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The Lancaster Guide (yep)

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  • The Lancaster Guide (yep)

    As everyone enjoyed my jav guide so much i figure it's time to post about my favourite ship of all the infamous lancaster! in a straight up 1v1 these are the strategies i use to take out the other ships in tw.

    Lancaster vs Warbird:- Although the lancaster can win against any style of warbird play it's always much harder for a lanc to win, every second your in the duel theres the fear of a one shot kill coming from anywhere.

    Things the warbird can do against a lanc:- The warbird can stay at the edge of your radar and keep straying you or choose to not fire at all until you rush in and bullet twice and then fire when there's no chance of dying itself.

    Counter - don't follow the warbird you'll only waste mental energy trying and failing to rush it down and failing time and time again, although you can go faster than a warbird the warbird can thrust for a longer period and will escape alot of the time.

    Advanced Ina strategy #1> if they are at the edge of your radar they think they are safe against a lanc so they will be sloppy with their energy conservation and keep straying you as soon as they have energy, so if they're at the edge of radar dodge the bullet and when it's just about to exit your screen start rushing if it works they will of just fired and you have to pretty much hope they miss which is very likely and then you take the easy kill.

    Counter - Hide behind a large asteroid where their strays are tanked beautifully every time until they get bored of straying fire a multi or 2 w/e, if you have more patience than them they will come closer in the end and this is what you want.

    More things the warbird can do, they can rush by you at a 30/45 degree angle which is hard to aim shots at for a lanc and then make short work of you with superior rotation and bullet speed.

    Counter - don't just turn when you fire shift backwards and turn at the same time this way you give yourself an easier time dodging and countering because they can't make use of their rotation as much.

    General tips in the matchup.

    If the warbird is on your screen and misses you always go for the rush, however if they don't start thrusting away stop rushing and fire either double yellows or a multi their recharge is suprisingly quick.

    If you can read your opponent (know warbird energy levels well enough) you can predict when they fire so sometimes instead of rushing a multi can catch them off guard if you fire at the same time as them. After they fire once it takes 3 seconds to recharge for another shot so if you fire once at them after 3 seconds of recharge even if you miss it doesn't matter too much your in lanc.

    Mix it up, remind your opponent that you have more options than them multi them occasionally thrust backwards take a token shot or 2 to unnerve them a little.

    If they try to rush you throw out a multi at most it will hit them in that case switch to singles for a potential kill, if they had to dodge they've stopped rushing you.

    You want to be on the offensive in this matchup a warbird chasing you down is very dangerous so you want to be making your opponent flee all the time, don't over fire unless you see a good opportunity.

    When you get good enough using rock bounces like alot of warbirds do works alot better for lanc considering you can rush 3 radar screen and still fire, so go for this complicated manouver every so often.

    Know your enemies energy levels and capabilities and try and work out what they will do next.

    Learn when to use shift to dodge it's very important in lancaster sometimes you don't need to use it at all and in that case use your thrust to attack rather than dodge.

    If you have no energy at all because you've messed up big time, try to hide behind a big rock it can bide you enough time and limit the warbirds shots considerably.

    Lancaster Vs Spider It's extremely hard to beat a good spider, beating newb to average spiders is easy.

    What a spider can do to a lanc :- fire nonstop pressuring you into dodging alot and as your in a clunking tank the slightest mistake will get you killed.

    Counter :- As soon as the duel begins switch to multi, get at about half a screen away (1280 1024) or slightly more and dodge until they've fire 2-3 times in a row, obviously if they're a newb they will of fired way too many bullets and die easily, it hard for the spider to dodge a multi and once they've been hit they're either dead or very close to it.

    Counter :- Camp behind a huge rock, they may try to just rush in taking one lanc bullet and then kill you with 2 reds, so what you have to do is fire from behind the rock and you will get the first shot in because you in lanc and then immediately start retreating while firing the second.

    General tips in the matchip.

    If you rush in and get hit once your probably dead do this very rarely.

