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What to do in Trench Wars when you don't play Distension?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
    ok i went through the interviews and here's what i got
    Nice work there, but you'll need a sample size much larger than 21 to be taken seriously by anyone competent More interviews plox (if you can be bothered).


    • #32
      why not have a poll bot

      with multiple polls

      in pub
      The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

      SSCJ Distension Owner
      SSCU Trench Wars Developer

      Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Zerzera View Post
        So it's Europe's peak time in Trench Wars on a Friday night. No basing in public (there's a public of 40 but it has.. brb counting: 8 levi's and 3 LT's) base is down and no events are hosted.

        Except of course Distension which receives daily dedicated hosting like no actual Trench Wars events.

        --Logging off at 9pm.
        I am the only one that runs and looks over Distension and was re-hired to staff specifically to do so. I guess I should apologize for running it competently and on schedule each day?

        I'm sorry, but the point your trying to make (that TW staff cares only about Distension) is completely senseless. While it may be true that the zone was dead, it had NOTHING to do with staff's involvement with Distension as 99% of staff puts zero effort into it at all.

        Originally posted by soupero View Post
        Distension sucks
        Aquatiq sucks
        whoever made distension sucks

        Seriously, tourny is off just because you faggots want all the people to go to distension.


        I agree with zerzera.
        You're an immature idiot.

        Tourny is NOT off because "faggots" want people to go to Distension. Actually, Distension IS NOT EVEN RUN DURING THE DAY ON WEEKENDS. It's run at 1am EST, which you may recognize as a time of day when TW is dead and there's fuck all happening. Did you even look to see if Distension was running when tourny wasn't (because this was NOT the case)? Tourny was down because the bot server was having issues. Please be less of a toolbag. Thanks!

        I have no problem with people not liking Distension or being against it, but the problem is that 95% of these people are complete fucking mouth breathers. Seriously, I haven't seen a single person against Distension that doesn't come up with completely fabricated bullshit to use in their arguments. You'll be listened to once you come up with a sound argument.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Kolar View Post
          The bots problems over the past few days should be fixed from what I was told. Moot is no longer working on Publics and I would like to get someone to focus on that, if anyone has some ideas let me know.

          I'm not saying we should have ship upgrading, TW isn't that kind of zone. BUT it might be a solution to highly powered weapons like Levi Bombs (Level 3 Bombs). A Distension like-bot solution might be able to do that. The end result being there being no need to restrict Levis, Timer Pub or Pure Pub.

          Edit: I can switch up Pure Public to Public 0 and see how that works out, neither is the default for players but people generally filter into Pub 0 regardless. If the population splits to Pub 1/2 then it could be a strong indicator that Levis and Lev Terring are wanted. It does take a lot of team work to Levi Terr also so we shouldn't forget that, even if they're not compatible with Basing.
          I don't know how it would work in terms of staff abilities or whatever, but I think if one person can't be decided on to help improve the pubs, a few people should form a committee to try and get some positive changes going. I've said before that Cpt. Poopface has been eager to help and has some great ideas, and I know there are a few others that wouldn't mind helping at all.

          I've been suggesting for about two months to have a test pub go up weekdays just to try out ideas like the one you have. I don't know how well it would go down, but that's what a test pub is for, to try out ideas and see how the community likes them.

          Lev terring is wanted by some of the community, but so is a pub without levis. I can understand if the bot breaks down, shit happens but all the more reason to have a few people dedicated to pubs so fixes that are needed like that can happen alot quicker.

          Originally posted by Dab
          Get new players to stay, then if that works make sure the leagues/elim-arenas work and then if you have any time left make some events that have nothing to do with TW at all, for all I care. It made sense that there were a lot of new events being created everyday when TW easily had 400-500 people playing. But right now it doesn't, you should focus on getting the basics to work properly again.
          I agree with you and have been trying to advocate this for months.

          Stab I know you've had to deal with alot of bullshit whining but just as there are a few people that are unwilling to compromise and think Distension should just be ripped from the zone, there are also a few Distension players that have been just as immature and vocal. It's a fact of life that in this type of game and community, we're going to have to deal with immature "mouthbreathers". Hopefully the ones willing to work towards a positive solution can overcome the selfishness and tunnel vision that some people on both sides are having.

          The last thing TW needs is to have the community turn on itself, especially at such a critical point where population is low, and communication/ organization are not as smooth as they could be.
          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Stabwound View Post
            I am the only one that runs and looks over Distension and was re-hired to staff specifically to do so. I guess I should apologize for running it competently and on schedule each day?

            I'm sorry, but the point your trying to make (that TW staff cares only about Distension) is completely senseless. While it may be true that the zone was dead, it had NOTHING to do with staff's involvement with Distension as 99% of staff puts zero effort into it at all.

            You're an immature idiot.

            Tourny is NOT off because "faggots" want people to go to Distension. Actually, Distension IS NOT EVEN RUN DURING THE DAY ON WEEKENDS. It's run at 1am EST, which you may recognize as a time of day when TW is dead and there's fuck all happening. Did you even look to see if Distension was running when tourny wasn't (because this was NOT the case)? Tourny was down because the bot server was having issues. Please be less of a toolbag. Thanks!

            I have no problem with people not liking Distension or being against it, but the problem is that 95% of these people are complete fucking mouth breathers. Seriously, I haven't seen a single person against Distension that doesn't come up with completely fabricated bullshit to use in their arguments. You'll be listened to once you come up with a sound argument.
            Thanks bro.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Stabwound View Post
              Seriously, I haven't seen a single person against Distension that doesn't come up with completely fabricated bullshit to use in their arguments.

              finally, someone else besides me noticed. ^_^
              The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

              SSCJ Distension Owner
              SSCU Trench Wars Developer

              Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


              • #37
                In the end, you guys are nerds => I'm not.


                Go write a program, morons.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Nockm View Post
                  Nice work there, but you'll need a sample size much larger than 21 to be taken seriously by anyone competent More interviews plox (if you can be bothered).
                  it's a work in progress, plus cpt pooface has done ones that i dont' have access to. hopefully we can get a lot, and by a lot that's still probably under 100. it's not as easy to get ppl to stop playing and talk as putting up a poll on the forums.

                  just figured it was relavent to the discussion at hand, i'm by no means done, just don't have a lot of time to devote to it.
                  .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                  .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                  • #39
                    I agree with what Nockm was saying earlier, I don't like distension but because enough people do like distension, keep it going. Also, a couple people mentioned the importance of pubs and the focus it should take and I couldn't agree more, we all started in pubs. But what surprises me the most is that when I quit staff a couple years ago, the last point I emphasized was a tutorial to give people a feel for the game and get them started, and to this day I still think there isn't one. It doesn't matter what changes you make to the game, if someone new starts playing and there's no guidance to show them how to play (the help messages aren't enough) then we'll lose people that way too. Also, before anyone replies with something retarded, I'm not saying that there haven't been people that started playing and picked up the controls without any help, all I'm saying is that if we make it easier to learn the game it's one less reason to push people away.
                    1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
                    3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
                    3:Best> see it coming
                    3:Best> sad


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by soupero View Post
                      In the end, you guys are nerds => I'm not.


                      Go write a program, morons.
                      Soupero cant handle arguing with people that can write long posts. Taking the nerd exit.

                      Distension is so popular because it has a set time to get hosted and all the distension lovers are waiting for it to come on. If we gave distension its own 24/7 pub it wouldn't be so popular all the time. And people would leave it for a TWD game or tourny knowing that it will be there when they come back. But now when distensions only up for a few hours and when we need 1 more beep for bd, that guy is playing distension and wont leave because its not gonna be hosted in a long time blah blah.

                      I hate distension but this would be a better move
                      1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

                      menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
                      JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

                      1:Cape> Why did u axe req
                      1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


                      • #41
                        Cause I haven't got any good f-got arguments like you guys.

                        I just think the game is stupid, but many people love it so they play it. They stop playing tourny or javduel or any other game. When I come online during the weekend there is nothing to do in TW.

                        So I end up closing tw.

                        All I want is to see that shit go to an other zone. Because I know what will happen then.


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            You fail, jngy.
                            2:Kaiten> All the black in me is concentrated in my dick

                            getting pw> Rub it in more please
                            No one can> i would if i could
                            Lemmin> she likes it when you rub it in

                            getting pwned sucks. So much so, that this event is created to honour her. ?go wormhole -H.M.S. Stargazer

                            (*friend*)>camera adds 5 pounds to everyone
                            (*friend*)>even cocks
                            :* me *: ROFL


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Nockm View Post
                              I don't see why people give so much of a damn about distension. I don't enjoy playing it, therefore I just don't play it. It's a successful event, so people must be enjoying it a lot - I can't see how you can criticize that. In fact I think it should be applauded.

                              For those saying it's killing pub or such, I think most of the people playing it wouldn't go to pub when distension is over anyway. That's more of a clue that pub should be improved rather than removing distension or whatever.

                              I'm not pro or anti-distension really, so I'm happy to see arguments either way.
                              only time i play anymore is to dd, or an occasional elim or wbduel


                              • #45
                                When I came home this afternoon I played in pub for a few minutes and my lag was .1% .1%

                                Now I came on again a few hours later. 7:30pm and basing was going on. But it's unplayable, the server is spiking and my lag is 1.8%

                                Thanks Distension, I shortened the 1.5 hours I had in mind to play to 20 minutes.

                                logging off, enjoy your non-TW related subgame.
                                You ate some priest porridge

