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Wormhole surfer's NEW PUB MAP (on trial)

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  • Wormhole surfer's NEW PUB MAP (on trial)

    So krynetix has added wormhole surfer's map to trenchwars pub as a mini trial to get people opinions of what they think of it and ?could this appeal to new players more than the old map. Ideally we want these players to stick to this game to increase the TW population and to create even more fun.

    Why try out a new map now while zone is down?

    -Provides some interest (keeps people entertained) to existing players while zone is down (even if they don't like the map)- people will be chatting/having discussion about the map/ maybe shocked about change + could actually make them stay in pub longer to check out the features of the map instead of logging in and finding twd/ elim/ javduel isn't up and logging out.

    -Nothing to lose (zone is already down and old map can be easily be put back)

    -Shows that we are trialling out new things to try and make this game more appealing and that staff are not prepared to give up while zone is down.

    -Could possibly prevent existing players from quitting because they can see change is happening and they are curious about what staff do next and keep logging in to find out.

    -To interest players from other zones to play Trench Wars (while twd/ elim/ javduel isn't up). Players from other zones may compare each zone based on the appearance of the pub map (and not gameplay)... they could think that extreme games is a better zone because their pub map looks alot better but they could change their mind when they see this new pub map.
    ... while extreme games server is down- nows the time to show off our zone and grab those regular existing players.

    Go check it out and post your thoughts? Any problems/ errors? Things you would like to see added/ removed. Post here.

    I know the lev/ lanc has been mentioned a few times already in pub. Things can be altered.

    Problems i've encountered: (will update)

    1) When a new round starts- some players that should get warped to flagroom end up getting warped to spawn area/ or outside flagroom.

    2)There are walls that look like you cant fly through but you do:
    -The base entended parts outside flagroom
    -Mid section- the enterance wall of those circles at co-ords: j6 and k6

    3)Mid base- when in them circles at co-ords: j6 and k6, there is a secret hole u can shoot through. The hole is at the bottom corner, next to the wall that goes down from that circle.

    4)Outside base- looking at the tunnel sections, there is a small seperate strip on its own that should look more like an individual rock.

    5)The 2 blocks in midbase doesnt appear correct... would be better if it the angle was from a birds-eye view (not a view from the side) to match the rest of the blocks.

    Views by players in pub chat (will update this):

    1)AceHac]{er> maps fine... i would rather have the old ships back cuz it messes up my shiplits (the mod where a red dot is above the ship). When a map includes ship graphics they override the ships.bm2 file so i see whatever map wants

    2)TheInternetDictator> map is ok. They style is good but needs some tweaking. Some parts i cant tell are walls or entrances and the flag area is covered which sucks.

    3)fukc> its cool. The base is a little tight. The meteors are off too (bumping into air). Its just pretty.

    4)SHUTUP> all these bridges are a bad idea (flagroom). You dont know where the actual edges are. You cant use cover when half the map isnt even actually there and theres no way to even tell. Nothing with overhangs that obscure the actual angle is going to work. Jav all bases on angles and you cant even see where it is half the time.
    -Fork> Do you prefer this map or the old one? Shutup> the old one. This zone is too dependant on angles and overhangs obscure angles

    5)Drosophila> nice who made it?

    6)Alextron> wow this is neat

    7)Cheese> this looks good

    8)Sun**Burst> omg new map. Its like a dream

    9)olde> looks like eg map

    10)PrettyMadness> wtf. RED ON RADAR? industrial background for base. Looks like crash bandicoot near the end. Is a bit too distracting

    11)zidane> new ppl dont play this game. Its all bout making our existing players happy. It looks alright. Kinda looks like EG but i don't hate it. i dont like the crap inside the tiles like at k8. That stuff inside the circle.

    12)Nasty Pasty> I'm all for trying different things but you can't rely on the screen or the radar to tell what's solid and what's not for sure. I think it will annoy the hell out of people. Particurarly those who fear change 8|. Think the little ship spawning big ships could be a laugh tho.

    13) Fart In The Wind> Yeah, I think I would prefer the old map. This is too distracting.

