Greetings everyone,
For awhile forums has lacked any clear rules governing user conduct. We also have not had any dedicated forum staff for awhile, either. Since I've inherited forums, I have been striving to make things more enjoyable, and to have some administration in place so that we have ways to address issues that come up. So in addition to enabling (and working to re-enable) some user features, I have also rewritten the forum rules and will now post them here so everyone can read them and understand what is expected on forums. This is not meant to signify some coming crackdown or enforcement of any kind. Not at all. I don't expect to have much in the way of the status quo really changing on here other than should problems come up, a system will exist to handle those problems.
As it stands, Board and I are your Forum Administrators, primarily in charge of the day-to-day on here. We can be reached either by messaging us here, in game, or if you wish to e-mail us, you may do so at and we will get back to you.
We are also in the process of looking at some individuals to appoint as forum moderators. We will have a small group of staffers for forums in the coming days to be available to help address various issues that come up. If you are interested in possibly becoming a forum moderator, contact Board or I. Feel free to sound off below with any questions or comments.
For awhile forums has lacked any clear rules governing user conduct. We also have not had any dedicated forum staff for awhile, either. Since I've inherited forums, I have been striving to make things more enjoyable, and to have some administration in place so that we have ways to address issues that come up. So in addition to enabling (and working to re-enable) some user features, I have also rewritten the forum rules and will now post them here so everyone can read them and understand what is expected on forums. This is not meant to signify some coming crackdown or enforcement of any kind. Not at all. I don't expect to have much in the way of the status quo really changing on here other than should problems come up, a system will exist to handle those problems.
As it stands, Board and I are your Forum Administrators, primarily in charge of the day-to-day on here. We can be reached either by messaging us here, in game, or if you wish to e-mail us, you may do so at and we will get back to you.
We are also in the process of looking at some individuals to appoint as forum moderators. We will have a small group of staffers for forums in the coming days to be available to help address various issues that come up. If you are interested in possibly becoming a forum moderator, contact Board or I. Feel free to sound off below with any questions or comments.