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A Guide To Javing.

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  • #16
    This was the original Jav Guide by FoN



    • #17
      That's the only guide I've ever found useful, FoN posted that on the Pallies forums (which has been taken down for good ). It's the best guide for this game I've ever read so it's good, it's also the only guide I've ever read that has actually been useful.

      In respect to FoN I hope that he is ok with you posting that guide here, the first thing he says is that he doesnt want it spread out, and we should respect that. If you don't know if he's fine with it I think you should edit it out again, as the author he should decide if it should be posted here or not.
      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


      • #18
        Originally posted by Noah View Post
        That's the only guide I've ever found useful, FoN posted that on the Pallies forums (which has been taken down for good ). It's the best guide for this game I've ever read so it's good, it's also the only guide I've ever read that has actually been useful.

        In respect to FoN I hope that he is ok with you posting that guide here, the first thing he says is that he doesnt want it spread out, and we should respect that. If you don't know if he's fine with it I think you should edit it out again, as the author he should decide if it should be posted here or not.
        That sure explains why you are so awesome with Javelin, Noah. :wub:


        • #19
          For all of you so called veterans here, i wager i actually have more usage and experience than a large majority of you. Yea a video would be a good thing i get a new computer at christmas but i fear after new year this game could be a deadman we'll see.

          The people in this forum know everything i've written noah, but i link people from pub my forum post, which may expand the community and lead to less tk's in pub.

          There is a fair amount more to write about javs but as someone else has stated it's about experience, however even you "good javs" i watch and can't believe how newb your tricks are, still using multi still thinking your good because you have 4 other equally good javs backing you up.

          What can you back up yourself?

          Bunch of cunts


          • #20
            Originally posted by Depre View Post
            Thanks for typing this out but in all honesty.. it's pretty useless, even for pub. Imean... jav vs any other ship besides jav?? Cmon man not even a pro jav would not be able to kill a newbie spider, lanc, or wb.. that's a complete joke lol seriously, there's no strategy in jav vs other ships unless you have a team behind you.

            ps. Each ship was designed for a specific purpose. Some ships (jav, lev, sharks, terrs) aka basing ships were not designed to fight enemies 1v1 and out in the open. They're strictly meant for basing and have to have a team in order to successfully compete. Putting any of these ships vs a fighting ship (spider, lanc, wb) is ridiculously unfair. You can write books about this and still won't help the fact that a fight is only fair and balanced when a ship fights another ship of the same class.
            I imagine your the sort of guy who likes to play ditto's on fighting games, well pah to you. I find other ships easier to fight than another jav because they have weaknesses that you can abuse, whereas you share all the faults and pro's. Also jav can deal with other ships happens all the time there is always a way.

            My guide can also be applied to base as you can potentially meet all of these ships except levi.

            Necromotic Who is Inaphyt?
            Who are you?


            • #21
              Originally posted by inaphyt View Post
              unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance unwarranted self-importance
              Originally posted by Tone
              It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
              Originally posted by the_paul
              Gargle battery acid fuckface
              Originally posted by Material Girl
              I tried downloading a soundcard


              • #22
                Originally posted by inaphyt View Post
                Who are you?
                Originally posted by Tone
                It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                Originally posted by the_paul
                Gargle battery acid fuckface
                Originally posted by Material Girl
                I tried downloading a soundcard


                • #23
                  Originally posted by inaphyt View Post
                  Anyone doubts my jav skills i'll duel you infront of all of your friends and laugh as you lose.

                  Fludd gonna puss out?

                  ps. Ina is pretty good :wub:
                  1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

                  menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
                  JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

                  1:Cape> Why did u axe req
                  1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


                  • #24
                    inaphyt, lets get real now..:wub:


                    • #25
                      Inaphyt is super vet lolloololool u should all be taking notes


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by inaphyt View Post
                        I'm Inaphyt i believe right now after all the good people left i'm left with the role of being one of the best javs. In duel there is noone i haven't beaten at least once of any worth, and in pub i try not to run from ships with advantages over me. So what do you do when different ships come at you?

                        Well i've played jav for a very long time and will aid you in your training. You have to learn to mind game with jav and always keep your opponent guessing it's no shoot dodge and hope ship like a warbird. A very complex ship to understand.

                        In a jav you should be about a screen away from other ships unless there is a wall you should really be facing forwards all the time it's better to dish out 1500 of splash damage than a meager 600 easily dodged.

                        I'll go through all the ships you will come against and consider that they are being played at a high level. As in they will not shoot miss and then just let you kill them.

                        In open space, really all you can do is wait for them to fire and then rocket them it's easy to dodge a bullet but it's not so easy to kill them as a warbird uses shift at minor costs. Bullets are too slow and easy to dodge so just run from this situation. In base or a place with alot of walls, if you manage to land a single red bullet on the warbird predicting it's path around a corner that you are behind because you are a jav, you can either bomb them on their retreat or single them again using shift if you must, a single bullet does around 600 damage that's 1200 as a jav can fire quite quickly with singles then you can kill them with either don't use multi up close it's too slow and warbirds recharge is too high so if you must use multi do it at long range to annoy. Rocket works very well, but if either of these fail try and tempt the warbird to chase you and get good at doing really awkward angle defence shots off of walls. If you see the warbird use alot of shift to get to you you can sometimes do the unexpected rush towards them and bomb if one of your bombs lands close to the warbird but it still lives you still have 400 energy left which can dish out 800-1200 damage so continue your assault with single bullets. Also sometimes warbird just don't expect you to fight them face to face so you can just rush in and kill them with 400 shift energy and then bomb. Even with all of this, the warbird has a huge advantage on you wall or no wall, and i doubt i could beat myself even once if i was the pilot of the warbird. Nevertheless keep trying it's nowhere near impossible.