    14)Oblivioustofun> problems: 1. People warp outside map on roof
    2. Invisible walls
    3. Shading that means u cant see the actual wall
    4. No other entrances to fr

    15)wAZ.> yeah its good to try things out, its not like weve had a full base running the last couple of days

    Fork> Do you prefer this map compared to the old?:

    16)Envithyx> this works well, just have to adapt

    17) *NEW PLAYER* (started 2 weeks ago: claims)* AsiAsi> i like this map looks real nice. flag room might be tweeked a little is all. AsiAsi> well i guess it's a good thing main went down. this server gets to do things like this.

    18)YojimbO^> Def (prefer old map). I say keep the graphics simple. Those walls u can hide behind (in flagroom) are terrible. and its distracting...but maybe just a matter of habit

    19)vfx> yep i like the old map. Fork> Why? Vfx> i dont like walls u can see but still fly through. I DONT LIKE SMALL SHIPS. it adds no real extra interest.

    20)Shortwood> yes (prefers old map), I don't like some parts of the base. Don't like anything overlaying my ship at all. I love the rim around the side of the base though. It's what I've always known, but I could get used to this. You can stealth under this entrance. Nobody can see shit

    21)Celtic~Dragon> could get used to it am sure

    22)Darkgriz> nope. This one is cool. I like the retro but more up to date graphics. It has a brand new look. the walls are smoother and not rocky. The asteroids i dont like. A change is a must if this is to survive

    23)AlphaWing@work> this one seems more fun in the center base, keeps the action going, seems wider. So as a fighter, i like anything that promotes people fighting. Gfx wise seems warmer, more inviting with the browns ect. Easier on the eyes

    24)Radikal> love the new map....old one sucked. I would rotate a lot of different maps if i were you guys... change and diversity is good.

    25)Dwopple>oh shit... new tileset $. Gonna take some getting used to, but i like it. I think something like this is what we probably need to bring the game/zone back tbh

    26)diakka> Dont rly like this stuff over the flag. Fr needs to be clean and free of surprises, easy to navigate. Fork> so u would prefer this over old map? if things got altered? Diakka> yeh.

    27)tumbleweed> not a fan of graphics that obscure but aren't solid. I dont mind this map i guess, looks cool enough. The lev and terr look cool.

    28)Peru> yes (prefers old map). Fond memories. Very biased unfortunately

    29)Eddard Stark> (prefers old map) Only cause its what im used to. I like this tho

    30)moose> this one is sweet, but ive always been a minimalist, so the less background clutter the better but i like it. Make the ships normal by default and if players want they can choose the option to use optional shipset. I do like the layout though

    31)Tesco> 1) The middle is off:

    2) not all ships looks like transformers, only terr on lev. 3) Not all ships can go through sides, only x's. 4) If you put enemy team showing red dots on radar, their names should be highlighted in red too. 5) The flags turns blue when after while of claiming it...a bit misleading. If all ships looks like tranformers like terr n lev and fixed the other points i mentioned, then would (prefer new map) yes

    32) POiD> this is a great map. Does block some of the 'lt' shots .. which should help that issue too. Tho opens up the top ones to easy attack from multiple angles. Flag is smaller so a normal lev could do quite some damage to flag room (attacking from top) .. maybe a slightly larger (taller) flag would protect those closer to the entrance / flag itself. That way an LT couldn't just ruin an entire basing game during peak playing hours. just that flag room too small.

    33)Commodo> kinda like it, yeah. (a min later) Think I prefer it. I think it's easy on the eye. perhaps the FR entrance is a little tight. These two top tiles could go:

    34)Residue <ZH> tbh, im just old school, i like the old map, i dont like the change. I like how there are 3 bars before you enter mid base. I dont like the fake walls. I dont like the background in base. I like the sold black. I dont like the red dots..

    35)Jones> i think sweet is the best squad in tw

    36)Shark tits> I like this one, it looks cool as shit. I like the tunnels

    37)Reel> I like this better, though it needs a few tweaks:
    -on new flag game, some ships start above the base walls, outside
    (What he likes: big asteroids, base being "enclosed" properly, and ship models)

    38)kman> i don't mind this map but I can't tell where the walls actually are. Its hard to predict how ill bounce. Needs more holes in flag room Fork> but u prefer the other map? kman> probably like the old map better.

