Haha. I haven't played serious pub for years. Yesterday I was bored and I thought I'd give it a shot. Our team was down and I entered in the sexy ferrari red terrier.
Amazingly we took it over and had a real tough battle for the 3/5 for like hours. It was so much fun, seriously. When the belim adverts came I just shrugged and kept on pushing for the win!
And damn, pub WBs are good
got owned so many times!
It was kind of fun trying to dodge the levterrs while holding the base. And some crazy guys would only play lev for the entire day (Dr. Perv) and attached into base just killing everything including their own team.
Later the pub was filled but no one was going for the base so it kind of sucked. But the other pub which had no levs had 17 people and we were 7-7 and sometimes 10-10. So much fun! When one team was doing bad I would switch teams and help the other team so we would conquer the base
I'm gonna be playing tonight if you're interested!
Amazingly we took it over and had a real tough battle for the 3/5 for like hours. It was so much fun, seriously. When the belim adverts came I just shrugged and kept on pushing for the win!
And damn, pub WBs are good

It was kind of fun trying to dodge the levterrs while holding the base. And some crazy guys would only play lev for the entire day (Dr. Perv) and attached into base just killing everything including their own team.
Later the pub was filled but no one was going for the base so it kind of sucked. But the other pub which had no levs had 17 people and we were 7-7 and sometimes 10-10. So much fun! When one team was doing bad I would switch teams and help the other team so we would conquer the base

I'm gonna be playing tonight if you're interested!