Space Dictionary
Spacebook friend-
A spacebook friend Is someone you trust enough with your facebook that plays subspace continuum,
someone who wouldn't talk about this game and someone who you would generally hangout with if you lived close enough.
(also note You must be a Spacebro to be a spacebook friend.)
you can only have 1 spacebro and this person is a person who is always loyal, helps you out.
Johnie> hey Bat We still Spacebro's?
BAT> ?
BAT> Classic is my spacebro #keepwalkin
SSSS? What?, SSSS Is the Subspace SecretSanta, Where friends give eachother address's to send eachother a cool
neat gift around christmas time, please note that This should not be played with someone Without being there Spacebook friend
Or knowning them for atleast 1-2 years on Subspace.
Downie- Someone who is a fkn retard and doesn't know how to play.
LoOnie- someone who is just a legit crazy person and Probably slightly Delusional.
?- When someone comments "?" after you say something, It means you should probably just be quiet.
U mad?- An Ancient Troll line used to annoy people after you beat them in a duel or squadmatch, Or just a simple Kill.
U done?- Is a newer line used on people when they get Lucky shots, Or Just wont shut the fk up.
#hash #tags- Hash tags originated from twitter But have been very popular amoungst the More handsome players of subspace.
BAT> Lil bat Boi On the Scene How Goes it #POWPOW
And there you have it folks, You're Space dictionary, Version 2 Coming out soon #PHsucksDICK
Spacebook friend-
A spacebook friend Is someone you trust enough with your facebook that plays subspace continuum,
someone who wouldn't talk about this game and someone who you would generally hangout with if you lived close enough.
(also note You must be a Spacebro to be a spacebook friend.)
you can only have 1 spacebro and this person is a person who is always loyal, helps you out.
Johnie> hey Bat We still Spacebro's?
BAT> ?
BAT> Classic is my spacebro #keepwalkin
SSSS? What?, SSSS Is the Subspace SecretSanta, Where friends give eachother address's to send eachother a cool
neat gift around christmas time, please note that This should not be played with someone Without being there Spacebook friend
Or knowning them for atleast 1-2 years on Subspace.
Downie- Someone who is a fkn retard and doesn't know how to play.
LoOnie- someone who is just a legit crazy person and Probably slightly Delusional.
?- When someone comments "?" after you say something, It means you should probably just be quiet.
U mad?- An Ancient Troll line used to annoy people after you beat them in a duel or squadmatch, Or just a simple Kill.
U done?- Is a newer line used on people when they get Lucky shots, Or Just wont shut the fk up.
#hash #tags- Hash tags originated from twitter But have been very popular amoungst the More handsome players of subspace.
BAT> Lil bat Boi On the Scene How Goes it #POWPOW
And there you have it folks, You're Space dictionary, Version 2 Coming out soon #PHsucksDICK