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TeamDuelBot Tutorial

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  • TeamDuelBot Tutorial


    EvilDeed> !help
    TeamDuelBo> --Player commands-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TeamDuelBo> | !tinyhelp                          - condensed command list                                 |
    TeamDuelBo> | !signup                            - signs you up for the dueling league                    |
    TeamDuelBo> | !divisions                         - shows the list of playable divisions                   |
    TeamDuelBo> |*!register <partner>:<division#>    - registers you and your partner as a team in <division#>|
    TeamDuelBo> | !join <name>                       - accepts a team invite request from <name>              |
    TeamDuelBo> |*!quit <division#>                  - disables your team in <division#>  (quit team)         |
    TeamDuelBo> | !rules                             - shows your current rules                               |
    TeamDuelBo> | !rules <deaths>                    - sets the default death limit for all challenges(NC off)|
    TeamDuelBo> | !rules <deaths>:nc                 - sets death limit and turns no count double kills on    |
    TeamDuelBo> | !challenge <teamID>                - challenges <teamID> to a duel if your partner agrees   |
    TeamDuelBo> |*!challenge <teamID>:<BoxTypeID>    - challenges <teamID> to a duel in box type <BoxTypeID>  |
    TeamDuelBo> |                                       if your partner agrees *details listed below          |
    TeamDuelBo> | !agree <teamID>                    - accepts a challenge request from your partner and then |
    TeamDuelBo> |                                       challenges <teamID> to a duel                         |
    TeamDuelBo> | !accept <teamID>                   - accepts a challenge from <teamID>                      |
    TeamDuelBo> |                                       your partner must also accept to begin the duel       |
    TeamDuelBo> | !removechallenge <teamID>          - removes the challenge issued to <teamID>               |
    TeamDuelBo> | !notplaying                        - toggles on/off notplaying                              |
    TeamDuelBo> | !lagout                            - puts you back in to your duel                          |
    TeamDuelBo> | !cancel                            - toggles your decision to cancel your duel              |
    TeamDuelBo> | !lag <name>                        - returns the lag of player <name>                       |
    TeamDuelBo> | !ops                               - shows list of league operators                         |
    TeamDuelBo> | !score <box#> or <player>          - shows the score of a duel # or a player                |
    TeamDuelBo> | !duels                             - shows the current duels being played                   |
    TeamDuelBo> | !teams                             - shows a list of teams available for challenges         |
    TeamDuelBo> | !me                                - shows a list of teams you're on                        |
    TeamDuelBo> | !enable                            - enables your username                                  |
    TeamDuelBo> | !disable                           - disables your username (and all teams you were in)     |
    TeamDuelBo> | !rank                              - displays your ranks for all leagues                    |
    TeamDuelBo> | !rank <name>                       - displays <name>'s ranks for all leagues                |
    TeamDuelBo> |*DIVISIONS: 1-Warbird 2-Javelin 3-Spider 4-Lancaster 5-Mixed                                 |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - your <partner> must be present in the arena in order for you to issue the team invite    |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - your <partner> must be eligible for the invite (not banned or disabled & no team for div)|
    TeamDuelBo> |  - you may register 1 team per division                                                     |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - team invites time out after 1 minute                                                     |
    TeamDuelBo> |*CHALLENGES: you are required to have a team in the division of the team you are challenging |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - your <partner> must be present in the arena in order for you to issue the challenge      |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - all participants must have !notplaying off (meaning their team shows on !teams)          |
    TeamDuelBo> |*MIXED DIVISION: you will be able to choose a ship to play in right before the duel begins   |
    TeamDuelBo> |*BOX TYPE ID: Type 1 is the Warbird style box and Type 2 is the Javelin style box            |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - Any division may specify a box type EXCEPT for Javelin. Jav duels are always in Type 2   |
    TeamDuelBo> |  - If you do not specify a box type, the default will be used which is 1 except for jav     |
    TeamDuelBo> | FOR A MORE CONCISE COMMAND LIST USE !tinyhelp                                               |
    TeamDuelBo> `---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Ok so those are the commands for duelbot. if you want a simpler version of the help commands, PM the bot with !tinyhelp. It will show up like:

