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current crop of staff (somewhat constructive at least...for once)

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  • current crop of staff (somewhat constructive at least...for once)

    Ok... this is sort of a complaint thread... but not completely.

    I'll make this short and sweet. I'm under the understanding that the current group of staffers are like completely against hosting any leagues whatsoever. Nobody wants to do it, and it just makes it even more work for the people that do, because they have little to no help from the current group of fuckups in staff. This is a problem.

    Why is this a problem? It should be obvious, but I guess some of the head staffers in this game don't use common sense when hiring these slackers. Trenchwars (and subspace/continuum as a whole) is only popular because of its leagues. That's it. Without the leagues, this game would've been dead 5 years ago. The only reason this game was ever really popular in the first place was the leagues.

    TWD for instance is a league in itself sort of, and when that happened, TW turned from a population it has now into a 500+ member at any time of day zone. Think about that for a second. TWL is the biggest deal TW has. TWDT is the second biggest thing during the offseason. TWEL/TWHT/BWC/etc are all good side attractions. These leagues are what makes this game popular, and without them, this game is complete trash.

    Now... I'm being told by the staffers that do run leagues that their comrades don't enjoy hosting leagues or want anything to do with them. I think all those people who don't contribute to leagues should be axed immediately. Fuck the staffers that only want staff to ban people or host ?go Bug everyday. Faggots like that can be found anywhere. The people that SHOULD be staff are ones like summa/humid, demonic, etc. These are people that actually host and create leagues. Also, you obviously need your botdev/webdev guys too, but they are a minority anyway. I'm speaking about the general staff.

    I think... especially with all the complaints over the last year about the current group of staff members... the people hiring and making decisions (head staff) need to shake things up. Go find some fucking people that want to better the zone for once. Stop hiring douchebags that just like to ban people for saying Nagger. Those people are a dime a dozen and are fucking useless. I realize you all wanna hire your buddies, but you aren't doing shit to help the zone by hiring them. They don't need staff. Hire someone that will actually help with leagues.

    Instead... we have people get hired like delectable... who don't do shit beyond being known for cheating and winning a random LD title that was rigged. I don't know if he is still staff, and I don't really care, but I do know that he will never help run a league. I know 90% of the current staffers don't want to run a league, and even if they did, they don't have the mental capacity to do anything other than stroke their cock and pretend they are useful. This is obviously a problem.

    If the people you hired, even people I dislike, were actually helping to host a league, I would have no complaints. If people like Ara were actually trying to better the zone instead of keeping the status quota of a dying game, I wouldn't complain. If you hired every ex cheater the game has ever known, and yet they actually do their best to promote, host, and further the leagues we have or could have in the future, I wouldn't complain. The problem is, the majority of these people do not and will not ever.

    Fix things. It's already too late, but you could at least make this game a bit more fun for those of us still playing. At the very least, you can give this dying game some fire under it's proverbial ass and let it go out with a bang. Instead, you are just letting an aging game age even worse by occasionally throwing it a viagra pill and a handjob. All that does is give a short term solution to a much larger problem. TW needs some cialis/extenze and have its dick grow larger, not viagra.

    Just sayin.
    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
    RaCka> mad impressive

  • #2
    Ara is the worst Dean ever.

    Pretty obvious.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #3
      The leagues DO get run and are run reasonably well, so i don't see your point.


      • #4
        yeah i'm not sure exactly which leagues your talking about that don't get run...there's pretty much some league running like 75% of the year, 100% if you count twd
        Gun remembers.


        • #5
          And how many of the staffers actually contribute to those leagues that are running 75% of the year?

          I think thats Exalt's point, and it's pretty valid imo
          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


          • #6
            flared is a good host.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              Originally posted by the_paul View Post
              And how many of the staffers actually contribute to those leagues that are running 75% of the year?

              I think thats Exalt's point, and it's pretty valid imo
              ah that is a good point indeed, but each staffer plays his own role. there is a reason that people like humid/ph have repeatedly ran leagues and thats because they know what they are doing and they do it well. no i'm not saying that there is a line of other staffers begging to run a league, but a lot of us do contribute and we all have roles to play.
              Gun remembers.


              • #8
                Originally posted by the_paul View Post
                And how many of the staffers actually contribute to those leagues that are running 75% of the year?

                I think thats Exalt's point, and it's pretty valid imo
                RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                RaCka> mad impressive


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Flared View Post
                  ah that is a good point indeed, but each staffer plays his own role. there is a reason that people like humid/ph have repeatedly ran leagues and thats because they know what they are doing and they do it well. no i'm not saying that there is a line of other staffers begging to run a league, but a lot of us do contribute and we all have roles to play.
                  What I'm trying to say is, the people you've mentioned all get burned out. Humid has already stated that he probably won't host TWDT next season. He is burned out. PH isn't doing TWL anymore. He got burned out. Humid is doing TWL now, but what happens after he burns out?

                  See my point? We have maybe 5 staff members who actively host leagues. That's it. They do it well, but they also aren't getting much help from the larger majority of staff. Most staff members bitch and moan about having to host a match, let alone run a league. That is the problem, not the fact that leagues are already being ran.

                  I just think that people wouldn't be so burned out if they had more help. Humid isn't getting much help for what he does, and he does a lot. Whose gonna step in when he decides enough is enough? I think the new hires should be people willing to help in that area. You can find people who can ban TKers and racist people anywhere. You can't find people who want to host and run leagues very easily.

                  Events barely get population because they just aren't popular. If TW was made simply from events, this game would have been dead long ago. Work on improving the good parts of this game, not improving the side shows that do nothing for it. That's my point.

                  The_paul hit the nail on the head.
                  RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                  RaCka> mad impressive


                  • #10
                    Good hosts and good events still get players, its just that staff grew up playing ?go bug and ?go hunt so they just host ?go bug and ?go hunt and almost no good players who play leagues enjoy these events, so you are hosting for the minority of the players.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                      What I'm trying to say is, the people you've mentioned all get burned out. Humid has already stated that he probably won't host TWDT next season. He is burned out. PH isn't doing TWL anymore. He got burned out. Humid is doing TWL now, but what happens after he burns out?

                      See my point? We have maybe 5 staff members who actively host leagues. That's it. They do it well, but they also aren't getting much help from the larger majority of staff. Most staff members bitch and moan about having to host a match, let alone run a league. That is the problem, not the fact that leagues are already being ran.

                      I just think that people wouldn't be so burned out if they had more help. Humid isn't getting much help for what he does, and he does a lot. Whose gonna step in when he decides enough is enough? I think the new hires should be people willing to help in that area. You can find people who can ban TKers and racist people anywhere. You can't find people who want to host and run leagues very easily.

                      Events barely get population because they just aren't popular. If TW was made simply from events, this game would have been dead long ago. Work on improving the good parts of this game, not improving the side shows that do nothing for it. That's my point.

                      The_paul hit the nail on the head.
                      And even aside from ph and humid, what about the staffers that are supposed to host the individual games in the league? I remember ph telling me once he almost had to cancel a week of twl because none of the hosts showed up. Luckily Major Crisis could step in and the 2 of them hosted every match. It's just things like that, things that go beyond just the even coordinator even and show just a lack of effort all down the command chain. Props to ph, humid, demonic, evildeed, and anyone else who put some effort into running a league. They are a dying breed that are willing to do it, exalt's point is definitely true.

                      Flared I'm not trying to knock all staffers. I know a lot of you guys who don't run leagues do other useful things in terms of event hosting or whatever else you guys do. But I will say that a majority, thats right a majority, of staff in tw these days are lazy and borderline useless. We do have some great staffers and you guys know who you are (not you ara), but overall I think staff needs to either undergo some in house attitude changes, or might want to start making some replacements.
                      JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                      turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                      Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                      the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                      • #12
                        Yep we're having a hard time finding hosts for Sunday's matches, it's another project that requires all three parties of upperstaff, league staff and ERs/Mods. We do have staffers wanting to show their skills in heading leagues, but hosting single matches hasn't been so popular lately. This might be because we don't have so many older staffers that have actively hosted last TWL season, we have had complaints from players after every weekend, and the rules seem to be too easily twisted to favour fiddling in some perspective. We can't force our staffers to host, but we've made it quite enticing by giving good credits for hosting when it comes to monthly quota. Before TWL I'd like to setup TWL host training with TWL staff, Dev and our ERs. It's good that you are reminding us of this. We all come and go, being an smod for example takes up a lot of time and I've been lucky to have that time till now, but things change. TWL has always been our main focus, it will get the attention it deserves. TWHT didn't have the same traditions behind it as TWL, with TWDT we didn't succeed in getting ERs to host it. But like I said we need all three parties, and even the players to play fair.
                        Ara / AraGee / Death
                        SSCU Trench Wars Player since 1999
                        SSCU Trench Wars Staff since 2001
                        TWDL, TWL-B, TWL-D, TWL-J, TWDT-J Champion


                        • #13
                          What good are incentives and other crap when you recruit people like Delectable who don't host an entire game and move up to mod.
                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kthx View Post
                            What good are incentives and other crap when you recruit people like Delectable who don't host an entire game and move up to mod.
                            hes is not longer staff...
                            SSCU Trench Wars Local BanG Operator
                            SSCU Trenchwars SModerator
                            Trench Wars Extreme League Head Operator
                            Trench Wars Divisions Operator

                            1:Rudy> We don't let Barton out much
                            1:Rudy> He has a habit of touching things he's not supposed to
                            1:Rudy> Like fire, and boobies


                            • #15
                              Why was he ever? And why did he get promoted.
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble

