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    Personally i think this would work great in tws:

    Have a jackpot on the top right corner of screen that everyone (including spec) can see. The pot will in grow in cash on each kill/ streak/ nice shot but will grow alot faster if the kills are made in flagroom. Now when the match has completed (note match- not game) then 10% of the total money displayed goes into everyone on the winning team. ?Perhaps the % of what goes to each player could be adjusted depending on how many players are playing at the time + total amount.

    ...They could still keep the end of round statistics (basing king/ vet players etc).

    Perhaps if this idea does make pub more active + you get better quality games then make the fun last longer and make the rounds last 5 mins instead of 3 (during very active times).

    1)As the jackpot increases: Players in spec who see the jackpot- enter to try and win some the jackpot
    2)Having a jackpot can give you unpredictable rewards which will create more interest in playing pub.
    3)As the jackpot rises to extremely high amounts- people will start trying + you will get much better quality games because everyone wants to win!
    4)Could have longer games as players try and "milk it" to increase the jackpot as much as they can before the try-hards take over.
    5)During times when its most active + there is loads in spec, staff can donate their pub cash into the jackpot so things get even more heated.
    6)New players are more likely to stick to this game if they see/take part in heated intense team battles that are desperate to win the jackpot.
    7) Could advert when jackpot reaches 50k and 100k! etc to draw in more players from other arenas/ spec + keep players playing entertained.

    ???when the population is at its lowest- make it so the jackpot can be easily increased up until a certain amount... You don't want 3 players getting bored in pub because its taking them forever to increase the jackpot to number worth playing for... but to prevent 3 players abusing things, the jackpot is harder to increase after the players make it reach $5000 for instance.

    Other ideas i would like to add perhaps: (things to spend pub cash on)

    1) Adding an option where someone could pay a large amount of money (50k)- so everything is doubled in price for 30 minutes (Rich players making normal players happy + everyone will be like- wow ty!). A message would be advertised that <playername> has paid for double bonus time for 30 minutes.

    2) From outside base, there is a restricted door on the wall midbase... You can enter into it (for a shortcut)- but only if u pay a certain amount of spacebux. Door closes after 5 seconds. Suggested by bkgmjo: Players could buy to release the doors into the flagroom (on the sides)

    3) Donate money in twd squad bank accounts + perhaps squads could have the option to duel each other for a certain amount or buy twd features that don't affect squad gaming itself.

    4) Buy basing weekend pub maps: Pure base: $300k, Boki $300k, Old pub $300k. You can donate any amount and it will deduct the total amount by how much u donated. Soon as a weekend base is bought- that weekend coming: it will be hosted. Afterwards the event bought is reset back to $300k but the rest continues as it was left off.

    Opinions from pub players:

    1)Jon_Snow> I think It would be a good thing to add. Get more people to base than to spawn kill and what not.
    Jon_Snow> I honestly dont think they (jackpot) should go up at all outside of base/roof
    Last edited by Fork; 05-20-2014, 07:14 AM.
    1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far

  • #2
    Jackpot: Sounds fun, but you have to make sure freqhoppers (maybe those who joined freq 2 mins before win) get nothing to prevent abuse. Also this could ignite actual pub squad play where they try to win the money on a priv.

    1. Not sure anyone would buy this, but probably worth a shot.

    2. I'd like the side entrances to base to work like this to prevent the game dieing by too low actual basing population and enemies swarming in from everywhere.

    3. As stated in some other threads, buys like own home arena for twds, different shipset for matches could be improvement. Without these dueling for cash makes little sense and is likely to cause harm by people spamming not needed bucks in pub items.


    • #3
      there's no point to have a jackpot if there's no real use for public cash.

      we could have a player profile site with achievements, total public cash earned (through playing/dueling/donations), statistics from other leagues (elim, twl, twd) and similar things. there was a site called TWPD ( made by Arobas+ that had a lot of promise back in the day, but the project was scrapped/abandoned. not sure if we have enough developers (with free time) to work on a system like that, not to mention we would have to come up with creative ways (that wouldn't give an advantage to anyone) to spend the newly aquired public money.


      • #4
        +1 for
        +jackpot idea
        if it makes speccers play the basegame, do it!
        +buy option, if he meant halved prices
        could work since its advertized in the arena who bought it
        should make a lock on max buyable supers else they just buy the halfprice thing and get profit of buying supers all the time or something (per player)
        + TWD squad bank
        this requires a lot of thinking, what to buy with the squadbank? but i think that can be a lot of fun
        + buyable weekendmaps
        Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


        • #5
          He ment double rewards for kills etc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Turban View Post
            there's no point to have a jackpot if there's no real use for public cash.

            we could have a player profile site with achievements, total public cash earned (through playing/dueling/donations), statistics from other leagues (elim, twl, twd) and similar things. there was a site called TWPD ( made by Arobas+ that had a lot of promise back in the day, but the project was scrapped/abandoned. not sure if we have enough developers (with free time) to work on a system like that, not to mention we would have to come up with creative ways (that wouldn't give an advantage to anyone) to spend the newly aquired public money.
            It would be nice to have a running website like TWPD but still... improving pub gameplay (so people in spec get motivated to play) would be much greater than creating/ developing any website unless that website brought in a lot of new players. I don't actually think a massive deal of work is needed to get a jackpot in pub and in theory you would expect better games when the jackpot rises but your right- it all falls down to what you can spend the pub cash on.
            1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


            • #7
              Originally posted by Turban View Post
              there's no point to have a jackpot if there's no real use for public cash.

              we could have a player profile site with achievements, total public cash earned (through playing/dueling/donations), statistics from other leagues (elim, twl, twd) and similar things. there was a site called TWPD ( made by Arobas+ that had a lot of promise back in the day, but the project was scrapped/abandoned. not sure if we have enough developers (with free time) to work on a system like that, not to mention we would have to come up with creative ways (that wouldn't give an advantage to anyone) to spend the newly aquired public money.
              Why are you so obsessed with stats? How does that even help TW. We need more people who want to play the game. I don't even get why you have to bring up that site. You want to use pubbucks on stupid features to use on a stat site? Get real, please.

              I think Fork's idea is a great one. I only needed to read the first sentence and I was convinced. I would definitely play a lot more. There need to be several rules to keep players from freqhopping or abusing the sytem but I'm sure that will be figured out (x amount of kills, have to play x minutes on freq 1/2, can't change freqs x amount of times) so it's definitely doable.

              A LOT more people would start playing. Especially people like Beam etc. who love money.


              • #8
                way more people would start playing if there was an actual use for earned pub cash. i did not say as single time that public cash should be used for that purpose (although, wording might've been an issue there), rather it would just be a nice addition once the cash system has been perfected. if you want the money to have a meaning then we would have to come up with creative ways of using it (incorporating twd, elim, events, public altogether) instead of leaving it the way it is at the moment. currently, pub money serves no purpose aside from ruining the gameplay for others or occasionally purchasing an expensive pure pub session to ruin LTs fun.

                either way, biggest issue we currently face is that we do not have a proper marketing plan. having a jackpot won't bring any new players and that's a fact. it won't even get a good basing match going because there will always be someone who will ruin the basing session with items.

                work on figuring out what to do with pub cash then implement something like this, but until that happens i'd say we should keep this just as an idea for the future and put it on the shelf, waiting for the right moment. and no, beam wouldn't play for a jackpot. he simply loves to duel scrubs for pub cash and strip them naked.


                • #9
                  once we've figured out how to actually use pub cash in meaningful ways, that's when this idea can truly be considered and it will succeed assuming everything has been fixed. all you need to do is wait until the time is ripe before implementing this idea. the zone doesn't need extra cash flowing in that can mostly be used to grief other players and ruin their fun.

                  if you catch me online, i can probably give you an uncensored version of what i think about this idea and what, in my opinion, should be done with pub cash for the system to truly flourish.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Turban View Post
                    once we've figured out how to actually use pub cash in meaningful ways, that's when this idea can truly be considered and it will succeed assuming everything has been fixed. all you need to do is wait until the time is ripe before implementing this idea. the zone doesn't need extra cash flowing in that can mostly be used to grief other players and ruin their fun.

                    if you catch me online, i can probably give you an uncensored version of what i think about this idea and what, in my opinion, should be done with pub cash for the system to truly flourish.
                    Yeah I definately agree we need to work out what items/stuff would motivate players to collect spacebux to buy them... but this could take months and months to work out because;

                    1) What would really motivate people to spend spacebux on? Items that upgrade their ship slightly vs not.

                    2) what are the predicted short and long term consequences of each item you can buy I.e: will people will start whining like crazy once some1 has bought an expensive item or will they accept they deserved it after playing so much pub hours.

                    3) Even if there were items worth collecting spacebux for; pro players could easily earn spacebux x1000 faster in duel compared to basing in pub so then do we implement another system to buy items along with spacebux?

                    Ideally this idea could be coded in a week or less which should create more interest while planning the future of what we can spend on spacebux/ coding a new system to make sure u can spend items from playing pub and not just earning it very fast in duel.
                    Last edited by Fork; 05-23-2014, 11:42 PM.
                    1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                    • #11
                      Make this happen lol... should be easy to implement and trial this out? I want pub more fun/ where are dev team and what the fork are they doing :P
                      1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                      • #12
                        Simpler idea #1
                        - Increase the reward for winning a round.. say 5x of what it currently is


                        • #13
                          The idea, on the surface and if properly implemented, is not bad. But as Turb correctly points out Pub bucks is badly broken. Like virtually everything in this zone, Pub bucks was not thought through and was poorly implemented. Pub basic design flaw is that it currently rewards more experienced players and works against less experienced players. And even if this were not true (and it is), the fact they a player can basically ?buy win is about as lame and demoralizing as it gets. Time after time a good competitive basing game is followed up people leaving when someone ?buys win.

                          But let’s say they fix pub bucks by removing the ability to ?buy win. Now people have virtually nothing they can do with Pub bucks. Let’s say someone comes up with a great idea for the use of Pub bucks. Ok, we move on to talking about where we are in the game and how we got here.

                          Virtually nothing in this game over the last 19 years has been done correctly. Every single ‘feature’ needs to be revisited and either fixed or improved so that it works correctly. Does anyone really think that, for example, the ?go hockey feature works well? Many events and event maps are fun but how many are done correctly and don’t have issues? How is TWL running so far this year? Qual process running smoothly? Even simple things like TWLM has issues that needs to be addressed.

                          Yet not only do we keep these things limping along half-baked, we want to keep adding more? Dreaming up good ideas is easy. But implementing good ideas correctly is not. Last thing this zone needs is another good idea that gets done poorly. In fact, we should be removing a lot of these previous good ideas and consolidating the zone. Remove features like TWLM and Pub bucks. If this stuff is worthwhile and that popular then the solution is simple. Those who whine about it going away can get to work and fix it. (Doubtful anyone would actually do this. Any moron can whine but few are actually willing to contribute and work.)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                            The idea, on the surface and if properly implemented, is not bad. But as Turb correctly points out Pub bucks is badly broken. Like virtually everything in this zone, Pub bucks was not thought through and was poorly implemented. Pub basic design flaw is that it currently rewards more experienced players and works against less experienced players. And even if this were not true (and it is), the fact they a player can basically ?buy win is about as lame and demoralizing as it gets. Time after time a good competitive basing game is followed up people leaving when someone ?buys win.

                            But let’s say they fix pub bucks by removing the ability to ?buy win. Now people have virtually nothing they can do with Pub bucks. Let’s say someone comes up with a great idea for the use of Pub bucks. Ok, we move on to talking about where we are in the game and how we got here.

                            Virtually nothing in this game over the last 19 years has been done correctly. Every single ‘feature’ needs to be revisited and either fixed or improved so that it works correctly. Does anyone really think that, for example, the ?go hockey feature works well? Many events and event maps are fun but how many are done correctly and don’t have issues? How is TWL running so far this year? Qual process running smoothly? Even simple things like TWLM has issues that needs to be addressed.

                            Yet not only do we keep these things limping along half-baked, we want to keep adding more? Dreaming up good ideas is easy. But implementing good ideas correctly is not. Last thing this zone needs is another good idea that gets done poorly. In fact, we should be removing a lot of these previous good ideas and consolidating the zone. Remove features like TWLM and Pub bucks. If this stuff is worthwhile and that popular then the solution is simple. Those who whine about it going away can get to work and fix it. (Doubtful anyone would actually do this. Any moron can whine but few are actually willing to contribute and work.)
                            Personally I would rather utilise pubbux for things like Poker games/blackjack etc - games where it can handle a low population especially for off peak times. In theory it could also limit pubbux (unless people win big a lot). I don't like pubbux being used for things like epidemic/roof turret etc and I think those have altered the dynamic of pub too much over the years and not in a positive way.

                            That said, that's only my opinion so far from set in stone, as pointless making a change to please 1 player over the many.


                            • #15
                              There are multiple problems with the game but right now the biggest problem is that people are getting bored. By the time dev think of ideas and correct the spacebux problem- we're talking like 2020 with 10 people online max. People are overthinking too hard about any idea and because of that nothing gets done. Sure ideas need to be planned out but the fixes that turban suggests need to be done beforehand will never happen.

                              Trial and error all the way tests out what works/ doesn't and if it has an impact. If this idea can be implemented within a week- trial it out. The population needs to increase and it won't be achieved by fixing small bugs. A smart move would be to add incentive to make you play pub/ incentive to make players play twd.

                              Im not suggesting to throw out any idea- like this idea, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages + it spices up pub (even by appearance of a visible jackpot). The problems of spacebux could be corrected afterwards because that srsly will take along time unless u remove spacebux all together.

                              This zone might be 19 years old but we haven't even got close to what the zone can offer in terms of fun/ addiction. Pub literally is basic atm- so much stuff they can add to make players wanna play more and more. Same with twd- players could be randomly rewarded with something if they are lucky 1 in 20 games. Squads challenging a.i bots in dif modes.
                              Twd Squad spacebux bank accounts where playing pub affects twd (people collecting money in pub to fund their squad).

                              Start implement fun fun ideas to ignite the interest in old and new players before u work on these longstanding small fixes that no one will really notice anyway and stop looking at the past and focus on now.
                              Last edited by Fork; 09-19-2014, 07:50 AM.
                              1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far

