communication, like an energy or coordinate indication that can often provide vital information for your teammates. Good use of macros will give you and your team a considerable edge when fighting enemy teams.
SHIFT-F# # is a number from 1 to 8. Record the text that is currently at the text prompt. The next time you press SHIFT-F#, subspace will reproduce the macro exactly as you typed it.
?loadmacro filename load message macros from filename. This will replace your current macros with the ones stored in the macro file (usually a .mac file)
?savemacro filename save message macros to filename. Saves your message macros to disk. The default extension is .mac
%red Displays name(bty:flags) of the nearest enemy flag carrier
%redname Displays the name of nearest enemy flag carrier
%redbounty Displays the bounty of the nearest enemy flag carrier %redflags Displays the number of flags of nearest enemy flag carrier %coord Displays your current coordinates
%tickname Displays the ticked name
%selfname Displays your name
%squad Displays your squad
%freq Displays your frequency
%bounty Displays your bounty
%flags Displays how many flags you are carrying
%energy Displays your energy
%shield Displays your remaining shield time
%super Displays your remaining super time
%killer Displays the last person to kill you
%killed Displays the last person you killed
General Communication
In the following text, the actual thing you type is written in italic text. Try to remember all of them, since nothing can be more annoying than not being able to say something to someone if you want. It is possible for you to send messages to someone who is in a different zone. So, if you want to know if your friend is online, you can send him a message and see if he's there.
Hello everyone sends "Hello everyone" to all players in the current arena. This is a public message, which is always written in blue text.
/Hi there sends "Hi there" to selected player. You select a player with the red arrow in the playerlist. This is a private message, which is always written in green text.
//Hello team Sends "Hello team" to your entire frequency (all players in the playerlist that have a yellow name). This is a team message, which will always be written in yellow text.
'Hello team Same as //Hello team :doorknot:hi there Sends private message "hi there" to player named "doorknot". If a player is not in the playerlist when he sends you a message, then use this option to reply to him. (It is possible to send messages to someone who is not even in the same zone)
::hi there This will send "hi there" to the last person that sent you a message. For example, if someone named "Captain21" sends you a message, and you type ::hi there you will see :Captain21:hi there on your screen. In other words, the game will automatically fill in the right name for you. "hiya Will send hiya to ticked player's team. Will appear as blue text, with your name in green.
:#squadname:hi guys Will send Hi guys to all players in the squad called squadname. A shortcut for talking to your own squad is SHIFT-3. Notice : these messages are NOT sent reliably ; it's possible that your squad does not receive all messages you send if your connection isn't too good.
Chat channels
Chat channels are special channels in SubSpace that allow a group of people to talk to every person using the chat channel. A player can have up to ten chat channels at a time. Players can have a specific channel, for their squad only, or just one for a specific zone. As you start to learn to know people in subspace, you will add more and more chat channels. They are definitely worth the time you spend figuring out how they work.
?chat Lists the chat channels you are currently using ?chat=name1 Set your chat channel to the one named "name1". ?chat=1,2,3,4,5 Set multiple chat channels, names separated by a comma only. There is a maximum of ten channels.
;hi guys Send "hi guys" to chat channel number one ;2;hello folks Send "hello folks" to chat channel number 2. Do I really need to tell how to use channel number three?
These are just some miscellanneous commands that you will find very useful. Write the imporant ones down, so you can access them in-game in case you forget them.
?usage displays the total amount of time you spent playing SubSpace =10 Join the frequency 10 team. You need full energy to do this. Some zones don't support this ; if it doesn't work, ask other people in the zone. They will tell you which frequency numbers are open for you to join (you can always try 0 and 1)
?sheep display sheep message and play sheep sound
?buy displays list of things which can be bought.
(?buy repel buys you one repeller)
?userid displays your unique userID
?getnews Download the news file from the zone you are currently in. The file is available under View>News located in the subspace startup screen. ?owner displays the name of the owner of the zone you are currently in ?ping displays your ping time to the server
?packetloss displays your current packetloss percentages
?arena displays list of public arenas
?time displays amount of time remaining in current game (only in timed games)
?crown displays how many kills you have left/need for a crown
?flags displays who is carrying flags
?team displays team-mates of player ticked in stat box
?find playername Find the player named playername. Displays whether the user is online or not, and displays the zone the player is in.
?score show score in a soccer game ?ignore name ignores person 'name', or ignores ticked player if name is not specified.
?log filename logs all messages to file (default file will be used if not specified). Type ?log again to stop logging.
?target=x sets your target bounty to X (ships with bounty equal to or higher than X will appear as a bright blue dot instead of a dark blue dot) ?status displays status of your ship and it's weaponry
?kill causes kill messages to be logged to message area
?savemap name.bmp saves a bitmap of current map to name.bmp (default name will be used if not specified)
?go arenaname go to the next public arena, or a private arena if 'arenaname' is specified. arena's with a # in front of the name are hidden ones. (they don't show up in the ?arena list)
?lines=x set number of message lines, or show the amount of lines if x is not specified
?obscene Toggles the obscenity filter on/off. Only works when you are not playing in offline mode. The default setting for this is on.
