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  • #16
    wtf jason, lets be a little more professional now #moss #chill
    (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
    (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
    (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
    (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

    Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese


    • #17
      Originally posted by Draft View Post
      wtf jason, lets be a little more professional now #moss #chill
      I don't even get the idea behind #annoyingcomment

      What's that from?

      Help Promote TrenchWars - -


      • #18
        some twitter born douchebaggery
        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


        • #19
          twitter #future. i got tyga/amber rose/barack obama following me #stuntin'
          (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
          (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
          (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
          (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

          Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese


          • #20
            I'm about 3 posts away from banning you
            All good things must come to an end.


            • #21
              looks like the new forum mods (2 of the 3) are the only forum mods that want me banned #unprofessional.

              whos the 3rd new forum mod? #respects
              (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
              (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
              (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
              (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

              Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese


              • #22
                Ilyaz, and he said he wants to ban you too, #jackass
                JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                • #23
                  Don't h8 on draft mother fuckers.
                  TWL14 semi finalist - Dark
                  2010 TWDTB+Overall Champion
                  TWLJ 13 Finalist - Boss
                  TWLB 12 Champion- Penetrate
                  cres> I am gr8 influence on curse life
                  Curse> "Anyone who vs me I will vs bak and destroy. it's like murdering someone but it's self defense". Qoute by crackheads.... "I swear I wasn't lieing! I was telling the truth in my own way!"



                  • #24
                    Only faggots use twitter, seriously what do you really have to say thats relevant or important and for that matter why the fuck do you care what some faggot thinks about anything. #endpost
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #25
                      lots of sigs looking really retarded right now, props to the admins
                      Originally posted by Tone
                      It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                      Originally posted by the_paul
                      Gargle battery acid fuckface
                      Originally posted by Material Girl
                      I tried downloading a soundcard


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by PH View Post
                        lots of sigs looking really retarded right now, props to the admins
                        ye not liking this
                        1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                        1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                        Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                        Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                        Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                        • #27
                          blame it on the h h h h.m.s
                          All good things must come to an end.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                            blame it on the h h h h.m.s
                            ^^ lol. Nah, I'm glad I don't have to look at the same youtube video a thousand times to read a post. Thanks H.M.S. o/

                            Help Promote TrenchWars - -


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Twenty Four View Post
                              ^^ lol. Nah, I'm glad I don't have to look at the same youtube video a thousand times to read a post. Thanks H.M.S. o/

                              ??????? what does that even mean ????????

                              1:Cape> is infrared the thing that microwave does?
                              Cape> i thought it was like u inferred
                              1:Cape> yo when u look up at the night sky and see billions of night stars
                              1:Cape> im like fuk it let this shit end

                              Tsunami> LOl
                              beam> stfu tsunami
                              Tsunami> yo this girl is dead up snoring
                              beam> ur blacker than tarcoal
                              Tsunami> should end her life while she sleeps


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by PH View Post
                                lots of sigs looking really retarded right now, props to the admins
                                been trying to get admin access for about a week now so i can just jump in and fix some things. hms takes on too much at once and gets bogged down. only other admin who is even remotely active is spacehiker and i've yet to catch him when he's not afk in-game.

                                i guess aro is a forum admin too, but i wouldn't dream of pestering him. he's already doing plenty of work with dev.

                                i'm guessing they're dodging me because they're afraid i'll go rogue and nuke the place. i wouldn't even dare to destroy a forum community i've been a part of for the better part of a decade, but what'choo gonna do?
                                jasonofabitch loves!!!!

