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New ?go duel, new things to come.

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  • New ?go duel, new things to come.

    Current status on TWEL (?go duel) is as follows:
    • we are adding lancaster to duel
    • we are adding 2v2 option to duel (possibly ?go duel2)

    • we are look for a new map for TWEL. The wb map is fine, can't really get any better. We need a new JAV map and possibly a new one for LANC.
    • PLEASE submit YOUR maps. You never know, it could be the next TWEL map!
      * If you want to submit your maps, please attach them to this thread.
    • Winner of the contest will receive 25k PUB CASH.

    *Rough Draft*

    These are the commands we are working on:

    • !signup team:<name>:<name player A>:<name player B>
    (N.B. bot will send a conformation to both players and they need to !accept the signup)
    • !challenge team:<ship>
    • !teams (show the available teams to play against)
    • !accept team (by all players)
    • !setrules (can be done by 1 player)
    • !setship 1,2,3,7 (player picks his ship to play with. N.B. If player A picks jav then the bot will automatic changes the ship of player B to jav.)


    • ?go duel2 (only for 2vs2 fights)
    • Player can max be in 1 team each div (if not then we might have a problem in the playoffs where a player come out against himself.)
    • Allow diff ships vs each other (cept for javs.. this will be jav vs jav)
    • Pub money can be earned by winning games.

    What are YOUR guys' thoughts/ideas?
    Last edited by evildeed; 10-22-2010, 08:52 AM.

  • #2
    See attachment...
    Attached Files
    SSCU Trench Wars Local BanG Operator
    SSCU Trenchwars SModerator
    Trench Wars Extreme League Head Operator
    Trench Wars Divisions Operator

    1:Rudy> We don't let Barton out much
    1:Rudy> He has a habit of touching things he's not supposed to
    1:Rudy> Like fire, and boobies


    • #3
      You need to make any ship duel, so that when someone says lol i could whipe your warbird in my jav sure enough theres a duel for that.

      also in 2v2 there's alot of different combinations of ships you could choose from in 2v2 and it'd get people in different ships for once : P.

      Also i wanna lanc vs warbird and show everyone a trick or 2


      • #4
        losing to hulk: the definitive lancaster vs. warbird dueling guide

        by inaphyt

        i'll definitely be watching my bookstore for this one
        Originally posted by Tone
        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
        Originally posted by the_paul
        Gargle battery acid fuckface
        Originally posted by Material Girl
        I tried downloading a soundcard


        • #5
          My idea is to put my name on map finally "Mega Newbie" winner twel 3 in wb and spid.
          i only remember "last standing" (or whatever name he used before) was 2nd in wb and the rest i dont remember anyone but it doesnt matter, let it blank but put my name on it.
          I didnt play any twel after that bcz why would I play if my name doesnt get on map?

          I don't feel like playing it nor gonna care about twel until i see my name there cuz ive been saying to put my name there for years. and the winners after twel 3 don't have my respect bcz they didnt had to go through me. and the winners before twel 3 also don't have my respect bcz it had no playoffs.and typhoid cheated by getting feed.

          remove her name

          I know evildeed ur doing great work and all these things happened when 2dragons was taking care of it.. but could u fix and do these changes?

          k bye, kisses.
          Last edited by Cornelius; 10-22-2010, 12:25 PM.
          Mega Newbie
          TWLD Season MVP - 3 times
          TWLD Captain/wb player Champion - Stray
          TWEL wb and spid Champion!
          TWLD final's chocker - 3 times
          TWLJ bencher Champion
          TWLB bencher Champion
          Inactive Player


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cornelius View Post
            My idea is to put my name on map finally "Mega Newbie" winner twel 3 in wb and spid.
            i only remember "last standing" (or whatever name he used before) was 2nd in wb and the rest i dont remember anyone but it doesnt matter, let it blank but put my name on it.
            I didnt play any twel after that bcz why would I play if my name doesnt get on map?
            That is not barton's problem nor my problem, TWEL wasnt run as good as it could have been the past seasons.

            and typhoid cheated by getting feed.


            remove her name
            We pay closer attention to people being fed, and people feeding others. That doesn't really have any effect today since that was in 2003 :P Anyone who is caught feeding is automatically banned from TWEL (both parties) because that is lame and we dont tolerate that.

