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An idea for pub

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  • An idea for pub

    Before I start into my idea I want to make it clear that I don't remember if I've suggested this before, if I have my bad. Secondly, this is a working idea, if you think it sucks fine but if you think it can be improved upon also fine. But lets try to be constructive.

    So with that being said, let's add a ball to the pub and put the goals inside the flagroom. Get rid of the warp in ear and timed games but keep shiplimits (on levs etc.) in one of the pubs. Give something like 5,000 points per goal

    Simple, I know, and maybe not one some would consider a good idea because people hate ball games in this zone but consider what may happen this way. If there is a ball and the goal is in the flagroom, people (whether they be duelers or otherwise) will have incentive to try to score goals (whether on a private freq or otherwise.) I feel like this may add an increased sense of unity to the pub and make them something other than a ghetto version of ?go base.

    Shit, maybe we can try it on a weekend?

    Comments? (I'm assuming most replies are going to be 'fuck this, ball games don't belong in pub' but I urge you to consider that this isn't really a ball game, just a way to get more people to fly into the base. Oh and if you like to exclusively spawn, oops I mean 'duel', in pubs, you could take the ball and run like hell and wait for people to chase you. I think it would be fun)
    Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    2:BLeeN> veh yes
    2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
    2:BLeeN> ok then no
    :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
    (Overstrand)>oh...then yes

  • #2
    Fuck this, ball games don't belong in pubs.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #3
      if you're serious, I'm kinda interested why you think people will have an incentive to fly to the flagroom in order to score a goal, when they have no incentive to fly into the flagroom to hold the flag and earn points that way?

      Also, it's a very indirect form of basing, where you will have less people overall in the base. People will have to go out to get the ball, and won't be able to attach with it. It might create more midbase play, which could be cool, but it would definitely take a little away from the flagroom action. It would also take away from the number of people defending the flagroom at any given time, which could be bad if there aren't a lot of people in the pub.

      Maybe a similar idea to warzone or where ever it is where you have to pick up flags and take them into the base would be a variation on this idea that flows better with the idea of basing.

      Personally, I like the idea of having one powerball that gives the carrier boosted stats more. They could take the powerball into the flagroom if they wanted to base, or they could take it into the spawn if they wanted a giant rabbit game. This was tried in a very extreme form for "Wild gun Weekends" last summer. A more toned down form could be interesting, and wouldn't require the extra teammates and coordination of a ball game.
      .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
      .ffffff|ff __fffff|


      • #4
        I think it might make the inside of the flagroom very hectic. Some people will be in there defending the flag and some will be in there only to score a goal. Like Dank said it could also take people out of the basing game because they'd be flying out of the base with the ball.

        I definitely love the fact that you're at least trying to come up with ideas while plenty of other people just expect correct changes to magically happen, I'm just not sure if this is a good path to take right now.
        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


        • #5
          All good and well but when you play pub flagroom battles are generally very short as it is. Aside from the initial masswarp, pub basing becomes an act of keeping the other team out of the flagroom altogether and when a fr battle does occur it usually ends pretty quickly.

          I guess I didn't take into account that this might separate players from the base in order to get the ball but that can be looked at two ways.

          1) You could increase the pub size and maybe the flagroom size.

          2) If people are fighting for the ball, and need to get into the flagroom to score a goal, then they too will eventually have to enter the base and fight it out. So, in essence, this would actually create a versatility and encourage more teamwork in the pub as in order to be successful you'd have to both hold the flagroom and get the ball.

          3) Part of 2) really but: it would be possible to make the ball spawn somewhere in the base (perhaps one of the unused areas of the base), which could help eliminate some of the chaos you're talking about.


          Dank, 200 points is nothing. This is why I say make the goals worth something.

          And while were at it, let's make ?go boki the pub map? Add a ballgame such as this one to ?go boki and then we'd have a game worth playing.

          Wark, this is why every time I read your posts I'm tempted to make a Trash Talk thread and then I realize that bashing you is so 3 years ago, you twat.


          Like I said this is/was a working idea and I think your criticisms are valid.
          Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
          Message has been sent to online moderators
          2:BLeeN> veh yes
          2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
          2:BLeeN> ok then no
          :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
          (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


          • #6
            Changing TW into Extreme Games isn't the answer on how to make TW better, its the answer on how to turn TW into Extreme Games.

            Same reason why Distension won't ever be 24/7.

            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              LOL @ EG comment

              that's pretty much his defence against any changes to TW.

