Submit a picture
Post a picture of something that represents you.
Do not post a picture of someone else.
No pornography or drugs in uploaded images.
See people posting photos of weed?
I posted photos that represent what I like. It is my gallery and yet I can't add shit to my gallery. Apparently adding a white tiger, a dragon, a jet, a game character, and other similar things isn't allowed. It's my profile? I don't use this for a dating service like prettymadness who must update a new photo or reapply an existing photo every time her photos are removed from the front page.
Post a picture of something that represents you.
Do not post a picture of someone else.
No pornography or drugs in uploaded images.
See people posting photos of weed?
I posted photos that represent what I like. It is my gallery and yet I can't add shit to my gallery. Apparently adding a white tiger, a dragon, a jet, a game character, and other similar things isn't allowed. It's my profile? I don't use this for a dating service like prettymadness who must update a new photo or reapply an existing photo every time her photos are removed from the front page.