This may sound initially crazy but fuck it... (Pretend you've just started the game for the first time). I could see it working (thats if its even possible to do).
A way to make pub quite addictive would be to introduce LEVELS where the more you level- the more money you should get at the end of the round OR maybe the money of each kill increases very very very slightly... like after 5 levels it increases by $1 (from $9 to $10). To advance a level a player would need to get a certain amount of points. As you increase your level: The number of points required to advance to the next lvl increases. ?if the levels have a limit- maybe up to 200 (will takes so so so so long to get that far). Maybe the levels reset after 1-2 yrs.
Click on the image to see it more closely if needed.

To add- once the colour in the bar hits the top- it resets back to the bottom again- the level increases + the required amount of points to reach to the next level has a new increased value.
Maybe the higher your level is- the less likely a special will effect you. I might add more to this if i get any more thoughts.
The main disadvantage of this will probably be that it will take away basing/ more people will solo and not team etc. But (like i've stated in a different idea where this could also happen)- if possible- make it so people get alot more points from kills in the flag-room on the teaming freqs (0 or 1) so people are less likely to solo and team in flag-room. But the main advantage is that new players will love to stay on for hrs trying to increase their lvl! (as long as there is some decent reward for increasing lvls). Plus with this idea, there will be a purpose for having points in pub because atm its just a figure. Maybe i'm completely wrong lol. Heck its just an idea.
A way to make pub quite addictive would be to introduce LEVELS where the more you level- the more money you should get at the end of the round OR maybe the money of each kill increases very very very slightly... like after 5 levels it increases by $1 (from $9 to $10). To advance a level a player would need to get a certain amount of points. As you increase your level: The number of points required to advance to the next lvl increases. ?if the levels have a limit- maybe up to 200 (will takes so so so so long to get that far). Maybe the levels reset after 1-2 yrs.
Click on the image to see it more closely if needed.

To add- once the colour in the bar hits the top- it resets back to the bottom again- the level increases + the required amount of points to reach to the next level has a new increased value.
Maybe the higher your level is- the less likely a special will effect you. I might add more to this if i get any more thoughts.
The main disadvantage of this will probably be that it will take away basing/ more people will solo and not team etc. But (like i've stated in a different idea where this could also happen)- if possible- make it so people get alot more points from kills in the flag-room on the teaming freqs (0 or 1) so people are less likely to solo and team in flag-room. But the main advantage is that new players will love to stay on for hrs trying to increase their lvl! (as long as there is some decent reward for increasing lvls). Plus with this idea, there will be a purpose for having points in pub because atm its just a figure. Maybe i'm completely wrong lol. Heck its just an idea.