    39)Dethdefire> hmm not quite sure.. a few annoying things in this one:
    -dont like the thing over the flag
    -i like the gfx.. the duel area is annoying with those big ass rocks.

    40)bwp> the old map is a classic, perhaps an almagamtion of the two, the old style layout with these graphics
    -the flag isnt quite right its slightly obscured
    -well the radar not matching the map is quite a big one lol
    -i'm led to believe diagonals don't work well with javs
    -there is no obvious jav shot to mid

    41)Gambler.> old map. This map would be ok for an event but not for pub. Cuz it doesnt feel like tw... Feels like im in eg. I like the classic feel of ss, its what makes ss.

    42)SpaceHiker> I haven't played it yet but it looks pretty sweet. Me likey

    43) Slum> instead of .?buy their should be weapon shops in the alleyways in here that you have to fly to, to upgrade weapons. Could be developed into something real fun but keep typical ship gfx.

    44)Zizzo> terrier looks ugly, just doesnt feel like terrier :P but it looks good on this map. Stuff under my ship (base floor)... it looks like i couldnt fly down there. (later)'s not really clear what this box is, can i fly over it or whatever? looks pretty cool overall

    45)goofie jav> old map. Fork> why? goofie jav> This looks like metalgear. Fork> that it? lol. (no reply)

    46)bone wagon> its too early to call. First impressions are i like old one better

    47)xx-vash-xx> yeh (prefers old map).
    -Doesnt feel spacey.
    -Things you can bump into compared to not. Need to be more clear

    48)Executed> Hmmm i dont mind this one, but still prefer original. Just like what i started playing on really. This seems more eg or metal gear to me. Its not that i hate it, just prefer the old one. nice graphics on this one

    49)Blue Sky> Prefer this. Looks nicer. Feels like star war themed. More space like. First time I've played for more than 2 hours here. If they keep this map I might consider staying. Fork> which zone you normally play? Blue sky>I used to play RS, EG, DSB, DS, chaos. Now perhaps tw.

    50)Pavlov's dog> at the moment, I prefer the old one, but that might be because I'm more used to the old one
    -it's hard to tell what is actually there, graphically. the entire base looks walled off, for example, but the gaps on the radar do allow you to fly through.

    51)Twilight wolf> i like it. It is detailed and it is vary big and yes i think it is more interesting then the old one. The other one was boring a bit

    52)TABARNAK!!> dont know dont care, but i hate it when there are fake walls or invisi walls.

    53)Spock!> I think the map has a nice retro-modern feel to it
    -It might have some "map too big for population" issues
    -but I like the little channels/paths on the edge
    Fork>u prefer this map compared to the old one? Spock!> will require more play testing, but so-far maybe, sure
    .....(later) the bottom base wall could use a change. The entrance is kinda terrible, since it can be easy to hide in there. Just the entrance could be changed, the rest if fine

    54)Herbz> fork> u prefer the old map? Herbz> not really. Dont care. i like the new terr look

    55)Gina Marie> i dont like the change. Fork> why? Gina Marie> the background, it's not pure black. ITS NOT REALLY ENJOYABLE TO PLAY WITH <6 PLAYERS

    56)The New Guy> i loved it when it had cracks between blocks for my angles. Fork> o on the flagroom bar? The New Guy> well everywhere... i mean blocks delimiters.

    57)Johnno <ZH> -well the area above base to large... be a LT heaven up there.
    -Then there fact i can fire into base from where i am now... Need to close that hole (he was shooting in spawn area upwards- bomb travels thro the tube and into the mid section wall).
    -i like the flagroom gives terrs more space to move around in should leave more battles in there
    -although it does mean javs can hide at top and bomb down off wall easier
    -also dont like the blocks in midbase

    58)fiS> i dont like these super fat n huge rocks. They turn so fast, too, give me sezuressss. Jabs were fine, these are a little too much..... but actually, they do fit into the whole theme. When i've seen this map a while ago the only concern i had was the overlaying lvzs decreasing player's fpw. Other than that, it's just spacy.