                        You have to know your ship more than your opponent and use mind games, if it comes to a bullet battle alot of javs use multi so fool them into thinking you use multi too and a couple of times while maintaining max energy while threatening with your nose every so often and then switch to singles and take one multi to the chin if you can, and kill them, if you have max shrapnel it can help here. If they rocket quite far away from you or facing an awkward way try to save your rocket and use as much energy as you have to so when it comes to using your rocket they are dead.


                        Watch when you bomb one bomb and one bullet hits you = death, if a spider fires twice (2 warning shots) you can actually beat them in a bullet battle at super close ranges (using singles) don't bother using multi the spider can retreat easier than you and it will do so if it get's hit, Spiders die very easily to bombs and quite often you can just go at max speed towards an object and land a bomb in their face, if a bomb explodes near and they live you can rocket bullet them. They are pretty slow so rocketbombs can tear them up.
                        A spider is very dangerous even if you know how they work and will probably beat you however use mindgames and space correctly.


                        ..... Just shoot multi's from far away and make them waste reps and ports and then kill them using the rocket to survive any tricks up it's sleeve.
                        Javs destroy levis but if a lev is behind a wall stay away from it. Or just launch bombs at it from safety.


                        If a terr get's you in a close space attach or rocket out of there they will burst mindlessly and you will probably die if you stay, take terrs to the more open areas where dodging bursts isn't such a matrix ordeal. Now switch from singles and multi alot to mess with their mind aswell as aiming your jav into shots but not actually firing unless you know it's a hit unless you can get out of there after firing. They will make mistakes regardless of skill level and when they get a bit to close with bullets bomb them to the face.
                        A very interesting match up but i think the jav is the better ship.


                        I believe a jav deals with a cloaker way more efficiently than a terrier, in base the cloaker pretty much has to use the rep against you and then your rocket is way better than it's, a good weasel will wait until the terr warps first before using the rocket. In jav tap x radar once when there's an empty flagroom or just generally every so often and i think jav owns cloaker regardless of it's tricks. Jav wins.


                        A good lanc that uses shift effectively destroys jav completely probably the most of all ships and i haven't played against anyone good to comment so far... Just mindgames.


                        Use singles to waste it's reps if you get repped you can do a laggy reprocket shot which is frightening for the shark if you get it on the last rep, you shouldn't find dodging them too hard, however tabarnak recently owned me in shark in open space so i'm not really sure. Some sharks are scarily good but i still think jav rapes harder.

                        Jav tricks.

                        Reprocket. If you get repped and rocket you go at lightspeed and you can break cram in this way.

                        Dispersion gun. You can fire singles in succession quickly but you can mid stream switch to multi to add a wider area for your last hit.

                        Popupbullet. Rocket into a wall and just after you hit it bullet for a very fast defensive manouver.

                        Will update over time.

                        my god u just passed up b4serasian_97X for biggest virgin in the zone. congrats
                        5:Melanoma> so I kinda cheated on my gf yesterday
                        5:Melanoma> but I was drunk so it doesnt count right
                        5:Oops> doesnt count if ur sober just so long as u dont get caught
                        5:Melanoma> aight cool
                        5:Melanoma> + it was with a dude
                        5:Oops> what?
                        5:Melanoma> ye
                        5:Oops> you serious?
                        5:Melanoma> innocent kissing
                        5:Melanoma> fu
                        5:Melanoma> I WAS DRUNK
                        5:squallFF8> this is akward


                        • #27
                          I've beaten you stayon lololololol. Anyone have anything to contribute? i don't really care what you think of me. : )


                          • #28
                            I don't think we should completely write off any strategy about one ship against another ship's strategy. I think this would be interesting and people should look into this matter more. It might make pubs more interesting in general and might renew some interest for veteran players to revisit the pubs more often in search of new strategies. Being optimistic here. Of course there might not be anything.
                            Failure teaches success.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Noah View Post
                              That's the only guide I've ever found useful, FoN posted that on the Pallies forums (which has been taken down for good ). It's the best guide for this game I've ever read so it's good, it's also the only guide I've ever read that has actually been useful.

                              In respect to FoN I hope that he is ok with you posting that guide here, the first thing he says is that he doesnt want it spread out, and we should respect that. If you don't know if he's fine with it I think you should edit it out again, as the author he should decide if it should be posted here or not.
                              I originally posted it in the Diso forum years ago and also posted it in this forum a few years back. It became 'public domain' a long time ago.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Kim View Post
                                I don't think we should completely write off any strategy about one ship against another ship's strategy. I think this would be interesting and people should look into this matter more. It might make pubs more interesting in general and might renew some interest for veteran players to revisit the pubs more often in search of new strategies. Being optimistic here. Of course there might not be anything.
                                there's a big difference between a genuinely helpful guide and an "i'm better than you listen to me or you suck newbie" guide that a jackass writes just so he can toot his own horn

                                no points for guessing which type of guide inashyt just wrote

                                any idiot can spend half an hour in the yellow ship and easily learn these strategies themselves, though they probably shouldn't because the strategies aren't even good
                                Originally posted by Tone
                                It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                                Originally posted by the_paul
                                Gargle battery acid fuckface
                                Originally posted by Material Girl
                                I tried downloading a soundcard