    You want to be running from the spider at mid/long range so that even if you get hit you can just thrust miles away and the spider can't.

    Use multi it's extremely hard for the spider to dodge and you can fire 2 quite quickly move forwards after you get the first one in to increase your odds of getting the kill.

    Other than that the spider will completely destroy you so think outside the box.
    Last edited by inaphyt; 09-17-2010, 01:22 PM.

  • #2
    you should quit whatever job you currently have and demand a position with brady games (or whoever the hell else is doing game guides these days). you've got vision.
    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


    • #3
      I'm waiting for the cloaker vs cloaker edition


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nockm View Post
        I'm waiting for the cloaker vs cloaker edition


        buy a decoy

        lol... this remember sometimes when I killed cloakers in pub by the sound of their ships hitting on walls! pubbers get crazy!

        "you cheater"
        Last edited by Cornelius; 09-16-2010, 12:05 PM.
        Mega Newbie
        TWLD Season MVP - 3 times
        TWLD Captain/wb player Champion - Stray
        TWEL wb and spid Champion!
        TWLD final's chocker - 3 times
        TWLJ bencher Champion
        TWLB bencher Champion
        Inactive Player


        • #5
          Just remembered that cloakers have x-radar nowadays... that matchup isn't so appealing anymore.


          • #6
            good god ina....... so obnoxious.

            Everyone should know that lanc > wb any day.
            TWL14 semi finalist - Dark
            2010 TWDTB+Overall Champion
            TWLJ 13 Finalist - Boss
            TWLB 12 Champion- Penetrate
            cres> I am gr8 influence on curse life
            Curse> "Anyone who vs me I will vs bak and destroy. it's like murdering someone but it's self defense". Qoute by crackheads.... "I swear I wasn't lieing! I was telling the truth in my own way!"



            • #7
              i was actually looking more forward to another rap song
              1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

              1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

              Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

              Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

              Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


              • #8
                Since this thread sucks I'm turning it into a shark guide.

                Ok, first of all the sharks outlook has to be different than any other ship-player in this game. Everyone looks at their ship when they play, the key to sharking is to focus on the most important part of the map (which is usually where the enemy team is pushing.) If you want to be good at most ships in Trench Wars then you won't want to shark. This shift of focus will throw off your aim if you play shark long enough.

                That said: let's get down to the basics.

                KEYS to success! (GET IT!?)

                If f7 is your attach key you're a newb and shouldn't even hold my jock-strap in ?go base. There are so many reasons this shouldn't be your attach key. So many suckers will say "oh sir Mattey, I get along just fine with f7 as my attach key, I've had it like that for a decade I can't change now!" Wrong. You have to move your hands into a disadvantageous position if your hands are on the f keys. Change it to something that is close to where your hands are placed when repping/flying around. A common attach key is something like z. Another reason f keys are terrible for attach keys is the boost-detach. Often times when I'm going through the lower tube, I will put the little compass thing you see when attached facing north, hold up and boost and detach, I will go ahead of the terrier and rep all of the badly aimed bullets my bad opponents have shot. This is impossible if your attach key is an f key.

                Shift-ctrl should not be your rep key. It should be any single button you are comfortable with. Hitting two buttons takes more time, and milliseconds matter when you're reacting to a ridiculous trasher bullet that starts 2 inches from his ship. My rep key is just ctrl.


                Ok, people talk about timing all the time, and most people by now know what it means, but as a background: there are 2 sharks, 6 reps and a terrier and 5 spiders to protect. What will you do soldier? You take turns with your partner shark, he reps 3 times and dies as quickly as possible, while he is respawning you protect your team for the next 5 seconds as best you can and die as soon as possible. Sounds easy right? Once again your simple mind was wrong. This is the biggest mistake I see amongst novice sharks. They will attach/detach immediately (because they are newbs, NOBODY should do this) while I have a rep. I won't be in position to rep the bullet that will kill them out of their way, so they just don't rep and die getting zero reps off. You want to save reps as much as possible, but you still need to protect both yourself and the terr. I see too many people too hung up on rotation, they will save reps and the team will die. This part just takes a lot of practice to determine when you need to "waste" a rep for the betterment of the team.