    59)DiskDevil> Fork> so what dont u like about this map? DiskDevil> Whatoverhangs...some glitching...i guess i am hard to change...base is a little awkward. I like the industrial look..wish it were more simplified. The bridges and overhangs need to go too confusing...protected flag not so good..only one way i see into base. I give credit to the map maker though it takes alot of effort to put one of these together.

    60)Swiss Cheese> Well to start, i would say that change is always welcome in my book. I especially like how the roof is broken up to channels to fly through, as well as the sides of the map. To me, this allows for more fun for people not looking to base.
    -As far as the basing portion of the map... I really don't see to much different besides niceer looking tileset as far as basing goes

    61)Shaddowknight>too many fly over/under tiles, you never know which corners are real, levi shots are way too numerous.
    -the corners arent even consistant, as well as some of the gradients in places
    -it looks nice, but plays horribly
    -its so easy for lt's to kill ppl chasing them in tunnels
    -roofing is way too easy on this map

    62)Gripe> no one plays this game for it's graphics, it's retro and sentimental. It's like a comfortable blanket you've had since you were a kid. Then suddenly someone snags your blanket away from you and gives you a snuggie instead. It's just not something that needs to be changed, and actually may do more harm than good. Indie game studios are making retro looking 2d games and people are downloading them like crazy... because retro is cool. Changing it now is a terrible idea... the game is so old now that it's not a good idea to change it.

    63)Disturbulance> in general invisible walls suck. That shit in fr really annoying. Looking at minimap to see where you can go is just big nono.

    64)T T> I prefer the old one. This is hard to see + invisible walls. I dont mind the layout, but the graphics are hard on the eyes ...the old "space" background was perfect. The superstructure looks cool, but thats about it. It looks like something to be walking on, not flying ships on. Sometimes a wall is there, but I cant see it, other times I see a wall but I can fly right through it.

    65)Field> I think having a different tileset is better than this new one + one of my main critiques: invisible walls (flyover/flyunder etc)

    66)Jabjabjab> map's ok. I prefer vet shots though. old is gold. (prefers old map)

    ?Server issues more than map related:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67)miercoles_es_sabado> i think it looks great really. of course it gives me more lag. i mean the more graphics the more lag, for me. Playable though.

    68)Best Player of asss> idk why bot keeps speccing me. Theres already less and less people playing. We want more players, not less... im on wifi, i cant help it.
    -Fork> Comments on the map? Best Player of asss> prefer old (map). Fork> why? (no reply)

    69)Tyrion Lannister> I liked the old one. This is ...different. Colours a little dull/ dark for my liking and it seems a bit of a mess somehow. Too much junk on the screen, minimal is better. I guess it looks nice other than the stuff I said. Suggestions:
    -well the pathways into fr from base sides should be open
    -should put a little green in the wall tiles as well, and some trees :P
    -well when people spawn inside those circles they might get confused and think they cant fly out.
    -it should look like it has an opening
    -maybe letters in the middle like 'launch zone' or something
    -well the grid wasnt even visible on my screen but i was wondering what was blocking the background & stars. Had to lean forward to see it. I guess you could change the colour to make it more visible a little? or just remove it... IDK.

    70)T3>The flagroom principle is the same which is good, the fly through tiles and invisible ones is annoying. It occupies my time and serves its purpose. I can't complain too much.

    71)AL SHARPTON>This (prefers new map). Just looks new, more contrast between things. Looks more like infantry and i used to play that. Fork> what zone do you normally play? AL SHARPTO> i play svs

    72)Sunset> 50/50 (likes old and new map equally) they should both stay lol. I'm not sure about forums comments but i can say here that this map is great but just as great as the other. The new base is good but just as good as the other one. The roof is good here. This map is great but it loses the charm of the other map with it's clear backgrounds and minimalist walls.

    73)Steep> the tileset is awesome, just remove all those walls that you can fly under. Also the background of base (blocking stars) is strangely outiside of the base, too. Old map with these tiles would be great, but this map might work too. (cant say a thing about the outsides yet, as theres no games going to test them).