    EvilDeed> !tinyhelp
    TeamDuelBo> --Player commands (SHORT VERSION)----------------------------------------------------
    TeamDuelBo> | !signup                     - signs you up for the league                          |
    TeamDuelBo> | !divisions                  - shows the list of playable divisions                 |
    TeamDuelBo> | !register <partner>:<div#>  - registers you and your partner as a team in <div#>   |
    TeamDuelBo> | !join <name>                - accepts a team invite request from <name>            |
    TeamDuelBo> | !quit <division#>           - disables your team in <division#>  (quit team)       |
    TeamDuelBo> | !rules <deaths>:nc          - sets death limit and turns no count double kills on  |
    TeamDuelBo> | !challenge <teamID>         - challenges <teamID> to a duel if your partner agrees |
    TeamDuelBo> | !agree <teamID>             - accepts a challenge request from your partner        |
    TeamDuelBo> | !accept <teamID>            - accepts a challenge from <teamID>                    |
    TeamDuelBo> | !removechallenge <teamID>   - removes the challenge issued to <teamID>             |
    TeamDuelBo> | !notplaying                 - toggles on/off notplaying                            |
    TeamDuelBo> | !lagout                     - puts you back in your duel                           |
    TeamDuelBo> | !cancel                     - toggles your decision to cancel your duel            |
    TeamDuelBo> | !teams                      - shows a list of teams available for challenges       |
    TeamDuelBo> | !enable                     - enables your username                                |
    TeamDuelBo> | !disable                    - disables your username (and all teams you were in)   |
    TeamDuelBo> `------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    EvilDeed> !about
    TeamDuelBo> --About Team Duel----------------------------------------------------------------
    TeamDuelBo> | Team Duel is an extension of TWEL that allows 2v2 dueling in nearly any ship.  |
    TeamDuelBo> |  It is split up into 5 divisions: 1 Warbird, 2 Javelin, 3 Spider, 4 Lancaster, |
    TeamDuelBo> |  and 5 Mixed. Mixed division allows you to play in any ship you want.          |
    TeamDuelBo> |  NOTE: PM the bot all !commands or they will be ignored                        |
    TeamDuelBo> | To get started, follow these simple instructions:                              |
    TeamDuelBo> | 1. Find a partner and decide on which division you want to play                |
    TeamDuelBo> | 2. Type !register <Partner>:<Division#>  this will send your partner an invite |
    TeamDuelBo> | 3. Your partner must type !join <YourName>  in order to create your team       |
    TeamDuelBo> | 4. Type !teams to see what teams are available to challenge in your DIVISION   |
    TeamDuelBo> | 5. Using their TeamID#, type !challenge <TeamID#>                              |
    TeamDuelBo> | 6. Now your partner must type !agree <TeamID#>  to confirm this challenge      |
    TeamDuelBo> | 7. Once the other team's members accept the challenge, your duel will begin!   |
    TeamDuelBo> `--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Main commands:
    !signup - signup is same thing as the other DuelBot, it signs you up for 2v2 dueling (teamduel).
    !register <partner>:<division> - you MUST register with some1 if you want to play matches.
    Once you send the !register to your partner, it will look like this:
    EvilDeed> !register 24:1
    (PMS YOU) TeamDuelBo> A team invite has been sent to 24 for division 1 and will expire in 1 minute.
    (24 RECEIVES) TeamDuelBo> You have been registered to use this bot. It is advised you set your personal dueling rules, for further information use !help
    (24 RECEIVES) TeamDuelBo> You have been invited to EvilDeed's team in division 1. To accept, respond with !join EvilDeed otherwise this invite will expire in 1 minute.
    (24 RECEIVES) TeamDuelBo> Team creation successful! Your TeamID for the Warbird Division is 36
    (YOU RECEIVE)TeamDuelBo> Team creation successful! Your TeamID for the Warbird Division is 36
    Once you complete this process, you can challenge other teams available in that division.
    To view all registered teams, PM TeamDuelBot with !teams.
    You will receive something similar to this:

    EvilDeed> !teams
    TeamDuelBo> The following teams are available for challenges (if list is blank then all teams are notplaying):
    TeamDuelBo> --Teams------------------------------------------------
    TeamDuelBo> | ID# | Division | Partners                            |
    TeamDuelBo> |-----|----------|-------------------------------------|
    TeamDuelBo> |  45 |  Mixed   | stricken and flared                 |
    TeamDuelBo> -------------------------------------------------------
    Next you will need to setup the rules by typing:
    :teamduelbot:!rules <Deaths>:<nc> for double kills = no count (leave blank for it to be off)
    TeamDuelBo> Max deaths set to 5 and no count double kills (NC) set on
    Of course it will show the actual teams that are made.
    If you simply do !challenge <ID#>:<BASE NUMBER 1 for wb, 2 for jav>
    The bot will make your partner accept first, then the bot will challenge the other team. They both then have to accept the match.

    once the match starts (everyone accepts) you and your partner and opponents will be warped into the box you chose while !challenge'ing. If it is mixed division, you may choose your ship. Every ship is allowed but weasel.

    Basic Rules:
    • You can only have 1 partner per division.
    • Once you !register someone, they MUST accept it to be on a team with you. The register limit is 1 and the requests expire after 1 minute.

    TeamDuelBot had quite a few bugs the 1st time we tried it out. Our botdev is working on fixing them. We will test it once again and if it works we will let the public explore it. We will have the rankings on website soon also.

    Any questions/comments?:P
    Last edited by evildeed; 11-23-2010, 09:40 PM.

  • #2
    Why isnt this on?
    Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
    Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
    Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

    Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
    Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
    Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
    Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
    Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

    The winningest TWDT captain of all time


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dreamwin View Post
      Why isnt this on?
      there's been bugs popping up and we are working on fixing them, it should be done soon :ninja:

