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  • Tutorial?

    I read a lot of complaints about diminishing life of TW (if you disagree, no need to read my proposal then, mmk?) so I thought I'd add my two cents worth as a SUGGESTION.

    M1ke Hunt and I show this game to almost everyone we know who is into computer gaming. Hell, I even showed it to my girlfriend, which probably should have shown her I'm a loser, but I guess I lucked out.

    Anyways, a lot of times, these friends of ours enjoy the game for the first couple days, and then stop playing. Pub map is too repetitive to demand more of their time. Well, move to another arena? HOW? I think a lot of the basic commands should be given through some tutorial of the game (optional at entrance). We're counting on people to introduce the game to another, but what if I'm too lazy (just like most of TW) to give a full lesson of the game?

    Without guidance, new players don't learn about other arenas besides pub or about basic commands (like ?go or ?find or ?chat). When I first started, I played pub for 2-3 months, before some other pubber told me to ?go elim. I was like, "WTF is this?!" The only reason I stuck the 2-3 months out was because I had nothing better to do in my life (Typical asian boy). Generally speaking though, as shown by some of M1ke and I's friends, people tend to quit playing after 1-2 weeks, because they never learn of the different dimensions of the game, because usually no one's willing to put in the time to teach them. Half of pub is without a TWD squad, which is one of the most fun parts of Trench wars.

    I'm suggesting some sort of optional tutorial at entrance into the game. Too bad most of TW forums are veterans that my idea will be disregarded. Perhaps a bot can be designed to guide players, if they choose to be given the tutorial. The helpful ticks given by esc+F6, or whatever, don't help at all because everyone's focused on the flying and killing to read that. Plus, pub chat is ridiculous.

    Also, what about an elim for players that haven't played for awhile? Maybe a usage maximum, so that other players can play against people their own skill level (though I have usage I probably fit in there)? I guess there will be players that'll just stupidly create names everyday so they can feel proud that they owned newbielim, but no matter what you add to TW, some retard is going to do some dumb stuff.

  • #2
    If you want a good idea of what a tutorial should be like, check out ?go tutorial in DSB Zone


    • #3
      A lot of people think this is a good idea, and another incarnation is in the works. However, access to the bots has been restricted since the hack a few weeks ago, so the development is frozen.

      I agree that the basic commands are not obvious, and that it is invaluable for a brand noob to be guided, even informally, by a more seasoned player. When I first got back into the game after a 12 year hiatus, I typed some angry comment like "WTF? My ship is slow and I can't green! This game sucks now!" I was tempted to leave immediately, even though I already had a fundamental sense of the gameplay and knew I had enjoyed it long ago. Then someone patiently pointed out that it's the way of things in TW, and you get used to it. I also didn't understand why I was sometimes part of an awesome frenzy of basing, and other times getting lamed constantly in spawn by obnoxious vulching warbirds in an arena that was seemingly the same, yet much less awesome.

      Hopefully bot dev can get back on track soon.

      The DSB tutorial has the right idea, and clearly a lot of time was put into it. But the WALLS OF TEXT are staggering. People don't want to pore over a manual when they are just starting out. They want to get in right away and kill something. Even the F1 text and F6 help are too much to absorb at once. The TW tutorial will focus on specific skills, and the user will advance by killing.

      In the meantime, if you see a brand noob in the pub chat, take the initiative to help, before the "ez noob" pub piranhas smell blood.
      Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
      2d spaceships nobody gives a shit