    74)ViralRiot> yeah I prefer the old map. It was more minimalistic... allowed you to focus on shots. well I can see you guys are trying to modernize it. Hmmm I don't know how I feel about this outside area. It's cool adding a positioning factor to the outside base to keep from lev nukes being too easy

    75)Magica> The looks of this one, and the out of base is much cooler. Definitely an upgrade from the old map.
    -Personally I dislike tiles where I have to fly under since I never know which tiles that are if I dont look at minimap.
    -I dont like the changed looks of some ships though but thats just cause im used to the standard one... also had that complaint in EG when they changed them.
    -If I had to pick something to get changed id go for the color of the new stuff outside base... same with minimap, but thats cause I use transparent minimap.

    76)JoWie> i like it so far although the lvz obscure what is solid or not in some places.... hah warp locations are wrong. Fork> do u normally play tws? Jowie>i ocassionally do pub or that boat arena. Should hook them up with A/B testing.

    77)unreal_> (likes it slightly) Slightly, but mostly not. It reminds me of Hyperspace which I hated.
    -(doesnt like the blocks in midbase): Makes you misfire because the wall is square not a diagonal.
    -And the walls that you can just fly through (the walls of the circles at co-ord: j6 and k6).
    -don't like the big asteroids even though they look nice
    -I don't mind the bit in fr
    -I don't actually like the two side holes on either side of the fr...It's REALLY easy to shoot through them

    78)Romeo> personally im annoyed by the map right now.. either line up the walls with the lvz or change map back til its finished

    79) LMAO!> ok first of all I am a strict traditionalist so I would like to see map return to 2002 map. I do not like the current map that well, and I believe that this could be more fun for me if a few changes were done.
    -I prefer a more traditional flagroom look
    -I like the outside pretty well, good enough to try it out for a while in pub
    -I like this top though (top part in flagroom above bridge)
    -i think it should be basic (flagroom)
    -I like levi terring and I think that there is some potential for that at top
    -I dunno about that block (large blocks in mid base)
    -the part of this map i like best is the outside on the sides and the top
    -personally I prefer a black background (no background in base)

    80)NumbFeet> it does look pretty nice.
    -roof is still exposed as well
    -well at least the mid is protected (from lt attacks)
    -i like this outer space bunker design
    -its pretty tight to the actual safe tiles.
    overall id say its an upgrade to the old base.

    81)Jessup> it was a little tight near flag and dead blind spots where sharks can lay hidden mines
    -shading in base messes with my transparent radar, should have a more holes on mid ears too, other then that i dont mind it
    -and id like to see new ships if we use it too , was fun using the new lev and terr
    -i like the "newness" of the look tho
    -also these hangers or w/e it is in mid base are deceiving, i miss being able to shoot thru holes

    New player comments regarding current pub on Trenchwars SSCU + if they prefer Worms map:

    1)Lukeusername> Its pretty basic, has a retro charm I guess... well the ships themselves don't seem to be retro, they're almost trying to be 3d.
    > Can i ask u.. anything u don't like or like?
    lukeusername>its hard to say, but I guess I would say the walls are kind of ugly. So the ships are kinda 3d and the background is trying to feel 3d yet the walls are just absolutely basic. retro is fine but I wouldn't say everything is cohesively retro.
    Fork> Would you prefer this map? (shows him wormhole's pub pictures). lukeusername> I like these better (wormholes pub).
    Fork> lukeusername def a new player? Shaddowknight> seems like it.

    2)Fork> hey u are new? Played before?
    Markus1123> Couple of times
    Markus1123> I played for about four months in 2008.
    Fork> Could i ask you what u feel about this arena? u like it/dont?
    Markus1123> It looks the same last I left it. Ships the same. Mechanics of the game the same.
    Fork> Anything u would like changing?
    Markus1123> New ships/gameplay I guess?
    Fork> would u prefer this: (shows him wormhole's pub pics)
    Markus1123> Like the decals on this map
    Fork> would u prefer a retro map like this... or one that looks good?
    Markus1123> The one that looks good
    (staff unavailable to tell me if hes truely new- will keep asking.)

