Greetings TW!
It's official, the Antichrist has taken over EG and anyone who does not worship Satan in EG will be permabanned and if you expose staff corruption on EG forums, you be banned from EG forums! The staff will quite literally tell you, that you are not allowed to post conversations with them on the forums on the basis that it makes them look bad when they try to justify a double standard in their rules against Christians!
So I am in TW to stay, at least - until I get netbanned.
It's official, the Antichrist has taken over EG and anyone who does not worship Satan in EG will be permabanned and if you expose staff corruption on EG forums, you be banned from EG forums! The staff will quite literally tell you, that you are not allowed to post conversations with them on the forums on the basis that it makes them look bad when they try to justify a double standard in their rules against Christians!
So I am in TW to stay, at least - until I get netbanned.