Oh yeah! Remove the second burst update for terr or make it cheaper or add some other ability. This was argued several times in the last distension and general consensus was no one is going to spend 140 UP on a second burst if you can just wait 30 seconds to get another one.
Don't make the terr be able to fire more than 3 bursts. Bursts are already more powerful in Distension.
Sigh, thank you but doesn't work for me. Probably because I'm using Windows 7 and writing to the program folder requires user authorization or some shit.
As far as a formula goes, I've attempted to work out a few things.
(Number of people on opposite team / Number of people on your team)* (Number of people playing total)
This gives you a base to work off of that incorporates both how even the teams are and how many people are playing total.
... * (ln(10 x #of play seconds) * N) ....
N here can be any factor you want depending on how much weight you want to put on emphasis of play time. This is exponential, so people who play the entire round get say, 1000 RP, people who play half of the round get about 800, since people who play half the round may very well win the game for a team if it's a shark or terr.
Again, if you want to factor this into the end round bonus, which I liked in the old distension. M and L can be however much you want each to count for.
... + (if out of base time > x seconds, (+ (-seconds over X * P))
In my opinion, this would be amazing. Give people a reason to not just run around the middle of the arena picking off people who just spawned, and discourage people from AFKing for a few minutes when they know they can get away with it. I would say X seconds should fall around 2 minutes for a full game, and P be -10 for anything over that.
Finally, for terrs and sharks, multiply this by 1.6, for everything else, by 1.
People on the losing team, multiply the entire formula by 0.7. (yes this means people who are terrs on the losing team get more RP than people who are WBs on the winning team)
So, lets assume team A has 11 people, team B has 13 people, the game lasted 15 minutes, N = 4, M = 50, L = 75. Team A won. Player A was a lamecaster on team A and played the entire game.
Not counting flag touches and defenses, Player A gets 1033 RP.
Someone who played on team A for half that gets 854 RP.
Maybe ln isnt the right scale to use, but its been forever since I've done basic algebra lol.
Don't give RP bonuses for flag grabs. It's just annoying to see a bunch of people fight for whoever gets to touch the flag first instead of being organizing and working together to win the game and get more RP in the end. A flag grab should do what it's supposed to, reset the timer and start counting for your own team. So it's itself a prize for the whole team. Don't make it something that benefits one player more.
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
distension is almost done, and its about that time where we need to think up a schedule.
i can rig it up so it can do things without me even being there, automagically.
normal play, no flag game, no rp ('refit mode' for u vets)
normal play, flag game, no rp
normal play, no flag game, rp
normal play, flag game, rp (normal)
can also have bonus rp time periods.
The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.
SSCJ Distension Owner
SSCU Trench Wars Developer
Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.
What about for streaks, instead of a straight RP bonus (this entices hiding and sitting in the back of the base and shooting at the enterance, you get a 30 second timer. During this point, all RP rewards for kills you get are doubled. For higher streaks, the timer isnt lengthened, but you get a higher RP multiplier. Right now, it's pretty much worth it to sit in the back of the base and spam at the openings for the hefty RP bonus. With a timed bonus, they're either forced to waste the bonus by continuing to hide, or they have to actually go out and get as many kills as possible, therefore risking their streak, but also potentially gaining massive amounts of RP.
while i haven't yet doled out some slap-on-the-wrist infraction system bullshit for all this thread necro'ing, i will throw down some bans if you guys can't come up with a better way to poke fun at a guy who's such a shitwad that his mere existence is already funny enough to begin with.