    Fork> Anyone new?
    Znet1982> 4 days ago, ishFork> ok and what do u think about this pub map? like/ don't like?
    Znet1982> I played that alternate map the other day.. Hated it.
    Znet1982> seemed to cluttered.. This seems more simplistic + prefer the layout more.
    Znet1982> My only issue is my sound doesn't work in game.. No a big concern, but the only issue I've come across.
    Fork> Is there anything u would like to see added or changes on this map/ pub?
    Znet1982> I played this for a few weeks when the game first game out.. Just picked it back up. From what I remember, it's almost identical to what it use to be, which is extremely pleasureable.. The only thing to get me to play more would be more time.
    Znet1982> I'm a simple person.. Perhaps someone who's played this same zone for years may get tired of the looks.
    Znet1982> for the type of game it is and the graphics, I don't see a lot of room for enhancement.
    Fork> Znet1982 new? (Dezmond)>he has no aliases

    Old players thoughts of the current pub:

    1)UncleMatter> i like it (started in 2001)
    UncleMatter> rocks are too big
    UncleMatter> Dislike spawn near fr in low pop
    Fork> did u play wormholes new pub?
    UncleMatter> not yet will look into it...gotta run now sorry

    2)Ballista> its fine (played for 9 years)
    Ballista> i mean.. TW pub hasn't changed much over the years
    Ballista> the other zones are great way for something different, but tw pub should remain somewhat static
    Ballista> otherwise the remaining members may potentially stop playing
    Ballista> i think it is fine for how this game is set up
    Fork> and if they altered the looks of pub- but kept the same gameplay- u would prob quit?
    Ballista> i doubt it, i've been off and on continuum forever, it would just take some getting used to

    3)Lundqvist> have always liked it but could use some new changes (started around 2002/2003)
    Lundqvist> i like the ship sets but there needs to be more things to do besides take base
    Lundqvist> hate the dueling arenas in pub
    Fork> Do u prefer this base: (shows pictures of wormhole surfers map)
    Lundqvist> for me the map really doesnt matter
    Fork> so u wouldnt quit if there was a change in appearance to pub? but still the same gameplay?
    Lundqvist> i wouldnt stop playing bc of map, no:P
    Lundqvist> im all for improving gameplay but not messing with ship settings

    Dethdefire: why not spawn people playing the pub in accordance to their freqs position? Example: freq with flag gets randomly spawned in one of the ears while the attacking freq gets spawned in lower fr area?

    Cheer> 15 years
    Cheer> don't play. it's boring.
    Cheer> i cant stand how they got rid of spawning during the killraces.
    Cheer> havent played since.
    Cheer> i want the old levi and the old weasel back.
    Cheer> also what's the point of money? there's nothing good to buy.
    Cheer> and besides even when i want to buy something i have to wait like 20 minutes because someone else bought it before me.
    (Cheer)>I want the old map back.
    Last edited by Fork; 04-21-2014, 05:08 PM.
    1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far

  • #2
    Add blue wings to the levi!


    • #3
      it's really nice IMO.
      TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
      TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
      TWDT-J 2012 Champ

      TWDT-D 2014 Champ


      • #4
        I'm pretty sure the ship graphics are being removed. Anyway, you guys should probably be more concerned about the 200ms ping times and 7% packetloss rather than the graphics added to the map.


        • #5
          nive avatar worm
          TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
          TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
          TWDT-J 2012 Champ

          TWDT-D 2014 Champ


          • #6
            "sit back down idiot" LOL
            TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
            TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
            TWDT-J 2012 Champ

            TWDT-D 2014 Champ


            • #7
              I don't want to come in here and be a grouch.....but changing the pub map tile set isn't really in anyway the solution to getting new players and maintaining them, it's merely a facelift for a game they have no idea about so don't even know there was a facelift. It's about marketing, new player tutorial etc etc.
              TWL-J Season 11 Champion
              TWL-J Season 21 Champion
              TWL-B Season 21 Champion
              TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
              TWDT-D 2017 Champion
              TWDT-J 2017 Champion


