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Demonic goes on a petty, Nazi stylei banning spree!

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  • #61
    I remember being told couple years back that staff had it's only little secret society that other staff members aren't even part of. The Dark Cabal of staff. Until staff can get along with each other, there's no way staff and the TW population will ever bond.
    Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


    • #62
      Originally posted by megaman89 View Post
      fuck these persians.
      wtf what did i do
      All good things must come to an end.


      • #63
        Originally posted by fiS View Post
        Guess everything on this issue has been said already. All this drama is so sad, especially because I feel like that you all just see staff as a whole, but instead it's just a bunch of individuals who sacrifice their own free time just to help where they can (well, that might not be all of them, but granted, it's a majority), because the most of us just love the game and hate to see it dying.
        These people, individuals, don't really get anything in return other than this: a bunch of drama, along with insults left and right when players feel that a decision is wrong. Granted here too, in certain decisions when it comes to the zone (I for my part, talking about pub) there is absolutely no way to satisfy everyone, and this also counts for some "minor" decisions. Some of these individuals might be corrupt, might be leaking, might not have a real interest to keep the zone alive and need to be dealt with, and it's great when players help out finding these.

        Also, mistakes happen, shit happens. Sometimes it's just the heat of the moment. After all, we're all just human.

        thats what i was trying to point out. most people have no problem with most staffers. there are just a few that manage to irk people at a higher rate. i did my best to try not to bash all of staff.

        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


        • #64
          Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
          thats what i was trying to point out. most people have no problem with most staffers. there are just a few that manage to irk people at a higher rate. i did my best to try not to bash all of staff.
          That's why I +1'd your post. :kiss:


          • #65
            Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
            zeebu and me doing the good cop bad cop routine?
            i did my best in trying to be civil the entire time. i dont know if it did any good, but it probably did a bit more than just calling everyone putrid over and over.

            keep bringing the facts of what happened out civilly and eventually someone will notice and respond to you. if you just get in a flame fest, no one ever feels the need to respond to you.

            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


            • #66
              ur the good cop who prepares the lube

              am the bad cop who does the inserting

              both r effective and dont vs the word putrid u putridingledoink

              still don't know if kthx/lf are unbanned in game
              1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

              1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

              Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

              Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

              Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


              • #67
                Alright, so LF is unbanned and 4o is no longer handling BanG issues, this is a step in the right direction.

                Regarding Eph's point that staff has always been corrupt: True. I think it's at a low point though, I'm talking POiD low point, like if you wanted to be staff you had to join melee low point (not to talk shit POiD). I do genuinely appreciate the efforts Demonic is taking to get staff back on track, to be less of a police force and more of a neighborhood watch, so the speak. This is great progress.

                I also heard from Demonic that she was working on some sort of "council" that includes staff and non-staffers to provide a link between the two groups, I think this is also a great move and I appreciate it thoroughly.

                Perhaps I went to far in demanding immediate change, I understand the way staff works is slow and steady. But the fact of the matter is that the whole staff system is broken, and I think Demonic would agree with me and she's told me privately she's working to fix it.

                It would be nice if you guys on staff would at least admit some wrongdoing in this situation and apologize for the way it was handled. I'll even start by saying that I could of handled things more maturely but I was fed up with what I saw as obvious abuse and nepotism and I was trying to force some action on the issue. But, here it is, I'm sorry for going on this giant crusade and handling it immaturely and without respect for the community as a whole. I think I can do better and I should of led by example.

                I sort of had this conversation with Demonic but I'll say it publicly: I've played this game since ... 6th grade so ... 2001-ish, I have a breadth of experience and knowledge and I once ran TWDT and was a moderator for a long time. I will happily return to staff in whatever role you need me in (so long as I don't have to wear an <ER> tag) and I will work hard to create a fair, exciting, kind, and, most importantly, fun atmosphere for players to play in. I'd love to be part of a committee that works on pub issues or some sort of group that discusses the overall direction of the zone but will happily fill in wherever help is needed. If I've learned one thing in my life it's that it's easier to change something if you buy into it rather than work from the outside. So consider this my application. If you want me back, I'll work with you in whatever role you deem fit but I will not, will not, just sit idly by if I see wrongs being committed.
                Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                Message has been sent to online moderators
                2:BLeeN> veh yes
                2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                2:BLeeN> ok then no
                :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                • #68
                  LFs forum ban was intended to be removed when he calmed down as he was pretty upset =p when he started threatening to leak private information it remained longer. I removed it 2 hours ago so hes free to post anything he likes now.
                  5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday

                  5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke

                  pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
                  1:Cig <er>> ROFL
                  1:fiS> LOL
                  1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>


                  • #69
                    Oh and I genuinely think that some sort of staff ombudsman would be a great position to create. In newspapers, there's an ombudsman who works for the paper but reports on things that happen within the paper. So if there is a controversy regarding something like running an offensive image on the front page, the ombudsman would write an editorial explaining how the decision was made and how things were handled. Big papers create this position to add transparency and clarity to the inner workings of their business. I think staff desperately needs some transparency so that players can understand how and why things are happening. For example, in this situation the ombudsman would have written something detailing the situation that occurred, how staffers reacted, what closed-door meetings happened, and how it was resolved. This may have, may have, quelled some of the dissent.
                    Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                    Message has been sent to online moderators
                    2:BLeeN> veh yes
                    2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                    2:BLeeN> ok then no
                    :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                    (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                    • #70
                      cool so can we forget all this and have that discussion about how to proceed with the direction of the zone?


                      • #71
                        So technically, the rioting worked. Less than 24 hours after this shit storm happened the problem was fixed right? And you wonder why people constantly do it.
                        Rabble Rabble Rabble


                        • #72
                          Also no my ban wasn't lifted, and I fully intend to get revenge.
                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • #73
                            this whole shitfest never should have happened. Still not good why or how charis could have gotten a "second chance" in the first place. Either way, Coverup -> Blewup -> Fuckup. Staff needs to think about how they handled this, and why it blew up into this, and how they can stop this from happening again. If anything, it shows the importance of Shaddow's job since a lot of the shit that happened after the initial coverup (of my posts) happened due to miscommunication or lack of communication.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              So technically, the rioting worked. Less than 24 hours after this shit storm happened the problem was fixed right? And you wonder why people constantly do it.
                              Actually your rioting delayed everything, as I had to deal with that and couldn't deal with the situation. To be honest, you made everything ten times worse, ruined the pub zone and to be honest caused more issues then 4o ever did. I am beginning to come to the conclusion that if it isn't wark's way that you will cry and whinge until you get what you want, regardless of the best interest of the zone which everyone else seems to be trying to aim for. Yes your ban remains, and maybe you can become more like Vehicle, who also rioted but at least understood it was wrong, not in terms of trying to get his point across but in terms of the zone itself. Somehow I doubt that.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Tone
                                It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                                Originally posted by the_paul
                                Gargle battery acid fuckface
                                Originally posted by Material Girl
                                I tried downloading a soundcard

