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The reason why TW died

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  • #91

    Don't you think automation has caused enough damage to the zone already? Try to keep at least some things human and use the bots as support. Could make them screenshot base the moment a tk happens for a proof picture, reenable the stream and save the last 10 mins or record packets to do something like the ASSS playback, which would be a rather extensive coding task though. But really all automation can and will be abused. If I wanted to piss off a bomber ship player I could just keep running into their explosives and have him banned/locked just like quite a few guys did with the tk tax already.

    Also look at the knowledge in staff today. In the beginning a sysop without knowledge of networking was unthinkable, now we have one who can barely handle a config file for an arena. Same goes for most of the hosts. I'm not saying they are all stupid but since bots handled a lot of stuff the past years people forgot how it works (Wall-E effect). To catch double clienting they rely on bots while most ppl I report for spechunting turn out to be the same person when tested, and they are many. Could easily be caught with enough pub staffers with good instincts but the automation fails here. Same goes for aliased players. Also, how many map designers still know how to setup a server for testing or handle the sysops stuff to do the tests on dev or can even write a .lvz file with notepad? Then, you are old(play time) enough to probably still remember the days when you could ask any coding related question in pub and would get a bunch of serious answers. Gone are those days. Today most devs only know a little fraction of how things work and can handle one, maybe two areas like a little bot code and very simple SQL. This all isn't because people lost brain cells or something but because they do not need to handle things manually, so why ever learn them? And having some highly motivated guy with no php/MySQL experience try to fix forums with beginners tutorials is a pretty silly idea, no matter how motivated he is (just an example, no clue if someone is working on it at all, doesn't seems so). Besides quite a few other reasons this is a huge part of why we now have serious problems with the game, at least on the technical side. (No server control, chaos database, broken forums, no idea what to do when IPv6 comes out, no update for Win8+ to compensate incompatibilities, some upperstaffs not having a clue about tech and crushing dev work often enough based on nothing, some devs going wild and implementing pointless and even damaging stuff because some people in charge wouldn't even have a clue when to say no because they do not understand, just to name a few.)

    Lots of talk short: more human with support by machines, less machines in full control please. That way you have a chance to raise tomorrows good staff and dev.


    • #92
      There is 5 pages with a lot of text here but the real reason has to do with time. All things exist in cycles and rise, peak & decline. This has high longevity. so far its living the life of 3 myspace's & over 2 star trek series. It outlived the life cycle of any chatroom or forum.

      The reason why you cant get more players is because a person doesnt download from the looks of it -- if they do then 95% of downloaders cant stick around long enough to see how everything works and how its the most versatile 2D game with many different factors & possibilities going on, they would leave before seeing & learning that.

      But something simple like the 2D retrogames you can download into an Xbox or play on emulators is simpler in comparison so that wouldnt occur. Thus you have where 2D games did not go out of style, still come with modern consoles as downloads & emulators, but you cant get enough players here.


      • #93
        If we rely on the bots to handle everything, people will be confused and useless during bot downtime. Ive seen this plenty with ERs getting spoiled with the robobots, then bots crash and they run away when asked to host because they got spoiled and cant/wont do it manually. As was said, we shouldnt rely on the bots, they should provide support. Ive also said a few times about this concerning pub: if its so unbalanced during bot downtime that its unplayable or not fun, than we need to take a step back and see if theres a problem with it.
        Former TW Staff


        • #94
          Originally posted by kthx View Post
          Please Eph, allow me.