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ricko View Post
                I don't want to come in here and be a grouch.....but changing the pub map tile set isn't really in anyway the solution to getting new players and maintaining them, it's merely a facelift for a game they have no idea about so don't even know there was a facelift. It's about marketing, new player tutorial etc etc.
                I disagree, it's not like we'll get a huge newplayer boost with this but
                it could help maintaining some of the newer players
                if the map looks totally old fashioned they might think this game isn't being worked on, updated or no activity going on
                with a better graphics map it's possible they'll stay longer and have more faith in the game
                You choose
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Pong-game.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	33.7 KB
ID:	1282044
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Preview.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	58.1 KB
ID:	1282045

                It's obvious new players would go for option 2
                Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


                • #9
                  A grouch? No, a voice of reason.

                  A new map falls into the 'nice to have' category but to think that this would 'fix' anything is to put lipstick on a pig.

                  1. The first order of business is to get the zone back up

                  2. Create a plan that includes a priority list of features. List out those that are broken, flawed and need improvement. Note that this could be a very, very large undertaking; especially if TW ends up with a new Biller. A new Biller changes everything. For example if there is a new biller than adding back in the ability for players to change their email address and reset their password is, IMO, one of the highest priorities. Why the fuck would you want to try to bring older players back without this in place first?

                  3. The new Council needs to be ignited and participate in #2.

                  So while adding a new map is 'fun' what good does it do if the rest of the zone is still a cluster fuck? Why even try to bring in brand new players when Pub will be unable to retain them for longer than 3 minutes? The zone will recapture the interest of those 'movers and shakers' if it had a published plan and started hitting some of the scheduled tasks instead of the typical 'change some maps and some ships to fix things' approach.

                  IMO we have an huge opportunity and chance to make significant improvement to the zone. While many of Fork's idea are fine and probably worth further discovery at some point; there are all the same things that the zone has tried for over a decade. New maps and ships should not be anywhere close to being a priority right now.


                  • #10
                    If someone wants to change ships, map and graphics, why not simply make a new zone and see how successful it is instead of messing with an established and working setup? This can only drive players away. Don't get me wrong, the map is nice and would be even nicer if it had fitting ship settings (looks like it wants to be played more fast and with rapid fire stuff), but it is very far from TW.

                    Also since right now many players are confused and wondering about what will happen with their game this is a very bad timing to turn it into a personal playground. Look at it from a non-dev perspective: players get very vague info on what is about to come, dev gives small hints about taking over, new biller, new features, whole new system and so on. There are currently 3 versions of TW servers, all different. Now the only one with at least a few specs around and rudimentary functionality gives the idea of the game being totally changed? Not a way to spark hopes of the old game coming back and also not really giving any credibility to the council which just formed. If this is what "independent server" means I am seriously worried about the game coming back at all.

                    Get the game running before you make any weird changes first, please. It might also be a good idea to stop playing secret order and actually inform people about what exactly is being worked on before just smashing it in their faces out of nowhere. Might even get offers for help or testers who could save you quite a bit of work.


                    • #11
                      "The first order of business is to get the zone back up"
                      Yes it is but we can't do anything about that, only wait
                      it's out of our hands to do something about that.
                      In the meantime it's a great idea to test a new map in the server set up by dev.
                      The map is very nice, like every map it needs time to get used to the map, this is the same case
                      and it's just a trial map, still needs to be worked on walls, rocks, objects, ships etc.
                      Anyways great effort of the people who put time in this!

                      Yes we need to work on marketing, new player tutorials and other newplayer frienldy features
                      everyone knows this. I just don't understand why you should make a reply about it to a forumtopic
                      about the new map. Keep things organized and if you must make a new topic about it or reply
                      below other threads what is about the topic you want to talk about it.

                      As for the new council, the results were announced 1 day before the attack/crash of servers.
                      We all have some communicating problems because of this.
                      There's has been no councilmeeting yet, i'm sure this will be planned when the new server is up.
                      In the meantime I've tried to contact most of the councilmembers, but some of them are on mac's
                      so they couldn't login the last couple of days to read their messages.
                      Other members will be back when the new server is up. This whole attack caused a delay on the start
                      of the new council, since all of this is new it will take some time for the council to have full effect.
                      Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


                      • #12
                        I am throwing the bullshit flag on the Council 'having to wait' until the zone is back before we can do anything and several other things in your post.

