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Suggestion Box Guidelines

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  • Suggestion Box Guidelines

    TW Council consists of:
    • M_M God
    • Demonic
    • Poid
    • 24
    • Aura
    • Belgerath
    • Fis
    • Hack
    • Left_Eye
    • Pinkstar
    • Spookedone

    As the new development council, we will be analyzing suggestions and changes to SSCU Trench Wars via a proposal forum. This forum will require the player to submit a proposal under strict guide lines to be considered. This will consolidate all proposals so that we do not miss good ideas. One time a month, we will meet together, and review every suggested proposal. The council will consider ease of implementation, benefits of implementation, and all negative consequences of using said idea. Depending on the decision, the idea will either be scrapped, changed, or used as is. The PR manager will be present for these meetings(or one of their assistants in case of absence) to keep track of all decisions made. The PR manager will be required to reply to all proposals in a timely manner to give reasons as to why the idea was used or not used.

    Every department head is expected to be an expert of their department. Due to this, the council will not overrule their final decision. Everyone on this council is reasonable, and should be fully aware that change is necessary to further game development. Hopefully, this council will be the push that brings us back to greatness. I feel as the game is finally going in the right direction. Lets keep this great work up!

    Just like middle school, drawing pnus is frowned upon. ?go pictionary -SpookedOne

    (duckrager)> You are a worthless scammer i hope you fall on your head and have a seizure

    Tower> anyone here planning an 'Aura from trench wars bullied me' suicide?

  • #2
    TW Proposals Post Guidelines

    The goal of this forum is to consolidate all change proposals so that we won't miss any great ideas! Once a month, a council will convene to discuss proposed ideas. This council will consider ease of implementation, benefits of implementation, and all negative consequences of using said idea. Depending on the decision, the idea will either be scrapped, changed, or used as is. After the meeting, each proposal will receive an official response as to why their idea was used or not used.

    Please follow this form, or your idea will will not be considered. Please be as detailed as possible.

    [Brief summary of idea]:

    [Reasoning behind proposal]:

    [Best way to implement]:

    [Detailed summary of idea]:


    [Brief summary of idea]: We should have a draft tournament consisting of 8 teams.

    [Reasoning behind proposal]: We need an off-season league between TWLs. This new league will spark game activity, and can possibly help newer players get playing time in a league based system.

    [Best way to implement]: A poorly designed website that could drive the league head insane would help run and organize this league. Make sure that the bidding system works 40% of the time, and the bots designed for this league never work.

    [Detailed summary of idea]: Here is a link to all the rules:
    Just like middle school, drawing pnus is frowned upon. ?go pictionary -SpookedOne

    (duckrager)> You are a worthless scammer i hope you fall on your head and have a seizure

    Tower> anyone here planning an 'Aura from trench wars bullied me' suicide?


    • #3
      Also - This is a forum where any trolling or general idiocy is not going to be allowed. If you decide to not actually CONTRIBUTE to any ideas and suggestions being generated here, expect your posts to be removed.

      Not that I don't want people to have fun in this forum as well, but just be sensible, please!!!
      Last edited by vaped; 10-10-2012, 04:54 PM.
      Fuck it.

