Here's my proposal: Implement some sort of system where instead of typing challenge:name to the pubbot for public duels, you would type challengeALL:ship:money and instead of challenging one person it would challenge at least everyone in pub who isn't in spec. Here is how I picture it in my mind: it would be like a big invisible list, and if your playername is on it, and then somebody issues a challenge:ALL to the pubbot, then you (along with the other names on the list) would receive the duel, and whomever accepts the challenge first plays that original challenger in the duel ... simple as that. In addition, Universal Duel Challenges would also be paired with another new feature (possibly a new !command to pubbot, like when you toggle !warp in pub) where you would toggle whether or not you actually go onto this invisible Universal Dueling list. That way if you're already dead-set positive that you don't EVER want to duel ANYBODY, you can just elect to just stay off the list forever, and everyone else can just alternate it as they please.
Why does Pub need Universal Challenges? While public dueling is very much a fundamental part of pub, it is still only just one of its features, and a lot of people are just there to play capture the flag, LT, or spawn people. So, this leads would-be duelers to do something we've all seen and/or done: a person just sitting around SPAMMING the public chat with "anybody want to duel" "hey, anybody want to duel in jav for 6000??" and stuff like that over and over. It's annoying for EVERYONE even including the person who is typing it, ESPECIALLY since half the time nobody even answers them!
The really stupid part about that is if you just end up challenging the exact SAME people who didn't answer you ANYWAY, almost every time after spamming enough challenges you'll find someone who actually WAS willing to duel with you.
Why are pub players doing that? Idk, but I personally took it as an unconscious message from all these people to just go ahead and CUT OUT THE MIDDLE-MAN! No more of these time-consuming verbal agreements beforehand that only serve to guide a command we're going to have to type out ANYWAY.
Some people might argue that since I (just above) suggested that "eventually SOMEONE always accepts a challenge even if they didn't answer you in pubchat" that Universal Dueling would be pointless since you could just spam challenges (and not chat) and get a duel already with the current dueling system that's already in place. But the reason WHY people try to make those annoying verbal agreements in public chat in the first place is BECAUSE spamming duel challenges in a non-dueling arena is such a complete clusterfuck. Additionally, there's the normal dueling problems you run into on top of figuring out if people even WANT to duel, for example: some people will only play certain ships, some people only play for certain amounts of pubbux, some people will make you wait 45 min to do only ONE duel (plz wait til i'm done eating/TV/masturbating/etc), and then (because it's not a dueling arena and the first one doesn't accept) for each new command you have to change the players names AND these variables in EACH manual command through 10+ challenges if nobody accepts. (It can be quite taxing only to later hand someone all your pubbux if you lose the duel) Not exactly "new player friendly" IMHO.
Universal Dueling will eliminate the need for spamming pub chat because if somebody wants to duel and knows it they will already be on the "list", and you can just type the challenge without worrying about that part. It makes it 200x easier for the person challenging as well b/c you would only need to type a FRACTION of the amount of challenges you type now. Furthermore, lets say you know "Person A" only plays warbird, and "person B" only plays warbird and spider, but YOU only feel like playing jav or one of the other ships. Instead of sucking up to these two players (A+B) out of convenience just because you already know what ship they play, Universal Duels would allow you to challenge the entire arena to the ship YOU actually want to play, so if ANYBODY wanted to play your favorite ship as well, you'd know after only ONE command.
On top of making everything simpler, it will also make the whole "challenging" process much faster as well, because not only are you saving time by typing less, but completely spontaneous challenges would be accepted with incredible speeds because just like TWD's system using the !challengetopteams command, anybody on the Universal Dueling list can accept it (meaning you'll get that "accept" in like a minute flat), and hopefully just like those squads using that command, the players in pub will be incredulous of the time and effort saved!
Why does Pub need Universal Challenges? While public dueling is very much a fundamental part of pub, it is still only just one of its features, and a lot of people are just there to play capture the flag, LT, or spawn people. So, this leads would-be duelers to do something we've all seen and/or done: a person just sitting around SPAMMING the public chat with "anybody want to duel" "hey, anybody want to duel in jav for 6000??" and stuff like that over and over. It's annoying for EVERYONE even including the person who is typing it, ESPECIALLY since half the time nobody even answers them!
The really stupid part about that is if you just end up challenging the exact SAME people who didn't answer you ANYWAY, almost every time after spamming enough challenges you'll find someone who actually WAS willing to duel with you.
Why are pub players doing that? Idk, but I personally took it as an unconscious message from all these people to just go ahead and CUT OUT THE MIDDLE-MAN! No more of these time-consuming verbal agreements beforehand that only serve to guide a command we're going to have to type out ANYWAY.
Some people might argue that since I (just above) suggested that "eventually SOMEONE always accepts a challenge even if they didn't answer you in pubchat" that Universal Dueling would be pointless since you could just spam challenges (and not chat) and get a duel already with the current dueling system that's already in place. But the reason WHY people try to make those annoying verbal agreements in public chat in the first place is BECAUSE spamming duel challenges in a non-dueling arena is such a complete clusterfuck. Additionally, there's the normal dueling problems you run into on top of figuring out if people even WANT to duel, for example: some people will only play certain ships, some people only play for certain amounts of pubbux, some people will make you wait 45 min to do only ONE duel (plz wait til i'm done eating/TV/masturbating/etc), and then (because it's not a dueling arena and the first one doesn't accept) for each new command you have to change the players names AND these variables in EACH manual command through 10+ challenges if nobody accepts. (It can be quite taxing only to later hand someone all your pubbux if you lose the duel) Not exactly "new player friendly" IMHO.
Universal Dueling will eliminate the need for spamming pub chat because if somebody wants to duel and knows it they will already be on the "list", and you can just type the challenge without worrying about that part. It makes it 200x easier for the person challenging as well b/c you would only need to type a FRACTION of the amount of challenges you type now. Furthermore, lets say you know "Person A" only plays warbird, and "person B" only plays warbird and spider, but YOU only feel like playing jav or one of the other ships. Instead of sucking up to these two players (A+B) out of convenience just because you already know what ship they play, Universal Duels would allow you to challenge the entire arena to the ship YOU actually want to play, so if ANYBODY wanted to play your favorite ship as well, you'd know after only ONE command.
On top of making everything simpler, it will also make the whole "challenging" process much faster as well, because not only are you saving time by typing less, but completely spontaneous challenges would be accepted with incredible speeds because just like TWD's system using the !challengetopteams command, anybody on the Universal Dueling list can accept it (meaning you'll get that "accept" in like a minute flat), and hopefully just like those squads using that command, the players in pub will be incredulous of the time and effort saved!