?namelen=x sets length of name portion in message area
?away message Sets/clears an away message
?music=x sets music volume (0 to 10)
?zone tell you which zone you are in
?spec display a list of people that are currently spectating you ?password=pw Change your SubSpace password to pw
Squad management
Squads add a huge element of teamplay to SubSpace. When you join a squad, you (usually) devote yourself to playing with your squadmates, helping each other out, and duel other squads. You can easily make friends this way, and practice some two-player combo's. Creating a squad is one, but maintaining one is something different. You'd be better off if you joined a squad first before creating one of your own. Squad captains that don't know how things work are very annoying for the rest of the squad. For some the commands below you need to be the squad creator in order for the commands to work.
?squadjoin=A:B Join an existing squad. A is the name of the squad, B is the password
?squadcreate=A:B Create a new squad. A is the name of the squad, B is the password
?squadleave Leave your current squad
?squaddissolve Completely get rid of current squad you own(delete the squad, and remove all members from it)
?squadpassword=pw Change squad password to pw
?squadlist Lists the people that are on your squad
?squadkick=playername Kick player called playername off of squad ?squadowner squadname Tells you who the owner is of the squad called squadname
?squad playername Tells you the name of the squad the player named playername is in.
?squadgrant playername Grants the ownership of your current squad to the player called playername.
Macros are really important in subspace, especially in team-oriented games. Often you will have little time to call for help, or to ask for someone who is at base. With macros, you can store your most used text lines and retrieve them with a simple key combination. There are alot of extra variables that can be used in macros to enhance communication, like an energy or coordinate indication that can often provide vital information for your teammates. Good use of macros will give you and your team a considerable edge when fighting enemy teams.
SHIFT-F# # is a number from 1 to 8. Record the text that is currently at the text prompt. The next time you press SHIFT-F#, subspace will reproduce the macro exactly as you typed it.
?loadmacro filename load message macros from filename. This will replace your current macros with the ones stored in the macro file (usually a .mac file)
?savemacro filename save message macros to filename. Saves your message macros to disk. The default extension is .mac
%red Displays name(bty:flags) of the nearest enemy flag carrier
%redname Displays the name of nearest enemy flag carrier
%redbounty Displays the bounty of the nearest enemy flag carrier %redflags Displays the number of flags of nearest enemy flag carrier %coord Displays your current coordinates
%tickname Displays the ticked name
%selfname Displays your name
%squad Displays your squad
%freq Displays your frequency
%bounty Displays your bounty
%flags Displays how many flags you are carrying
%energy Displays your energy
%shield Displays your remaining shield time
%super Displays your remaining super time
%killer Displays the last person to kill you
%killed Displays the last person you killed
General Communication
In the following text, the actual thing you type is written in italic text. Try to remember all of them, since nothing can be more annoying than not being able to say something to someone if you want. It is possible for you to send messages to someone who is in a different zone. So, if you want to know if your friend is online, you can send him a message and see if he's there.
Hello everyone sends "Hello everyone" to all players in the current arena. This is a public message, which is always written in blue text.
/Hi there sends "Hi there" to selected player. You select a player with the red arrow in the playerlist. This is a private message, which is always written in green text.
//Hello team Sends "Hello team" to your entire frequency (all players in the playerlist that have a yellow name). This is a team message, which will always be written in yellow text.
'Hello team Same as //Hello team :doorknot:hi there Sends private message "hi there" to player named "doorknot". If a player is not in the playerlist when he sends you a message, then use this option to reply to him. (It is possible to send messages to someone who is not even in the same zone)
::hi there This will send "hi there" to the last person that sent you a message. For example, if someone named "Captain21" sends you a message, and you type ::hi there you will see :Captain21:hi there on your screen. In other words, the game will automatically fill in the right name for you. "hiya Will send hiya to ticked player's team. Will appear as blue text, with your name in green.
:#squadname:hi guys Will send Hi guys to all players in the squad called squadname. A shortcut for talking to your own squad is SHIFT-3. Notice : these messages are NOT sent reliably ; it's possible that your squad does not receive all messages you send if your connection isn't too good.
Chat channels
Chat channels are special channels in SubSpace that allow a group of people to talk to every person using the chat channel. A player can have up to ten chat channels at a time. Players can have a specific channel, for their squad only, or just one for a specific zone. As you start to learn to know people in subspace, you will add more and more chat channels. They are definitely worth the time you spend figuring out how they work.
?chat Lists the chat channels you are currently using ?chat=name1 Set your chat channel to the one named "name1". ?chat=1,2,3,4,5 Set multiple chat channels, names separated by a comma only. There is a maximum of ten channels.
;hi guys Send "hi guys" to chat channel number one ;2;hello folks Send "hello folks" to chat channel number 2. Do I really need to tell how to use channel number three?
