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The Decline of SS and TW is real

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  • The Decline of SS and TW is real

    since 2001 when i started yo, i never seen ss get so inactive so rapidly, more so, TW, i've seen this happen in other zones, and they died pretty soon after, the stats for TWD, (they were dropping hard before TWL btw) sums it up..


    i ain't for this btw, shits mad annoying that it can take a full day to TWD....

    I use this game as a boredom tool, yet, shit' making me more bored these days..
    TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
    TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
    TWDT-J 2012 Champ

    TWDT-D 2014 Champ

  • #2
    population is down since 2001?!


    • #3
      how could this BE


      • #4
        also check that graph, tw population was declining when last TWL was running, but now it has stabilized and increased. COINCIDENCE?


        • #5
          nvm i dont even know what those numbers are too blurry.


          • #6
            shut up vati, clear statement is: shit's ded.
            TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
            TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
            TWDT-J 2012 Champ

            TWDT-D 2014 Champ


            • #7
              and turb shh you don't even play yourself unless it's twl, like everyone else that matters lol
              TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
              TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
              TWDT-J 2012 Champ

              TWDT-D 2014 Champ


              • #8
                yes i said "that matters" ew, i complimented you.... :P
                TWLJ Season 13 Runner Up (Boss)
                TWLJ Season 15 Hit Allstar
                TWDT-J 2012 Champ

                TWDT-D 2014 Champ


                • #9


                  • #10
                    IMO TWL does indeed bring back some ‘vets’ who normally don’t play much TWD. That’s said, TWL also has a chilling effect on TWD. What is the net gain/loss? In terms of number of active players in the zone the effect is probably marginal. We pick up a few additional ‘vets’ during TWL but lose some newer players activity because TWD is so dead. It is like having a big annual sale in a retail store. Yes, during the sale things looked pretty good. But we notice that after it is over sales drop off quite a bit. Next thing you know, people are waiting for the annual sale before coming in. When you look at total sales over a bigger time frame truth is that the sale really is not helping your bottom line.

                    The question is can the zone ‘afford’ have TWD so inactive for long periods of time? Many of us having been saying for several seasons that TWL and TWD should not be run at the same time. The zone does not benefit by splitting the population into smaller and smaller pieces as population declines. It’s questionable if leagues like TWDT should even be held anymore; never mind trying to overlap it with other leagues (stupidest thing to ever happen in the zone).

                    The exact same issue exists with the holding of events. We burn time and effort teaching staffers HOW to hold an event but spend ZERO time teaching them WHEN to hold an event. The result? Splitting the low active population into several pieces; none of which work well. Pub dies and the poorly attended event sucks too.

                    IMO the only solution is to have a bit of vision and think beyond having ‘a wild hair in your ass’. In other words, think through a schedule that prevents over lapping and occurs at a much quicker pace. TWD is the foundational league and is the one the most benefits the zone. TWL should be made much shorter or held during off hours; dragging it on for months is not helping the zone at this point. Same with TWDT. If there is not enough population to support them during off hours then we should just suck it up and call it a day.

                    Any fucking moron can wait until the peak hours and hold and event or league and say ‘gee, look I did good’. This is not a sign that someone is doing a good job with the running of a league or an event; nor does it mean that the league or event is good for the zone. It simply means that there is a hardcore group of players who will do anything during those peak months/days/times.

                    It is past time for some intelligent scheduling and consolidation of some features.


                    • #11
                      that is something which is up for discussion actually, ephemeral. someone has proposed to integrate, sort of, our TWD and TWL competitions to one area, and have short seasons which would probably work for the better.


                      • #12
                        WHATS THIS?
                        HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN
                        WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS
                        The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                        SSCJ Distension Owner
                        SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                        Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                        • #13
                          Graph isn't very clear. I can't read it. But yeah, population is down. Not real surprising. If you were standing in 1998 and someone asked if they thought SubSpace would even exist in 2014, odds are they'd be shocked if you said it was.


                          • #14
                            oh i see the graph now. i'm retarded.

                            that is something that happens every year, twl qualifications start, people get active for a while.


                            • #15
                              twl is too active and should be abolished

