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TW - An Overview of Staff

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  • TW - An Overview of Staff

    Well first off I guess I need to tell everyone that I am the new Public Relations mod for TW Staff, and I have taken it upon myself to first and foremost take care of the situation in which the players in this zone don't have any knowledge of what the numerous groups of staff, and staff in general is planning for this game. So I have talked to several key members in these groups and the post that follows is going to be anything and everything that is going to be happening in Trenchwars in the coming days. I will go over everything from how close the new batch of ZH's is to becoming ER's, any new bots or modules coming from dev, new events from ECT, and changes we are making in order to server the population more efficiently.


    TWD is going to be reset on March 15th, TWL Preseason is scheduled to start on May 1st. I am sure you are all aware of the somewhat new changes to the bots that allow captains and assistant captains to cancel games themselves with !cancel, and of course the !challengetop and !challengeall commands that saves your fingers from typing out 50 squad names, and your brain from dealing with the dreaded "please stop spamming the bot" nonsense. Other than that I am going to talk to some bot devs about maybe getting an option to !notplay so you won't get added into a match unawares and get blamed for losing the match and all that good stuff. Other than that you know the drill, good luck qualifying for TWL. - Use this link to see who is actively involved in running TWD


    TWM is Trenchwars Media and is basically responsible for anything that involves radio, news, and even some advertising. Right now the biggest thing they are working on is doing Podcasts for TWDT games and if it gets enough hits and enough people actually listen to them I am sure they will do TWL also, I have personally listened to a few weeks worth of podcasts and I can honestly say its some high quality work. In the future TWM will be doing live play by play but with only Sir Spider and Mythril doing live radio spots it might depend on if anyone else offers to join up. This is a very fun and little known portion of staff and the guys who are working on this (largely paul, ph, moth, myth, spid, dez, Lizard) deserve a lot of credit for doing a great job. As of right now it is unknown if TWM is going to be a part of the main site due to TWBR doing a complete rework of almost every TWD site. is the current site being used, and if you have a good personality and want to help you should speak to The_Paul, Lizard, or Dez about it.


    Dev is TW Bot Dev and the guys work tirelessly and usually their efforts go unnoticed unless they are coding something that is easily noticeable (like the changes to Matchbots). Fortunately for them and us they are currently working on a big fix to the elimination arenas, this has been talked about on the forums for awhile now and it seems its getting fairly close to completion. Qan is back and is going to be helping get a lot of the dev stuff off the ground sooner than expected thanks to his experience working on this zone previously. Arobas+ is also going to be working with TWBR to keep the (new) sites maintained and full of useful features. However they are looking for someone who knows about designing website graphics, if any of you know someone or can do it yourself, you might want to talk to Arobas+ in game, as I am sure he would appreciate any serious offers of help in this matter. - Use this link to see who is actively involved in working on Dev stuff.


    Led by I.D. ECT is the group that coordinates special events in Trenchwars, every time you play a scheduled weekend event and now a lot of cash prize events, this group is responsible for making sure it is going to be hosted and ran smoothly. One of the big things this group is currently working on is a "TW Scavenger Hunt", and although I don't know exactly what this entails according to I.D. "The scavenger hunt will be really fun and something completely different that I think a lot of people are going to enjoy playing." so definitely something to keep an eye on in the near future, especially if you are someone who needs something to keep them busy during slumps in hosting and playing division games. - If you want to see a list of people currently on ECT


    Magnetic <ZH>,vaped <ZH>,Jab <ZH>,meno <ZH>,Morg <ZH>,Ciggy <ZH>,Panama <ZH>,Vector <ZH>,overboard <ZH>,DSB <ZH>,Hulk <Zh>

    This is our current crop of ZH's and some of them are brand new (like hired five minutes ago) and two of three of them will be ER's here in the next couple of weeks probably. Reab is the new head trainer (with Hurricane leaving) and we have a pretty good group of trainers who are doing a really good job of organizing the training and making sure they are up to ER as soon as they can. Trust me when I say that staff is well aware that hosting right now is really slow, and they are recruiting some people who will hopefully in a few months be active hosts. One suggestion I am making to staff is to make Mod/ER an equal level of staff that both have even chances to be promoted from, that way we don't have to steal hosts away from the zone in order for them to move up to the next level of staff. We can have the people who like rules and protocols move up to mod from ZH, and the people who enjoy hosting and being entertaining move to ER.

    General Information/Pub

    So Spacehiker spared me some of his time and let me know some of general things that are going to be happening soon. As far as pub is concerned there is about to be a brand new tileset, and from what I hear a tileset unlike anything that is currently in pub, so I am assuming it isn't just a color palette swap or something like that. And this will be added to the list of tilesets that you can currently switch between in pub using the !tileset command with the choices of bluetech, boki, and monolith. Also a public "message board" of sorts is being worked out that will allow information to be passed from staff to the players much easier and should hopefully be able to answer a lot of the questions about new features that players may have.

    Besides Pub one of the largest things going on is intra-zone cooperation, because every zone is feeling the lack of players, and because a lot of zones are starting to do cash tournaments and wanting to expect their leagues we now have the ability to go to Chaos zone by typing ?chaos and also to go to Extreme games by typing ?go eg - Furthermore you can get back to TW from either of these zones by typing ?go tw. So now you can go check out another zone, maybe play an event or two, and then come back to TW when your squad has a match or an event is being hosted that you want without ever having to actually disconnect.