                        Superficial changes taking priority over the broken foundational processes in the zone is EXACTLY what has been the primary issue with the zone for years. Is there anything wrong with a thread for new maps or other minor configuration changes? No. But this is not what is happening. Fork posted a new thread and positioned it as a good idea with the zone down and as a way attract new players.

                        Sorry you don't understand why we raise the real issues that need to be fixed in the zone. It is a response to the overwhelming amount of inane bullshit that people think will fix everything.

                        Now as to Council. What a pussy bunch of shit the excuse that 'the zone went down so we can't do anything'. What? We didn't know when the Council would be elected and couldn't have anything in place to get them headed in the right direction before the election was even over? And while I am sure that Qan and some of the other staffers have been busy, are they required to get the Council to move forward? If so, we elected the wrong people.

                        And as far as not being able to come together due to the zone being down and some not being able to get into ASSS; bullshit. That's a lame excuse. The forum has been up and the internet is full of 'meeting' applications that are freely available; IF anyone had any fucking motivation (or sense). And even if the new council wanted to simply coast, what is so hard to make a few posts and communicate what the fuck is going on?

                        Those on Council who are not actively assisting with bringing the zone back online are missing the best opportunity that had to make a difference. This is not a good start to the Council; not only do I think that many of them do not understand the need to address the underlying broken processes of the zone but the lack of motivation is astounding. They have been handed a great opportunity in several ways but appear to just be sitting there with their thumbs up their asses. Someone step up and get something going until Qan and the others can get the time to participate.


                        • #13
                          I think if we made a new zone (a 3rd one) with the map;

                          1)could confuse people more

                          2)No opinions would be made because people have already downloaded tw asss and are sticking to that zone (until a zone is fully running). ?people will download a new zone just to test out a new map- can't really see it happening.

                          After trial- have it in pub2 and see how many keep showing up there could prove how effective that map was.

                          Getting the zone back to how it was is priority but how long will this be? Weeks? Not many people were playing the old pub on it's own anyway- with no pub bux... People are getting bored. Personally it's a good time to test out new things that's not been done before (a very nice map being added to pub) and questioning players and new players especially about what they feel etc. With no elim/javduel/ twd atm there's nothing really to lose. I can assume 80% of players stick to this zone because of twd anyway... 160 players turned up to watch the finals and altering a pub map to make it look more effective for a day or so will ruin the zone? Def not with a working twd. If players leave- it will be more likely because nothing seems to be happening.

                          The game totally changed? Though there needs to be adjustments to the ships- it's the same gameplay but with a new look. Things should be adjusted to please as many players as possible in a trial run. The thing you have to ask yourselves is: do you truly know an idea won't work without trialling it out first? Yes we have add maps to pub before but none as extensive as this. If the the map can be added and removed in a few seconds + knowing it shouldn't really cause any harm to the zone (because more players are actually leaving because they don't see anything happening) + it's only a short trial, how could this be a bad thing?
                          1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                          • #14
                            Ask yourself this instead. How many new maps have been tried over the last 20 years? Did any of them fix anything?

                            Again, nothing wrong with a new map; your map is indeed pretty. But it is the same as putting a paint job on a car that has a motor that smokes, a transmission that slips out of gear, stereo doesn't work, and the car only starts every now and again. There is no denying that a new paint job makes it look better; but everybody will see through it immediately for what it really is.
                            Last edited by Ephemeral; 04-17-2014, 11:47 AM.


                            • #15
                              The outside of the base needs to have more sniping holes. As of right now there are only a handful that are actually practical.

                              The holes on the outside of the FR are fine, though.
                              Vatican As> fukin zizzo uis head fuin tribal couneil meber and doesnt do shit
                              Vatican As> wife came in and was like hey can u pls put fan in my room and i was like hey can u pls suck my dick and i didnt look ovber but im pretty sure she didbt suck myduick

