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My idea for pubs

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  • My idea for pubs

    So lately I have been playing pub little, and noticed what propably many others have noticed too. It just isnt fun.

    Playing in public freqs is dumb cause people dont do anything together, and rarely even goes for flag. Playing in private freq is useless, because you need like 3-4 people to hold base against public freqs, and after they kill each other in lower they get bored and leave. Not fun for anyone.

    Only thing fun in public you can do is turret, or hunting a turret. But after you kill the lt (there isnt any other kind of turrets, cept the one you are in yourself) they either quit or green again which might take ages. Again, not fun after 5 mins.

    So what I would like to see: 2 different public arenas.

    One meant for basing, and not just 1v1, make it possible for priv freqs to play too. So basicly it means 2 entrancess huh? Im not map designer so Im not really sure what the map should look like. But making pub map allowing private freqs play too (without killing basing) and to need more than 3-4 players to win round would be great. Timed rounds like we have now, and disabling levs in the arena would be needed. And if you want even more drastic changes, keep the player limits in freqs low and maybe use 3-4 public freqs? I dont know if that would actually work, but it's still an idea.

    Public arena #2, meant for free for all type of killing. Maybe like KOTH? Use flags which players can carry. So basicly it would be meant for turreting, hunting turrets/flaggers and things like that. Once again, Im not map designer, but map should propably have multiple bases and such (like other zones have in their pubs) to keep lters happy.
    Like you have noticed, this is pretty much robbed idea from other zones (mainly svs), but to be honest TW has worst pub of all zones, so ideas from other zones are welcome imo.

    So all in all: I want 2 different pub arenas, one for basing with better arena and one for free for all killing, turreting etc.

    PS: No need to point out typos or bad english.

  • #2
    I didn't really read your post but what I want is

    • small weasel back
    • I want 1 pure pub (MAIN pub), when you enter TW you start here - WITHOUT LEVI
    • 2nd pub is private pub WITHOUT LEVI
    • 3rd pub with levi

    I really hate the levs in pure pub


    • #3
      Can't have different maps in the public arenas. One map for all, it's how the game works.
      (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


      • #4
        Why disable levs? They have been overpowered for far too long. We should be going after the root of the problem. LT fanboys have kept them that way for years. It's obvious the levi's settings need to become more balanced with the rest of the ships. Once that thing attaches to a terr it's insane.

        Multiple entrance base while allowing priv. freqs sounds good. But I bet the typical pubber will just use the ability to create a priv. freq so they can go solo and warbird.
        (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


        • #5
          I mostly agree with Soupero.

          - Responses were overwhelmingly in favor of restoring small weasel. 22 in favor, 2 opposed, 3 indifferent, when Dank and I talked to people in pub a few months back. Whose responsibility is it to change ship settings? Make the weasel small again, so that staff inertia favors what people want.

          - Purepub should be first again. It's been skewed toward levi pub for years. Let's switch it. This is an easy change to make.

          I agree LTs are an overpowered pain in the ass, but there will never be a change in the lev or terr ship settings that will please more people than it displeases. The next best improvement IMO would be for spiders to sometimes spawn with antiwarp, the way lancs do with xradar.
          Originally posted by Crunchy Nut
          2d spaceships nobody gives a shit


          • #6
            Stop fucking trying to ruin the LT, like a bunch of fucking liberals in here complaining about SUV's and gas mileage ruining the planet or some bullshit. Three pubs.. are you fucking serious? In the off chance that somehow after three years we are back running three public arenas again we can then LT? Don't be a fucking cunt here and erase things that have been around, and that people have been dealing with for longer than any of you fucktards have been playing. When I started there was levi's in pubs and I didn't come to the forums and cry for hours about this bullshit, I just dealt with it. Just like you fucking whining cunts should. Now shut the fuck up and come up with a better solution than deleting the LT so that the 10 forum elite basers can base in public for an hour a week while the rest of the 300 people that pub throughout the week have to deal with their stupid fucking decisions. Have Pure Pub hours if anything, make it like distension, from 10-1pm and from 5-8pm every day, maybe that will make you happy. It sure is a hell of a lot smarter and more balances of an idea than you fucks can think of obviously.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              In conclusion, my idea for pubs is for you to shut the fuck up.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #8
                Uhh, I never said that we need to remove lts. Actually Im pretty sure I said only fun thing to do in pubs nowdays is to hunt them (since I dont like to lt myself). So go cry in another thread.


                • #9
                  kthx just die man ...

                  I know 3 pubs is too much but levi's are sometimes really annoying, I just want pure pub.

                  Levi's should be able to attach to terrs when they have 40/60 bounty.