          Star Fox you are a useless sack of shit who sucks at this game and is obviously retarded. Huge faggots like yourself are the reason this game is dying. You suck at every single ship, you bring absolutely nothing to the table nor have you ever, you have zero leadership abilities. You are the lowest common denominator and unfortunately you are what most of our new players bring to the table. A bunch of coddled cunt stains who don't know anything about this game or the legendary players who actually made it fun. The fact that you try to post on these forums with an opinion at all is an embarrassment to those of us who actually contributed to this game. The fact that you waste the time posting here while literally nobody cares one bit about anything you have ever, or will ever say once again points to how fucking stupid you are. Needless to say you aren't respected and never will be, stop wasting your time although it has little to no real value trying to be edgy with legendary players. Eat shit faggot.
          Hey look, it's the guy that gets the #1 useless forum troll award coming at me. Guess what cockgobbler, I've been around since '97 and while I'm not the best, I'm probably better than you at everything in this game...but we wouldn't know would we? Because you never play! That brings me to my next point. If I started a month ago and played pub every day, would my opinions be less valid because of that? If you said yes, please stop and ask yourself why. Maybe you and other toxic dead-weight "vets" need to just hurry and fuck off for good instead of lurking forums, never actually playing, and attacking real players' opinions and staffers that actually contribute something.

          I don't give a fuck how long you've been around, your opinions don't weigh more into the current system than someone who actually plays the game. We don't need you. Contribute something more useful than "staff sucks and are faggots" or fuck off. All I ever see you do is throw tantrums on every thread and occasionally making a big show about how you're quitting. That was exciting to me up until the moment I realized it was just a pathetic ploy for attention and you would be back soon.

          My post count is in the 60s and yours is, well, over 9000, and you're telling me to stop wasting my time? Every single post you make wastes everyone's time that isn't in your little elitist vet clique of forum trolls that no longer actually play the game. As far as I'm concerned, the way you act, you're a nobody.

          You are a sad person. Please go away and don't come back. Let the game die in peace without idiots like you dancing on its grave.


          • #95
            Shutup faggot, nobody cares what you think or say.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #96
              Close this pointless whiny thread. TW's not dead. It lives in the players who still believe in it.


              • #97
                So trenchwars is Santa Claus?

                Miracle on ?go pub 0
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #98
                  Originally posted by kthx View Post
                  So trenchwars is Santa Claus?

                  Miracle on ?go pub 0
                  would i need to dl the arena if i logged in again? it happens every time i log in these days so cba
                  wicket666> frogs can mate withthem selves

                  wicket666> they are a sexual

                  Pepe the F> sounds like they turning Japanese

                  flojo> their ribbited for your pleasure


                  • #99
                    lets keep it real.

                    biggest reason why TW is dead is because of MOBA games.

                    Free games like LoL, HoN and DoTA have killed Subspace community.

                    It's the closest thing to what we got. Communities of players you get to know over time, a competitive atmosphere with little
                    financial investment. ez pz



                    • Originally posted by Star Fox View Post
                      making a big show about how you're quitting. That was exciting to me up until the moment I realized it was just a pathetic ploy for attention and you would be back soon.
                      but then i remembered that kthx lies about pretty much everything he says
                      hes like the fat people you see in carts at walmart
                      The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                      SSCJ Distension Owner
                      SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                      Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                      • I play TW for two reasons: ?go base and LT

                        Both are dead. So, I seldom play now. I would not say I quit, but it will be the last thing I want to do with my PC :nice:


                        • ckpoon, come join a squad- apply to Play (i'm cap there). Hopefully they will make it so this squad vs squad action can be addictive for everyone to like (without effecting the gameplay itself). One can only dream :P. Lets say they implemented challenge the world in twd... when a squad has enough to bd and no other squad is online, they will be able to chall the world and it should be like ?go base. Ckpoon all we can do is hope they make these changes and population should become more stable and possibly rise? who knows.
                          1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                          • The real reason is because some faggot keeps banning people.


                            • Originally posted by Celestial Jeddak View Post
                              The real reason is because some faggot keeps banning people.
                              This is certainly true especially when you have a mod called whiteknight Lol.

                              Never seen biggest idiots in my life and that is the higher staff that runs this zone.

                              Epic Fail


                              • Can we get back the awesome music from %100 instead of the stupid bullshit that it was replaced with for some fucking retarded reason that nobody knows because people keep changing things for no fucking reason at all?

                                And does anyone know the name of the music and where it's from?

