Originally posted by Demonic
Originally posted by Demonic
If you look at who complains about levs, it is always the same very few people and if you look even closer: changes to the lev keep making people who haven't commented on forums for a long time come back just to make clear this is wrong.
As for the weasel: A big majority of people beg for it to finally be big and not a basing killer anymore. It is a fun ship in small for dueling each other or the typical cloak hunter ships but it does not belong into pub as it replaces the cloaked surprise terrs and javs would lookout for with their radar with some barely visible, guided lagrocket missile that can come in from the tiniest holes of flagroom and kill ships or steal the flag faster than anyone can be warned.
Originally posted by Demonic
One thing that might work to revive TWD a little is to make it mandatory to actually be on a squad to have base or ship duels and for that shut down 24/7 ?go base, elim and similar events. This wouldn't work the way it is now as elim is pretty active even in dead hours but if you made quick squadchanges legal with a rule that forbids abuse to feed a squad there might be a chance and it could offer making elim be something with a meaning again, you know like the big event as it used to be with the possibility of bragging to be the best for a week or month or whatever, not the monotonous collection of score to be on top of the list. Don't nail me on this though as I do not play those games and people who do would probably be better on rating this thought.
Also since hockey is becoming increasingly popular there could be a KO-system championship every weekend. Well, weekly or monthly championship with KO-system for squad games could also give new players more chance to play and give people something to look forward to and to log on for.
Originally posted by Demonic