            I know evildeed ur doing great work and all these things happened when 2dragons was taking care of it.. but could u fix and do these changes?

            k bye, kisses.

            As of the changes, we are doing our best to make TWEL more fun for players to play. We are especially trying to make it better to play in for people in your case; you quit playing because of all the problems. Hopefully after we make the lancaster/2v2/map changes to TWEL (?go duel), it will be populated. Once it is fixed and the seasons start, we are going to advertise it more. I feel in the past it wasn't very advertised in TW, many people not even knowing what TWEL is.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cornelius View Post

              I know evildeed ur doing great work and all these things happened when 2dragons was taking care of it.. but could u fix and do these changes?

              k bye, kisses.
              Between 2d and evildeed there ware a few other staffers who sadly left twel for what it is.. a semi broken league. we are doing everything what is possible to get twel the attention that it deserved.

              Your problem started in 03 & it will be fixed in 10...
              SSCU Trench Wars Local BanG Operator
              SSCU Trenchwars SModerator
              Trench Wars Extreme League Head Operator
              Trench Wars Divisions Operator

              1:Rudy> We don't let Barton out much
              1:Rudy> He has a habit of touching things he's not supposed to
              1:Rudy> Like fire, and boobies


              • #8
                Originally posted by Draft TWEL 2vs2.doc
                - Freestyle mode (ppl can play with someone els then there parter but would not get any points nor pubmoney)
                What about the other (registered) team, if they win, do they get points? Or are both teams supposed to have a registered lineup for it to count for anything? I don't know if getting proper playtime would actually be a problem, but judging by how hard it was for some people to schedule a single 1v1 duel for a WEEK during TWEL I'd guess it might be. Pressure Drop had some ideas in another thread, mine would be:

                1) First, all players must individually register for 2v2 duel and they get an _individual_ 2v2 rating (keep it separate from 1v1, though, since the gameplay is obviously very different)

                2) Each player's individual 2v2 rating will be (somehow) calculated according to the 2v2 rating of others in 2v2 games they play in, with no lineup restrictions

                Example (dunno if it'd be reasonable, just a suggestion): as a game begins, each team gets their combined temporary 2v2 rating calculated as, say, an average of both players' rating. After the game, for each player, use the usual duel formula to calculate R change for win/loss depending how the game ends to change each player's individual rating by the amount it would change if they had been in a regular duel facing an opponent with the above-mentioned combined rating of the enemy team. Easy and clean?

                ..then again, the suggestion doesn't take into account the likely increased difficulty in beating team X with a lower rated player as a partner, so maybe both should gain the same amount - what a duel between the combined ratings would result in. Even simpler.

                3) Have TWEL teams simply register themselves for playoffs - their rating for qualification would be the combined rating as above, subject to change through performance in any 2v2 games they play whether together or not.

                This doesn't incorporate anything to prevent feeding, but AFAIK neither does the current 1v1 duel system, apart from name registration so... if something like that gets come up with, just use it for both, if possible, I guess?

                EDIT: Just to clarify I wrote this with single ship games in mind, mix-ups would be freestyle or something then. "No lineup restrictions" = can play with any partner
                Last edited by Teh Super; 10-22-2010, 02:41 PM.


                • #9
                  All input is welcome, thats why we made it public.
                  We will consider all idea's how good or bad they are.
                  SSCU Trench Wars Local BanG Operator
                  SSCU Trenchwars SModerator
                  Trench Wars Extreme League Head Operator
                  Trench Wars Divisions Operator

                  1:Rudy> We don't let Barton out much
                  1:Rudy> He has a habit of touching things he's not supposed to
                  1:Rudy> Like fire, and boobies


                  • #10

                    FIINNNAAAALLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Been wanting 2v2 TWEL for the longest!
                    Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


                    • #11
                      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post

                        GOD DAMMIT NAPPA