                Caveat part 1: Always try to rep for your partner shark if he has 3 reps. For example if you're attacking cram and bullets go by you that are going to hit either your shark or your terr you HAVE to rep them. If it's aimed at one spider that you don't like (what's up cripple!) then you don't necessarily have to rep them. But if it's going at your partner shark and he has to waste a rep then you have failed your team.

                Watch the Kill-cam!

                If you're too busy finishing your six-pack between deaths then shark is not the right ship for you. So many times I see terrible sharks lamenting their "constant doas," well that's just as much your fault as the terrs mister. Watch the kill cam the entire time you're dead. You will see when bullets are flying at your terr right before you respawn. If you respawn while bullets are flying right at your terr WAIT a half-second and attach. If your terr is being chased it's usually best to attach and rep at the same time.

                Positions of Power!

                You want to place your shark in a position where you can both protect your team the most and possibly push the opposing team in a position of weakness. Stronger positions are your terr being parallel or above the flag. Positions of weakness are being below the flag. I wish I was more computer savvy so I could show you exactly where to go, but in a flag room battle you want to get your shark in positions where if the opposing shark repels you, you hit a wall without going too far out of position. Being under the bar or in the ear are places where sharks should never be in a flag room battle. If this paragraph doesn't make any sense PM me and I'll explain in game.

                When attacking cram you want to be on the opposite bar the opposing shark is on, so if he's on the right, you want to hug the upper-most left bar, applying the same principle. When repped, you want to move as little as possible, in this as well as cheap-tail pursuits, bars are your friend.

                (for newbies)

                Don't mine.

                Mining (for people that have lost at least 10 bds)

                Mine in positions where they can't be used against you (usually against walls.) It is almost always preferable to bomb though, since they are much more difficult to use.

                Watching your partner shark

                I always know exactly how many reps my partner shark has. I watch him during my kill cams and the majority of the time before he dies (referring to the rotation section, this is where novice sharks fuck-up, they focus too much on their partner and die while zero-repping.) I always know which mines are his because I watch him like a hawk almost the entire game.

                Caveat #2: I also know how many repels my enemy sharks have and which mines belong to them. The more you shark the more you get the idea of where you should be looking and watching, which also takes away from your aim (referring to the first paragraph.)

                Watch Bursts

                Again this is more of a practice thing than anything, but often times I rep bursts before they even hit walls.

                Well I'm pretty drunk right now and I feel like I've gone on long enough. More will come if anyone is interested.
                Mr 12 inch wonder


                • #9
                  I use shift control to rep, because i can then boost straight into a rep and i can rep while i'm boosting, i have no problem with shift control and prefer it over any other button combination. As i shark rarely and there's no way i'm switching defaults every time i play it works nicely.

                  My defaults are used for all ships and i never change them. Here they are.

                  Ctrl- Bullet
                  Shift- Boost
                  Tab- Bomb
                  `(the button above tab) - rocket
                  shift delete - burst (this isnt't a hinderance on movement if you get use to it)
                  shift insert - portal
                  F5- Decoy (decoy isn't important in any situation)
                  Shift tab - Mine (i can thrust and mine at the same time something you can't do otherwise)
                  \ (button right of shift) - attach

                  I don't agree with having individual buttons for shark functions because boost keys work so well
                  Last edited by inaphyt; 09-18-2010, 12:34 PM.


                  • #10
                    that, among other reasons, is why you will always be a scrub
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                    Originally posted by the_paul
                    Gargle battery acid fuckface
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    I tried downloading a soundcard


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PH View Post
                      that, among other reasons, is why you will always be a scrub, mattey
                      (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
                      (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
                      (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
                      (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

                      Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese

