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  • #61
    Naturally, I liked the times when Guano use to do a billion base games in the same day and the crowd would follow him everywhere he went.

    I would like it if they would post when a basing marathon or major game would be taking place because frankly, I think a huge basing game is better than ww6.


    • #62
      OK guys. Here is what I will most likely do.
      Next weekend start on Friday 4:30 est, the marathon will begin. We will do aproximately 2 hours of Basing which should add up to 6 games. Then at a designated time on saturday and sunday we will do the same.
      For each game the MVP and Secondary MVP will be recorded. No one person can be MVP twice in the marathon.
      A final game will take place some time on Sunday Night that will include all the MVPs and if not the MVP, the secondary. The two MVPs with the Highest Scores will be team captains. They will have the ability to induct a terr and 2 sharks who can be anyone, not just MVPs. This game will be 30 minutes long as opposed to 20.

      Hopefully this will be a great event that will draw many players. Im hoping that players wont drift off towards the sixth games that way the MVPs are still fair.

      I will also be composing a special new sound pack for the final event. In order to participate you MUST download it

      And FYI, this thread will close with the final list of bases on Wensday night (subject to possibly change).

      Any suggestions please please let me know. I will be posting a list of the current bases soon, be looking for it.

      P.S. The "polls" are still open, so if you would like to vote, please do so. NOTICE: I am not accepting double votes and what not. In other words, you cant vote twice.
      Last edited by WingZero; 04-19-2003, 06:10 PM.


      • #63
        OMFG, I LUV WINGZERO ..!
        ahem. =)
        Levs r gay.


        • #64
          So how late is this in GMT?? Kinda late here dont feel like doing the maths
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


          • #65
            GMT is 4 hours ahead. So 8:30 for you.
            Last edited by WingZero; 04-19-2003, 08:06 PM.


            • #66
              No, GMT is 5 hours ahead of EST...


              • #67

                randedl used to host basing marathons. they were fun.


                • #68
                  Stupid americans make the times all screwed up, how about having it 2pm EST instead? I'm finnish, and 4.30 pm would be 11.30 pm for me, and the event would end at 1.30 am. I'm really not in the mood to stay up that late
                  6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                  Originally posted by Dreamwin
                  3 league vet


                  • #69
                    XTRENCH! WOOHOO! lvl2 jav bombs rule
                    cant touch an invinsible javelin...never give a decoy a ship


                    • #70
                      The best is Nostalgo, Fatbase and Nailed


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Miku19
                        Stupid americans make the times all screwed up, how about having it 2pm EST instead? I'm finnish, and 4.30 pm would be 11.30 pm for me, and the event would end at 1.30 am. I'm really not in the mood to stay up that late
                        are you refering to the continent North America? or are you dumb enough to think that there isn't any Canadian players?
                        To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                        brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Miku19
                          Stupid americans make the times all screwed up, how about having it 2pm EST instead? I'm finnish, and 4.30 pm would be 11.30 pm for me, and the event would end at 1.30 am. I'm really not in the mood to stay up that late
                          Yeah well north america hates you too t(' 't)
                          >MAN FEAR FACTORY IS THE ULTIMATE!!! (not)

                          "No Disgusting/Porn pictures, including links. You've been warned!" -KJW

                          Disgusting, pFFT i got fine taste.


                          • #73


                            • #74
                              I'd rather be SubSpacing.


                              • #75
                                Alright, this Thread will be closing at around 10 pm EST. SO GET YOUR LAST VOTES IN!

                                I will be posting the list of bases and votes along with detailed information on how this weekend will work.
                                At the moment, I am working on getting a schedule worked out so we don't run into many TWL games. I dont want to put the games to early in the morning though because of the smaller population.

                                Any suggestions post em here or contact me in-game.

