Public Relations work is an art form as much as it is a skill that takes some time to master. I had always considered myself a great public speaker and writer, but after I began professional training in public speaking and writing, as well as using those acquired skills in the real world, I had no idea just how much I didn't know and needed to learn. So whenever I write an official statement, memo, or blurb announcing something that is going on with staff, I channel a lot of the ideas and writing skills that comes with my growing years of experience. But this isn't something that only I can do or that only I am good at. Everyone can and should be able to do the same thing and be just as good. And I'm hoping the resources I link to will help get you heading in that direction.
Remember, what you write on forums not only represents you but all of staff. So when you sit down to type something, you're writing for, and representing, everyone, on staff.
I've done some searching to find resources that put a little light on the process that goes into structuring how to lay something out for an audience, whether it's gamers or professional working class people. The most important thing to remember is that we're all human beings who receive and react to written text the same way almost all of the time. These links contain pretty good information of what to think about when you're writing something as a member of staff to the public.
Remember, what you write on forums not only represents you but all of staff. So when you sit down to type something, you're writing for, and representing, everyone, on staff.
I've done some searching to find resources that put a little light on the process that goes into structuring how to lay something out for an audience, whether it's gamers or professional working class people. The most important thing to remember is that we're all human beings who receive and react to written text the same way almost all of the time. These links contain pretty good information of what to think about when you're writing something as a member of staff to the public.