    Some fairly big news in TWDT, Major Crisis has stepped down from being the Head Op of TWDT and Black Mage is stepping up to take his place. Also please don't forget that matches ROTATE on Sundays, March 6th for instance will be Basing, Warbirds, and then Javs at 2/3/4PM EST, so Captains if you haven't done so you might want to leave some messages for your squads so we have the most competitive games possible on Sunday. Weekday games however will be the same throughout the season with Warbird being on Tuesday, Javs on Wednesday, and Basing on Thursday, always at 6pm EST. Also I will probably start a poll soon to see the general public feels about the weekday games to see if we should do them again next year. Honestly I am pretty happy about the turnouts we have been getting and lack of forfeitures due to lack of players. is the site to check this out.


    I saved this section for last because this season for TWL there is going to be something really really huge happening. Thanks to TWBR this will be the first TWL where squads will actually be earning money for playing in leagues.

    Thats right, thanks to the hard work and effort of TWBR players (especially FF and 24) and squads will be earning money based on how well the play, and how much time they spend playing. This information was just released right now due to the fact that TWD final reset and TWL start dates were announced.

    I am going to post a few images showing how this would have worked if it was in place last TWL season. Thanks and major props to 24 for doing the work on this.

    I am sure that most of you understand how much this is going to redefine squadding for TWL for anyone who is interested in making money. Hopefully this will get people to join a squad that they will get to play for and increase activity and competition in the coming TWD Qualifications and TWL. Of course we also have TWBR to thank for footing the bill (once again) for the new website that is about to happen, and we are talking some pretty serious cash here. We definitely owe this group some gratitude, and I am sure they would appreciate you letting them know how much you appreciate it. Keep in mind that obviously this year the payouts aren't going to be huge but its a stepping stone, and 24 has some really big ideas, the prize money will be larger next year he assured me.

    If you want to help FF and the rest of TWBR you should definitely go sign up to his youtube channel if you haven't done so already. An active youtube channel helps TWBR get more sponsorships from organizations. The website is
    Rabble Rabble Rabble

  • #2
    Lizard Fuel wanted me to add this to the TWM section.

    TWM Projects

    TWM Heads- Lizard Fuel & Dezmond

    We currently manage and maintain our own Ventrilo server for the public. With private channels available upon request. Server is managed by ph

    We also have Subspace Pirate Radio (SSPR), headed by myself and Xog. We are an multi-zone Radio Program that runs 24/7 via Auto-DJ with live hosts starting every weekend (Starting in April) We are coordinating with Extreme Games, Chaos Zone, and DSB so they may cover their league games and important events on our program as well. SSPR is also home to the TWDT podcasts, and eventually TWL podcasts. (

    We are organizing several competitions for Trench Wars, such as TW's Got Talent with a real cash reward, 2011 March Madness brackets (Pay to play AND free), and a reward program for staffers who perform well.

    I can think of a few other projects we are working on, but I'll leave it at that for now.

    Current Members of TWM: Lizard Fuel, Dezmond, the_pill <ER>, Mythril, ph, moth, Xog, cres, monkaria, Mobey <ER>
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #3
      Also if anyone has any comments or questions they want to say or get answered, feel free to PM me in game or send me a forum PM, im pretty active and will get back to you as soon as I can.
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #4

        p.s. gj hilk
        1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

        1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

        Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

        Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

        Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


        • #5
          To further clarify on the TWL Payouts.

          1) Each game that your squad wins is worth $25. If your squad wins 11 games, then the potential payout is $275.

          2) Your squad MUST WIN that specific division of TWL to get paid out.

          3) The payout is done using PPM (Pay Per Minute). If you don't PLAY during TWL, and your squad wins, you don't get paid anything. Note* You must have at least 20 minutes of playtime to be included in payout.

          4) Captain(s) automatically get a combined 15%, just for being the captain of a winning TWL squad. If you have 3 captains, each captain will get 5% + their play time percentage.

          Below is an EXAMPLE of a season payout using minutes that I made up for this example:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Payout.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	70.7 KB
ID:	1281962
          Help Promote TrenchWars - -


          • #6
            i think you should test out the pay with TWDT playoffs, reduce it by half or something thanks.
            (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
            (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
            (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
            (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

            Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese


            • #7
              i guess i should demote bram then!

              1:Wah!!>OH OH OH OH OH OH OOOHH
              1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
              1:soild <ZH>>EVERYHTINGS GONNA BE ARLIGFHT
              1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
              1:soild>they can say what they like
              1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
              1:soild>EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE ALRIGHT


              • #8
                every twl squad will have 1 captain

                internet de la jerome

                because the internet | hazardous


                • #9
                  people gonna whine at me so hard when i don't play them thanks a fucking lot


                  • #10

                    go wark


                    • #11

                      Now that's public relations.

                      /Been sick all week >.< am planning on hosting at least two rounds of my only event tonight. B)
                      Fuck it.


                      • #12
                        woah nelly
                        do or die


                        • #13
                          god damn wark i think you did more 'public relations' in this thread than hms stargazer did ever since he invented the title.

                          my take on this:
                          - major crisis stepping down: thx u hopefully black mage+ isn't clinically retarded
                          - cash prizes in this game are weird/desperate/uncomfortable
                          - lizard fuel is very nice for hosting an autistic talent show
                          - i like yr zh/er suggestion but there are 2 many <er>'s who will become tylertunes
                          - qan rulez
                          T moth> IGNROE SHARJKS?
                          T moth> EEL;AM
                          T Eelam> i dont need to do that crap to break crams

                          1:the_pill <ER>> guy at work just said he calls his computer ralph
                          1:the_pill <ER>> and I just said ralph please go out loud
                          1:the_pill <ER>> immediately


                          • #14
                            i agree with moth, cash prizes are really gay and will suck fun out of zone, thank for turning my fav game into a job, now all the players gonna be super duper serious and emo and all hop onto one team


                            • #15
                              agree that cash prizes are stupid

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion

