Personally i think this would work great in tws:
Have a jackpot on the top right corner of screen that everyone (including spec) can see. The pot will in grow in cash on each kill/ streak/ nice shot but will grow alot faster if the kills are made in flagroom. Now when the match has completed (note match- not game) then 10% of the total money displayed goes into everyone on the winning team. ?Perhaps the % of what goes to each player could be adjusted depending on how many players are playing at the time + total amount.

...They could still keep the end of round statistics (basing king/ vet players etc).
Perhaps if this idea does make pub more active + you get better quality games then make the fun last longer and make the rounds last 5 mins instead of 3 (during very active times).
1)As the jackpot increases: Players in spec who see the jackpot- enter to try and win some the jackpot
2)Having a jackpot can give you unpredictable rewards which will create more interest in playing pub.
3)As the jackpot rises to extremely high amounts- people will start trying + you will get much better quality games because everyone wants to win!
4)Could have longer games as players try and "milk it" to increase the jackpot as much as they can before the try-hards take over.
5)During times when its most active + there is loads in spec, staff can donate their pub cash into the jackpot so things get even more heated.
6)New players are more likely to stick to this game if they see/take part in heated intense team battles that are desperate to win the jackpot.
7) Could advert when jackpot reaches 50k and 100k! etc to draw in more players from other arenas/ spec + keep players playing entertained.
???when the population is at its lowest- make it so the jackpot can be easily increased up until a certain amount... You don't want 3 players getting bored in pub because its taking them forever to increase the jackpot to number worth playing for... but to prevent 3 players abusing things, the jackpot is harder to increase after the players make it reach $5000 for instance.
Other ideas i would like to add perhaps: (things to spend pub cash on)
1) Adding an option where someone could pay a large amount of money (50k)- so everything is doubled in price for 30 minutes (Rich players making normal players happy + everyone will be like- wow ty!). A message would be advertised that <playername> has paid for double bonus time for 30 minutes.
2) From outside base, there is a restricted door on the wall midbase... You can enter into it (for a shortcut)- but only if u pay a certain amount of spacebux. Door closes after 5 seconds. Suggested by bkgmjo: Players could buy to release the doors into the flagroom (on the sides)
3) Donate money in twd squad bank accounts + perhaps squads could have the option to duel each other for a certain amount or buy twd features that don't affect squad gaming itself.
4) Buy basing weekend pub maps: Pure base: $300k, Boki $300k, Old pub $300k. You can donate any amount and it will deduct the total amount by how much u donated. Soon as a weekend base is bought- that weekend coming: it will be hosted. Afterwards the event bought is reset back to $300k but the rest continues as it was left off.
Opinions from pub players:
1)Jon_Snow> I think It would be a good thing to add. Get more people to base than to spawn kill and what not.
Jon_Snow> I honestly dont think they (jackpot) should go up at all outside of base/roof
Have a jackpot on the top right corner of screen that everyone (including spec) can see. The pot will in grow in cash on each kill/ streak/ nice shot but will grow alot faster if the kills are made in flagroom. Now when the match has completed (note match- not game) then 10% of the total money displayed goes into everyone on the winning team. ?Perhaps the % of what goes to each player could be adjusted depending on how many players are playing at the time + total amount.

...They could still keep the end of round statistics (basing king/ vet players etc).
Perhaps if this idea does make pub more active + you get better quality games then make the fun last longer and make the rounds last 5 mins instead of 3 (during very active times).
1)As the jackpot increases: Players in spec who see the jackpot- enter to try and win some the jackpot
2)Having a jackpot can give you unpredictable rewards which will create more interest in playing pub.
3)As the jackpot rises to extremely high amounts- people will start trying + you will get much better quality games because everyone wants to win!
4)Could have longer games as players try and "milk it" to increase the jackpot as much as they can before the try-hards take over.
5)During times when its most active + there is loads in spec, staff can donate their pub cash into the jackpot so things get even more heated.
6)New players are more likely to stick to this game if they see/take part in heated intense team battles that are desperate to win the jackpot.
7) Could advert when jackpot reaches 50k and 100k! etc to draw in more players from other arenas/ spec + keep players playing entertained.
???when the population is at its lowest- make it so the jackpot can be easily increased up until a certain amount... You don't want 3 players getting bored in pub because its taking them forever to increase the jackpot to number worth playing for... but to prevent 3 players abusing things, the jackpot is harder to increase after the players make it reach $5000 for instance.
Other ideas i would like to add perhaps: (things to spend pub cash on)
1) Adding an option where someone could pay a large amount of money (50k)- so everything is doubled in price for 30 minutes (Rich players making normal players happy + everyone will be like- wow ty!). A message would be advertised that <playername> has paid for double bonus time for 30 minutes.
2) From outside base, there is a restricted door on the wall midbase... You can enter into it (for a shortcut)- but only if u pay a certain amount of spacebux. Door closes after 5 seconds. Suggested by bkgmjo: Players could buy to release the doors into the flagroom (on the sides)
3) Donate money in twd squad bank accounts + perhaps squads could have the option to duel each other for a certain amount or buy twd features that don't affect squad gaming itself.
4) Buy basing weekend pub maps: Pure base: $300k, Boki $300k, Old pub $300k. You can donate any amount and it will deduct the total amount by how much u donated. Soon as a weekend base is bought- that weekend coming: it will be hosted. Afterwards the event bought is reset back to $300k but the rest continues as it was left off.
Opinions from pub players:
1)Jon_Snow> I think It would be a good thing to add. Get more people to base than to spawn kill and what not.
Jon_Snow> I honestly dont think they (jackpot) should go up at all outside of base/roof