These ideas are gonna help you guys set up your schedule for the forthcoming days and moths. If you have any other idea, just put them in our chat:
- music playing (each DJ should choose a genre he likes most and play it most often)
- requests (people pm you in pub what they want to hear- if you have it, write it when you play it. For example: Now playing: Swedish House Mafia - Save The World (request by: qpr)
- news every hour (consists of 2 parts: general or global news and pub news (both in a fun and entertaining way)- the pub news consists of what is happening in pub atm, who got owned or just plain trash talk (REMEMBER: news makers/reporters write news every hour for DJs, so they can read them eery hour)
- announce events (the DJs announce over the radio what is gonna be hosted in the near future)
- talking about TWL ("Hot or Not", predictions etc. - could use Sir Spider, Cres or some other person to do the interviews or just talk on the radio about it)
- guess the song for 100 spacebucks
- guess the quote of a TW player for 50 spacebucks
- different quizzes for spacebucks
- Punk'd
- TW Soap Opera
- jokes (people can pm DJs jokes concerning TW people or other jokes who then read them over the radio at a given time)
- pictures of Continuum commercials (people take pics of Continuum commercials and in return they get some kind of reward from us - spacebucks, can choose an event to be hosted, a song request etc.)
- MTW charts (dance/rock/pop/wishlist top 20/50, which is hosted on a daily basis and kept refreshed on the forum for people to read).
That's it for now. If you have any other suggestions, just pm us in-game or write your ideas here, please.
Your Pub DJ team.
- music playing (each DJ should choose a genre he likes most and play it most often)
- requests (people pm you in pub what they want to hear- if you have it, write it when you play it. For example: Now playing: Swedish House Mafia - Save The World (request by: qpr)
- news every hour (consists of 2 parts: general or global news and pub news (both in a fun and entertaining way)- the pub news consists of what is happening in pub atm, who got owned or just plain trash talk (REMEMBER: news makers/reporters write news every hour for DJs, so they can read them eery hour)
- announce events (the DJs announce over the radio what is gonna be hosted in the near future)
- talking about TWL ("Hot or Not", predictions etc. - could use Sir Spider, Cres or some other person to do the interviews or just talk on the radio about it)
- guess the song for 100 spacebucks
- guess the quote of a TW player for 50 spacebucks
- different quizzes for spacebucks
- Punk'd
- TW Soap Opera
- jokes (people can pm DJs jokes concerning TW people or other jokes who then read them over the radio at a given time)
- pictures of Continuum commercials (people take pics of Continuum commercials and in return they get some kind of reward from us - spacebucks, can choose an event to be hosted, a song request etc.)
- MTW charts (dance/rock/pop/wishlist top 20/50, which is hosted on a daily basis and kept refreshed on the forum for people to read).
That's it for now. If you have any other suggestions, just pm us in-game or write your ideas here, please.
Your Pub DJ team.