Thats Right Bat Master Flex Is off the Scene Out of Trenchwars and Subspace entirely, I can't take this bullshit anymore, If pure_luck is going to ban me for Asking to Advertise my radio 15 people or so were tuning into then Okay... I'm sure a simple ?help BAT RADIO : (RADIOLINK) was harmless, Keep being a jerk ever since Spacehiker got promoted and not you Crybaby. #WAAAH
I don't care if my Ban was 1hour/1day or 2month, (It's 1 Day) ... If you want to keep players you're going to have to stop doing this bullshit...I quit wont be back for awhile If not ever. have a good time and for the last time... #GOODRIDDANCE
I don't care if my Ban was 1hour/1day or 2month, (It's 1 Day) ... If you want to keep players you're going to have to stop doing this bullshit...I quit wont be back for awhile If not ever. have a good time and for the last time... #GOODRIDDANCE