              "We're not trying to make trenchwars into EG/Hyperspace/Chaos zone"

              You really can't offer a suggestion that doesn't involve changing an arena into a 4 on 4 ship 1 competition without getting the same responses.
              .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
              .ffffff|ff __fffff|


              • #8
                You are right, because that is what TW is, its about leagues that are 8v8 and 5v5. It isn't about teaching newbies that your going to gain levels and shoot balls into space nets. We have the highest population of any zone, other zones should be worried about stealing our ideas, we shouldn't be scrounging around in the other scrub zones thinking about using their public ideas that have already proven not to produce the population that TW's publics have.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #9
                  If you've ever played EG you'd know that no one plays the ball game there. They all just duel and a couple private freqs will flag (warzone style). So unfortunately wark, you're still a duechebag retard, end of discussion please leave my thread.

                  Edit: That's right, they all just duel in the spawn, sound familiar? Cunt.
                  Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                  Message has been sent to online moderators
                  2:BLeeN> veh yes
                  2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                  2:BLeeN> ok then no
                  :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                  (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                  • #10
                    Make a billion dragon balls, and have them summon a dragon only in the FR. This should solve a very large issue in regards to basing, and should help promote the healthy revival of LTs. Make the dragon balls also increase the damage of bullets (SSJ 2), as well as the quickness (SSJ 3). Give all Weasels 5 Thors (kamehameha). Thjis should increase the effectiveness (read: MUCH NEEDED) of Weasels (vegitas), while increasing the effectiveness of Terriers (Gokuz).


                    • #11
                      lol shit would be fun


                      • #12
                        also with my plan, it would resolve the dire need for Trench Wars fanfics

                        what happened to them?

                        i loved making Trench Wars fanfics


                        • #13
                          Here is just a snippet of one of my old fanfics:

                          Poised, PaulOakenfold steadied his laser. He knew he could kill his opponents in one shot, but there were so many of them, he was vastly outnumbered. Thankfully for him, he had learned the chi of basing well enough to utilize it against his inferior public opponents. He had learned to... repel.

                          "We will hand you your infidel ass on a platter," screamed ISRAELI F15-I ACE
                          "I hope you contract cancer you faggot baser," yelled DEA whilst touch himself
                          "lololol," typed Dice as they were on the floor laughing their ass off

                          With an erect penis, PaulOakenfold now had 3 limbs to enact his inevitable victory; One to move, one to shoot, and finally,

                          With swift action PaulOakenfold took down 4 of the 5 opponents in the flag room. His level 3 bullets were shooting dead on, and his repels were perfectly timed.

                          His last opponent, Plob#f was the last man standing, and as soon as you could say "Fuck," PaulOakenfold saw a deadly message, "Disconnected from the Server."

                          Franticly he tried to reconnect, but to his dismay, he realized he was dead. Plob#f and his rapscallion crew had prevailed, the great PaulOakenfold was now banned for a year.

                          The end.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
                            3) Part of 2) really but: it would be possible to make the ball spawn somewhere in the base (perhaps one of the unused areas of the base), which could help eliminate some of the chaos you're talking about.
                            This isn't possible using standard arena settings, the ball spawns at the same area as the greens do. Changing this would also change the spawn of greens.
                            It's possible to do with a bot but that would mean all kind of other workarounds and risks.
                            Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                            Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
                            Retired Trench Wars Core Administrator
                            Subspace Statistics Administrator
                            Former Mervbot plugin developer


                            • #15
                              I like the ideas but just adding a ball isnt goin to make pub anymore fun or get anyone to play except for the 90% of newbs that aleady stay in pub. I know alot of u will say its changing the game into EG but having flag(s) would make pub alot more fun and get alot more to play, but having more than one flag would mean we would need more than one base. Which would make the map bigger, which would mean spawning wouldnt be as bad, and everything would be alot better. But lets all get real here its pub mods dont care about it. It hasnt changed in a long time its not goin to now. Wasting time thinking of ideas that would help it is pointless cause its not going to happen or it would have by now. If people really want to base then they ?go base...simple as that and u dont have to deal with newbie lt's. Thats all pub is now just a bunch of newbs that think they are good because they get kills by bombing the flagroom and tube over and over and over again. Mr. im the best is the biggest douche out of all the pubbers considering he spams u with like 7 pm's after he gets lucky and kills u with a random bomb..its pathetic, but not getting into that. Anyways good ideas Vey but nothings going to change pointless in trying.

